So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh that is good news! :D
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's wonderful, SBW. Let us know how it goes. And have a very Happy Mother's Day. :D
  3. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I'm crossing ALL of my fingers and toes that it all works out, SBW! I want PICTURES!
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm working on it. Sheesh. ;)

    After all my efforts I now have a computer that can run the sims without fear of overheating; however, my *!9%*(! graphics are still blurry.

    But I think I found a solution. Leighcy on MTS2 had an identical problem and solved it. I've entered the coordinates, now I'm going to go play. If it works I have a new best friend. :)

    And yes, it is a happy mother's day if I can FINALLY play my game. I had a very nice brunch, prepared by my loving and tired husband, who is now in bed. The night shift ain't easy, folks.

    Oh, and just to be a tease, Declan Patrick is quite nice looking. One of my better efforts. Though credit should go to Vividmiss at MTS2, who gave me an idea of a new face shape to try. Declan sort of looks like her Phin.

    If I can get his clothes to stop blurring I'll start taking pictures again.

    Speaking of pictures, I had to dump a whole bunch of PDL thumbnails because they are corrupt. I think it's time to backup those photos and delete 'em from the game. It's going to be a long process, as I'm not sure which ones are corrupted. I have 26,000 if you count snapshots and thumbnails. :eek:
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    You are a tease, SBW, about Declan. But I wouldn't mind seeing him in blurry clothes. :rolleyes: You could put him in a bathing suit and do a head and shoulders portrait. I know, I know. Dressing the sims up is a lot of the fun in playing with them. Fuzzy clothes would annoy me endlessly.

    Now that the Mother's Day family get together is behind us, I can relax, and I plan to get back to my Sims as well. They've been sorely neglected. I left Ben and friends surrounded by wolves. :eek:
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It's fixed! It's fixed! It's fixed! I'm turning metaphorical cartwheels here. My sims look GORGEOUS ... all thanks to leighcy ... must thank her immediately.


    My computer still runs a bit hot during sims play, but the core never heats up past 44C. It hovers between 39 and 44 while I play. I'm going to get a second fan tomorrow just to cool it down a bit more. My graphics card is doing well, but I plan to get a little PCI slot fan to cool it down 10C or so. Listen to what a geek I'm becoming!

    I've uploaded two pix: One just for you, Lynet, of Declan before I bothered to vamp him, with blurry clothes, one of Tybalt in yet another new house without blurry clothing, just so you can see the difference! (Warning: the house with the hedge maze that comes with Veronaville plays sloooooowwwwwly. It drove me nuts so they moved to this one.)

    Attached Files:

  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Very, very nice-- both DeClan, and the improved graphics. :D I'm sure looking forward to seeing DeClan as a vampire.

    I had a real slow lot recently. Strangely, it wasn't a very big lot. It was Mungan's Well, where Ben and Thackary had a fight with the bandits. I was so glad when it was time for them to leave that lot. I don't know what the problem was and can only guess that it had something to do with its rather steep slope. Taking pictures was very difficult.
  8. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    SBW - yay! Congrats on your new spec computer. :) I can imagine you're thrilled to be able to play Sims 2 again and with better graphics too. :)

    Well, what's new with me is that I just got back from the dentist again and I need a root canal. ARGH! Two weeks ago I went for a routine scale and polish, and asked him to check a tooth that was sensitive to hot/cold. He put an ice stick on it (to check it was that tooth :rolleyes:) and I almost jumped through the roof. So he said it needed a filling, but the last 2 weeks I've been in agony (stupid $%^&* ice torture stick) and Saturday another dentist said it was infected. Today I went back and he showed me the xray and gave me 2 options: root canal or extraction. :(

    He also told me that he wanted to wait til later in the week to open it and put a temporary dressing in it, as he explained that infection neutralises the anaesthetic (making it useless), so it wouldn't be numb. Less infection = less pain during the procedure. Great. I have antibiotics and have to wait til Thursday to get the work started. Funness. :rolleyes: :(

    It's gone from like mild occasional twinges/ pain to throbbing infection very quickly. I wouldn't mind but I already brush twice daily, use mouthwashes etc, and rarely eat cakes/ sweets/ sugary foods. Dunno why it's gone so bad so fast. :confused:
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's awful, Hugz. Did your dentist suggest anything for the pain?

