So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Thanks for the congrats, SBW and Mirelly.

    I think I'm spending too long deciding what to do about the wedding date. August 4th wouldn't have been my ideal choice of date as a) it's a date linked to my ex, and b) the number 4 is supposed to be an unlucky number according to a Chinese belief I read about.

    Then I've been looking at other dates and adding the digits, and if any have 13 as a total in any combination, it's a no-no. Then I looked at dates in April - 5th is an odd number against month 04/ year 08, 12th April is too near to 13th for my liking, 19th is my niece's birthday (so it's her day), and 26th is unavailable at the venue. So it's either March 08 or May 08. And so on etc etc blah blah I'm just freakin insane! Superstitious to a fault. :eek:

    The main issue above all else though is whether we can afford to wait even longer to ummm have children. Age is not on our side. :eek:

    The date of 4th August is causing a mental block, though it would have been achievable, timewise. Spring 08 is achievable timewise, allows us the date we want, but it will impact when sproglets appear. :confused:

    Sorry if none of that makes any logical sense. My head's messed up. Had an emotional day with work stuff.
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm not superstitious. My co-workers sometimes get upset because I will open an umbrella in my office so that the thing will dry. I tell them not to be so silly. Stuff happens. Just because one event follows another in time does not mean that one caused the other.

    Of course, telling anyone NOT to worry about something they have always worried about does not help anything. *sigh* Can't prove a negative.

    I just think that superstition, when carried to extremes, can lead to terrible things, like burning people for witchcraft. ("She looked at me funny. I got sick. She must be a witch.")

    Sorry to hear of all the trouble you're having Hugz. But as long as everone you love is there--family, friends, and the groom--your wedding will be wonderful, and you'll have a lot of good memories, regardless of the date.

    p.s. Congratulations on the job. It sounds mighty stressful, though.
  3. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Thanks Lynet. :) The job is emotionally taxing at times due to the nature of the work, but the staff support one another really well, and they are a great team. Yesterday I wasn't prepared mentally for what I was dealing with, but have a strategy now for coping. Still, it's really rewarding. :)

    As for the wedding, you're right - the most important thing is that my loved ones are all there on the day. I guess I just think too much about stuff and should take a more laid back approach. I'm a perfectionist to a fault - sorta like when I play Sims 2 - I prefer to plan everything in advance down to the last detail. I think I have too much time on my hands. ;)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, I sincerely doubt that, with that difficult job, and a wedding to plan. Some people just care a great deal about certain things.

    My husband is very, very orderly about everything in his life. (You should see how much effort he takes to arrange the newspapers for recycling. Neatest trash in the neighborhood. :D) His concern for neatness and orderliness extends to everything except me. My desk at home makes him crazy because it's so messy. But at least I make the bed every morning. :rolleyes: He appreciates that.

    p.s. We're both bean counters by trade. He's just better at it than I am.
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    my wedding was really on the cheap... so to speak. borrowed my wedding dress... bought a simple veil... bought the bridesmaid's dress for under $40 I think... friend made our cake... reception at the church, so no cost (we were members)... tipped the preacher of course... friends and family did the ushering. It was just before Christmas so decorated pews with holly from a friends tree and blue ribbons. My bouquet and butoneers (sp?) and corsages around $30. Invites word of mouth.... I'll have to scan a picture and post it some time. anyway... 26 years and counting.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's wonderful, Michelle!

    When I got married the first time it was on the cheap (made my own dress, for instance,) but great fun. Family and friends baked and brought all the food to the reception at my parent's house. Only the cake was ordered. Everyone had a grand time. There was even dancing.

    When I got married the second time (and not so long ago - August, 2003) it was at the courthouse with my daughter and her husband as witnesses. I was so happy to be marrying this man that I didn't care about anything else. We had a catered reception at our house a couple of months later for family and friends. That was a little bit of a strain because we'd only just moved in and had to unpack and get the house cleaned up. It was good for both families to get together like that, though.

    Still feels like a honeymoon to me. :D
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That's the best kind of marriage to have. People still tell hubby and me to get a room and we've been married 13 years, this August. ;)
  8. butterflyarashi

    butterflyarashi New Member

    I'm getting married in October...My dad is susposed to be helping pay for things, but his money keeps "disappearing".
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Perhaps you ought to have a plan B, then. Just in case.
  10. butterflyarashi

    butterflyarashi New Member

    yep I do......I've had it since my dad said he would pay, isn't that sad?
  11. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    *yawn* it's been a long past few weeks, testing, MAP and English feild testing. apparently, they picked our puny lil school to be the guinea pigs for the new tests. Arg. School's rough.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    August? Ours was August 7. :D And 13 years later they're still telling you to get a room? That's wonderful.

    Jazz, school can be rough sometimes, but summer break is almost here. Right?
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Ours is August 20. We plan to get a cat this year, so maybe it should be a black cat, in honor of 13 years ... :p

    I finally have the $$ to fix my computer but my brother, whose help I'd really like, is busy all weekend. My big fear is we're going to spend the money on something else before I get a chance to buy my new parts.

    And next weekend is Mother's Day, so he'll probably be busy with his wife and daughter ... and I'm sure Witch Baby and her daddy have plans for me as well.

    Which means two more weeks before I can sim.

  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It may be a couple of weeks for me, too, because my husband is anxious to get the weeds out of the garden and the mulch down. Then we're having his mother and family over for mother's day.

    *sigh* :cry: Why does RL have to interfere with my FUN. :p *stamps foot*
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm with you. I may just have the guys at the computer shop do the dirty work for me. Rumor has it they don't charge an arm and a leg.

    I'll talk to them tomorrow. :)

    Good luck with the gardening!
  16. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    May 24th
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Witch Baby gets out June 9 or thereabouts.

    I ordered my computer parts today!!!!!! Yeah!!!! I'm getting a new heatsink/fan combo, a new PS, and an external hard drive to back up my simmies and everything else (it's bigger than my internal drive, LOL.) I'm also going to go to Best Buy and buy this cool little fan.

    My brother's gonna help me install everything once it arrives.

    I can't wait to play sims again!!!

    Woo hoooo!

    Happy Mother's Day to me. :D
  18. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    is that today??!!??!?!?!

    im get my mom an iPod. Did I miss it???
    if not, when is it?
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It's next Sunday, May 13. I'm just anticipating, is all. :)

    Didn't mean to scare you.

    You're a nice son! Wish I had an iPod.
  20. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I'm wondering if I should spent money on flowers this year :)
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