So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Sweet glasses Mirelly, I am going to download them immediatly when I get on the CPU thats not the prehistoric one as Mirelly called it. The unprehistoric one is also the one with high-speed internet too.
    Bonus points, which gives me a high score.

    I also found out my schedule for the Junior High next year. Here it is if you all care...

    Honors Math
    Honors English
    Honors Social Studies
    Normal Life Science (science doesn't click with me)
    Independent Studies (Advanced program)
    and P.E. (phys. ed)

    thats my schedule.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Honors all over the place. :bigthumbsup: :highfive: Congratulations, Jazz. I think it's going to mean a lot of hard work, though. Honors classes are tough.

    ps Did you ever get around to reading Ironsides? The robot to the rescue. ;)
  3. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Thanks for the congrats!
    What I do is copy/paste the stories I love reading into Micro. Word w/o the comments so I can read it easier, ive been doing that lately but when Im done I begin reading! :)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I know what you mean, Jazz. I've been re-reading my stories and copying the pictures over to the gallery, and I was amazed at all the conversation that accompanied most chapters. I'd forgotten.

    Of course, I enjoyed those conversations thoroughly because I'm so proud of that story and wanted to share every itty-bitty detail of its construction, but I can easily see how it would hinder a reader.

    Let me know, in the end, what you think of it. Thanks.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Another post--I took today (Thursday--just noticed that it's about midnight) off from work to stay home and wait for the Verizon repair person because I have no (land line) phone service. The scheduled time was anywhere from 8 AM to 4 PM. Guess what? No one ever showed up at all. I called them at 4 PM and ranted a bit. My husband wants me to write a letter to the Public Service Commission demanding a day's pay for my time wasted. When Verizon told me I'd be a priority for tomorrow I said that I'm going to work, and they can call me there when the service at my house is fixed. I'm not sitting around the house again.

    (I did get a huge amount of simming done, though, so all was not lost. :eek: )
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL and you want Verizon to pay you for simming! I'd have taken another day off work :p
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, Shoot! :rolleyes: The phone's not working and they were supposed to come fix it. If it were up to Verizon they'd have me sit in the house from 8 AM Monday morning to 4 PM Friday, waiting for someone to come around, if at all. ("Oh, sorry, couldn't make it this week, maybe next.") My time means nothing to them. And I think it was Einstein who proved that time is money. ;)

    I doubt they'd give me a dime, but that so-called public utility should at least get an indignant letter. Besides, has anyone tried to talk to Verizon lately. I argued with a robot. The robot kept telling me to answer questions by saying "yes" or "no" and I kept saying "I WANT TO TALK TO A PERSON!" Then I said "PERSON!" several more times, and finally got a human on the other end of the line.

    Maybe I should have yelled "IRONSIDES!" or "HECTOR!" :rotfl:
  8. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I'm on page six out of the 31. Really great story so far. love it.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :D :D :D I was hoping that you would.
  10. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    was there a story before this one? because some of the stuff flies right over my head. I also don't understand the whole going through mirors thing. How did you get Ironsides to fly through that window when he was "pushed"? that pic. is really cool.

    Im on page 13 now.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Ironsides is a sequel to my story I, Sim ( )which is also a tall tale, and I should probably have directed you to that one first. It's not as long a story as Ironsides. I was wrong in thinking that everything in Ironsides is self-explanatory. :eek: I just thought it was the most fun to read because of the adventures of the haunted robot, which does not appear in I, Sim. You need OFB to get the robots and it hadn't been released yet when I wrote the story.

    However, I, Sim does have flying skeletons, flying carpets, and also mermaids. :rolleyes:

    The mirrors are a time travel machine that Iven Harcourt built. Using the mirrors, Errol Waring and Iven Harcourt travel all over the place in the Sim universe.

    You're not the only who has wondered how I got the robot to fall out of the window. Looks like I should post a solution somewhere. I'll need to take a couple of pictures first, though. It's really very simple to do, just a little hard to explain.
  12. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Mind if I read I,Sim first?
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Not at all. :D I guess I should have showed you that one first.
  14. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Well I had a good weekend!

    Friday night I went up to Wild River State Park with my family and enjoyed a little R&R at a cabin we had rented. Nice log cabin, fireplace, lots of card games, very nice way to spend the night.

    On Saturday Brandon and I went to go see Brian Regan at the Fitzgerald Theatre downtown St. Paul. I had won the tickets through a local radio station so it was a nice free evening for us. I just have to say that he was a breath of fresh air! I was laughing so hard I was crying...along with most of the audience and the best part... not once did he use a swear word or was raunchy in any way, shape or form! I was very impressed, a very family friendly comedian. If he is coming to anyplace near you I would highly suggest going to see him. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

    Yesterday we just took it easy and relaxed. I slept in and went to bed early! Nice way to spend a Sunday.

    And today I made appointments to go try on wedding dresses! Please tell me I'm not doomed though, we're taking a day in April...Friday the 13th(!) to try on dresses! Hehehe, I'm not superstitious but I thought it was funny. I actually do have one appointment scheduled for this Saturday as well because they have a dress in that I'm in love with, and I want to make sure I can try it on just in case they sell it by the 13th. So the first dress try ons are this Saturday! WOOT! I'm excited!
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend, Shana. Good luck shopping for dresses!

    And LOL at Jazz. Yes, I'm sure Lynet minds you reading her stories. :rolleyes:
  16. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I havent done anything for the past day. And now. Because it's spring break. Which is awesome. And I don't plan on doing anything until Friday. Which is when we leave for Dallas. Which is awesome.
    Yeaaah it's too early for posting, i'm still half dreaming. I'm going back to bed. On a Tuesday. Which is aweso--ZZZzzzz...
  17. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    My Spring Break's over. I felt relieved yet sad that I went back to school yesterday and today. :eek:

    Gah it's hard to think of six recent movies with political themes or cultural themes or themes concerning racial, gender or other equalities when I don't watch movies very often. :eek: And the prof was trying to make this essay topic easy on us. :rolleyes:
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    What's NOT new: I still don't have phone service. I've been talking to Verizon every day for a week! Always a promise that they're sending a repairman. And the repairman never shows up.

    Yes, I try to be pleasant with the employees I speak to.

    Until last night. I didn't use bad words. :eek: But when she said someone had to be home today I got very upset. I have a cell phone and can be home inside of 10 minutes. He can't wait, she said. I started yelling that I sat at home ALL DAY Thursday and again ALL DAY Monday, and no one showed up. I am absolutely NOT under ANY circumstances going to sit at home on Wednesday waiting for another repairman who probably won't show up.

    They promised a repairman for March 15, 16, 19 and 20. No repairman ever showed up. I was home on the 15th and 19th. I carried my cell phone everywhere on the 16th and the 20th because they said they'd call me. No calls, no notes left on my front door, nothing.

    I'm in a bad mood. I think I'll cancel phone service. Besides, the only calls we get are from people dialing the wrong number. Everyone else emails us.
  19. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    hey Chee-z!

    how about the pursuit of happiness (cultural)or maybe The Devil Wears Prada (cultural)?
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Poor you. Been there myself (caused a 6 month discontinuity in my presence here :eek: ) so I know how this feels.

    First off, definitely do not pay them any more money. Next, iIssue a final demand for a refund for service paid for and not supplied with threats of legal action for recovery.

    Get a new telephone service provider (if you decide you need one) or is Verizon the choice you have? :eek: )
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