    I have a crown on one molar and every once in a while it aches or feels sore and I mix salt in lukewarm water and rinse with it. I mix enough salt in the water to make it rather horrible to taste, but not so much that it won't dissolve. It always helps. The mixture is soothing and helps wounds to heal.

    Infections in the teeth do get bad fast. The antibiotics should help calm things down.
  10. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    On Saturday he prescribed very strong painkillers (opiate type things) and they zonked me out completely - awesome pain relief though and felt super relaxed and dopey. Then I read the leaflet afterwards (tiny lil paper in the box) and it interacts with 2 meds I take. So no more nice floaty pain meds.

    I'll try the warm saltwater rinse, and the antibiotics should help too. I had to get an xray on another tooth today (other side of mouth, my whole mouth feels sore at the moment) as that's hurting too - dentist said 2 weeks ago that he will replace the filling in 6 to 12 months. Huh? If it's hurting now, replace now! lol, don't want it getting worse. I'm just amazed that from having no problems at all up until 2 weeks ago, suddenly now my mouth feels like pain city. Whine whine whine, whinge, groan, grumble, bleah! LOL :p
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :eek: Poor Hugz. Speaking from experience (personal as well as professional) the best pain-relief for dental pain is simple aspirin (900mg soluble every 6 hours) ... if that proves insufficient add 1,000mg paracetamol (acetaminophen) every 6 hours as well spacing the doses so that you're popping something every 3 hours :rolleyes: [the usual cautions of liver, kidney, stomach ulcers, anaemia, & blood clotting problems apply :rolleyes:]

    All severe dental pain is caused by the hydrostatic pressure resulting from inflamation -- which causes tissues to swell -- having nowhere to expand to. Opiates merely block central nervous system pain receptors, the anti-inflammatory drugs act peripherally to reduce the inflammatory response, aspirin and acetaminophen work on different mechanisms so alternating a full therapeutic dose of each is rarely completely ineffective in allieviating even quite severe dental pain.

    CAUTION: I do not advocate using such a regimen for longer than 72 hours and I would think twice before repeating the routine within 3 months. A tooth causing that much trouble should be in a bucket. Sometimes a bridge is not too far to go for the sake of sanity ... beside a dentist has to eat too and a bridge pays for quite a few good nights out at a Michelin starred restaurant. :p
  12. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    LOL Mirelly. :p He gets 21 a month in Denplan subscription fees from me, regardless of treatment needs. I've paid into Denplan so long (over 10 years easily), I've probably paid for any treatment several times over. :p

    I've never used Aspirin, don't know why, just never used it. I have to be careful though what I take (due to other meds).

    I refuse to get the tooth removed - it's a molar. Just dreading the procedure now that he explained why it's often difficult to get root canal teeth numb. For his sake, I hope he can make it numb, as I'm gonna have the urge to bite his fingers really hard. :rolleyes:
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So sorry to hear about your dental woes, Hugz. Nothing worse than a toothache. Very hard to ignore, aren't they?

    I hope you can find some relief. My personal favorite? Whiskey. :D
  14. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Sounds good, SBW. :p

    Thanks everyone for being supportive. :eek: I've just felt horrible over the weekend in particular and can't wait til it's fixed.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Another what's new -- I found the closeup setting on my camera. Never played with it before this spring. I'm going to try to upload a flower picture here. Seems to have worked. It's from an Azalea bush in the back yard. The color is so pretty. :)

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  16. Vega

    Vega New Member

    very cool your photo :D i love to take pictures too :)
    i will show you one of my favorite pictures of a very small flower, i don't know the name of it :eek:

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    • flor.JPG
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      408.6 KB
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Very good! Is it part of a shrub? Or a vine?

    So what do you think of this guy? He was on the patio behind the house on Saturday morning. I put him in the woods after I took his picture. :)

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  18. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    how way cool...! great pics all... Yankee lost to Mariners yesterday 2-1`
    It was supposed to be warm and sunny but it wasn't. Still got a sunburn. go figure
  19. Vega

    Vega New Member

    No it's just a wild flower :) how cute the turtle, really beutifull :D i love animals!
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Animals fascinate me. I'm always watching them when they show up in the back yard. I try to take pictures, but the turtle is the only guy who can't run away from the camera. :rolleyes:
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