So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    We only get city animals, but once a turkey wandered down our street. I think he was a tourist. :D
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Darn it. What's new is that a couple of years ago I got rid of a load of old camera equipment, planning to get a digital one. I've regretted it ever since. I've just kept on waiting for prices to come down a tad more. Y'know how it works. You see a shiny new gizmo and you think, I'll have one when the price halves ... then when the price comes down you see the new even shinier model and you say to yourself, I'll save me money and wait till the price drops on the shinier model. This is a waiting game that won't end.

    I just took a look at Lynet's pics again ... and then I went Google-shopping for a camera like hers (it was that close up of the azalea that did it :p )

    Found a used one for 45 of my British pounds. Now all I have to decide is whether I want to post a new bid on the ebay auction for a complete Olympus 35mm SLR kit of luvverly scratched-up goodness or get meself a digital one ... maybe I should get both :rolleyes:

    Decisions, decisions. Why is life so difficult? ;)
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    He's almost kind of creepy with his red eye! :scared:

    Awesome picture though!
  4. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Aw, what a cute turtle, Lynet! And he just came to visit your garden one day, did he? How cute! :slaphappy:

    And, Vega, your picture is really beautiful too! I love flowers (and turtles of course *lol*)!!

    Speaking of animals, two hedgehogs came to live in my garden for a while under a heap of leaves. They were so cute! I sat outside with my camera for ages 'til I got a picture. It wasn't a very good one though. :frown: But I'm never going to forget that cute little hedgehog couple!

    I've got the rest of the week off of school because my school is having a few inset days... Looking forward to that! Hopefully I can do lots of stuff and spend some more time on World Sims. :eek:ptimist:
  5. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I finished my first year of college! I was advised yesterday and it wasn't really helpful. :knockedout:

    I was essentially told that I'm so far ahead, I'm stuck. That's what I get for taking 5 classes a semester...AND AP credit for two courses...:rolleyes: Wouldn't someone be happy that that was the case? :eek: I sure am! :D

    But what's the strangest thing is that I'm technically going to be a sophmore next term, but if I finish all these courses in the fall, I'd be considered a junior in the spring. I'd be taking courses for my major and minor. Whoa I'm already there? :eek:

    I'm going to be in journalism with a focus on magazines and websites, and the minor will be information science (because I'm sooooo not taking a bunch of fluff courses to pad my GPA. C'mon, I'm not forking $600 in loan money to pay for a sex ed class, intro to sociology or CPR training :rolleyes:). A magazine writer who can be a librarian? Sounds good to me. :) I love mags, books and computers. :D

    By the way, all of those pictures are great! I should be taking pictures of the flora and fauna around my house. My dog is having a field day chasing chipmunks down their chipmunk holes. :rolleyes:
  6. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    I know what you mean. I had so many AP credits that when I started college, I was a sophomore. Unfortunately, I finished college in 3 years. I really would have liked a 4th year, though. I wasn't ready to leave the good times behind, ya know? ;)
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Not me. I hated college. Couldn't wait to get out. And then I discovered the "real world's" not always that much fun either ... :rolleyes:

    Of course, now it is. It just takes a while to get a situation you like, and I've been very lucky. But when you first start out, sheesh there's a lot to learn! :)
  8. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Are we talking about Uni. or real world here?
    I gotta catch myself up. Our summer vaca. starts the 23rd!
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, real world. I don't like it much in the sims, either. :rolleyes:

    But I make the most of it.
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I don't like the collages in sims much, either. They are such a drag.. I use them as a dumping ground for unwanted teens mostly. The only reason I got Uni was because of all the extra stuff you get with it! :biggrin:

    I've spend most of the day playing TS2 and taking pictures of the sims. I needed to have a picture with Grim in it for my story and you won't believe how long it took to kill him off! Starving sims in a room with no doors isn't the quickest way of killing off sims!! But I had to starv him so I didn't have a choice: I had to wait. But I got my pic in the end though. :classic:

    Sheesh, all this work for a lousy picture for my short story that I'm entering in the Story Competition! It's a wonder I bother at all. :rolleyes: :silly:
  11. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    What's new with me is that I had my dentist visit 3 hours ago for that awful tooth problem.

    It was the worst pain I have ever had in my entire life! :scared:

    I had 3 injections before he started drilling and then after 2 seconds of the drill he had to give me more (lost count after the 4th injection but he said he had given me the legal maximum on this visit :rolleyes:). The entire right side of my face was numb EXCEPT that tooth, and ultimately during the whole time in the chair, it never got numb - I felt it all.

    So I made him stop everytime after 2 seconds of the drill - so lots of short 'bursts' so it took like forever and then the pain was so bad I said no more. He only managed to get halfway down to the area he needed. It's now got a temp thing in to settle it down but OMG I don't wanna go back. My clothes were soaked from pain sweats. Had an asthma attack before I even went in. All in all it was hellish. :rolleyes:

    Oh yeah, for the next visit to continue the work he strongly advised sedation. Great idea! I'm totally loving that idea! Actually, let's go all the way and be knocked out completely! Except he doesn't do it there so I would have to wait 9 months on a waiting list to go elsewhere. I wonder if my Denplan insurance covers that? I'm gonna find out about that tomorrow. I'm back there on Wednesday for a review.

    I'm gonna wait til my face has unfrozen then take those floaty pain meds and head to bed. I feel exhausted. :cry:
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear God, Hugz. I sincerely hope it's not so bad to finish it. ::)cry:
  13. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Hi Lynet, my mouth has only JUST unfrozen - over 5 hours of numbness, and in the wrong place too! I've got a hard lump/swelling in my jaw where that tooth is, and I can't even rub my hand over it as it's tender. Dunno what I'm gonna do in the morning for work - no Olay or makeup over it, gah, what am I going to do lol. At least it doesn't feel worse than it was earlier, it's about the same. I do feel MUCH calmer now though.

    What amazes me is that 3 weeks ago everything was fine - a lil sensitivity occasonally with hot/cold stuff. The dentist I saw today was not my regular one, he was another at the practice and a young dude too. He was sorta surprised when he saw how 'un-numb' that tooth was even after the maximum dose of stuff he gave me. It's amazing how quickly teeth can go from one thing to another. I'm going to be mega upset if I have to get it removed.
  14. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Jeez that's awful :( My family has been going to the dentist more frequently recently due to a bunch of problems ranging from replacing old-school fillings to putting new porcelain ones in. All I had done were sealants, but I do have a fair share of fillings from past visits. :rolleyes: When I was younger I had a tooth that was coming in as a baby tooth was trying to come out, and both were stuck. :ermm: And then I had braces! :D :eek:
  15. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Aww hugz! that sonds so painful! I had an experience like that when I got the benefit of a rookie putting in my braces. My mouth was bleeding really bady when she was done. And when she finished she was like, "did I do good?"
    Look at the blood running down my chin and tell me lady.

    I also realized that muffin-tacos has 214 posts, and has been here for about 2 months. While I have been here half a year and have like 220. Man, I need to speed it up.
  16. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    It's official. I graduate in Fall of 08...(projected for the moment)
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    W'ere going to have to have a BIG party, then. :) Are you going for any more degrees after that?
  18. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    MBA maybe.
  19. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Woohoo! Coolies. :D

    So how long does an MBA take? Will it be at the same University? :)
  20. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Congrats for 08 Josh.:checkeredflag: Way to go. 08 should be a good year.

    regards moon
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