So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    No such
    I had a wildlife documentary company And I also wrote the music for most of the videos. I was getting good money at the time. I still have contacts with some of Australia's best recording artists. I dont want to name drop. lol.
    However a few still like me. So I get lots of free things lol. Tickets guitars Synthesizers. Most of my sound studio was given to me. I was very lucky. I even got a free trip around the world. lol:)
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ah, poor Steve Irwin. Did ya know the guy. I loved him to bits ... at least as far as his on-screen personna; there's never any way to know the person behind the TV personolity, is there?
  3. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    the guy went and played with sting rays for this daughter. Now, theyre not supposed to just out of the water and stick it's tail through thy chest, but something bad, is proooobably going to happen. I loved the guy too, so funny but when this happened. Crikey!
  4. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    By the way,what I have been told. Steve was the same in real life as his doco's.

    Yes it was sad about Steve Erwin. I never got to meet him.:( I don’t cry much. However when I heard the news I did.
    Sting rays are not dangerous if you don’t box them in. Unfortunately Steve swam above the Ray in shallow water. The ray fought back. It’s true that rays for some strange reason can hit your heart with their barb.
    Aboriginals use the barbs as spear heads for hunting. One of my many close calls was nearly being bitten by a Typan snake. I was filming it waist high in water, and the snake turned on me. Trying to go backwards in a hurry in water is no fun. I kept hitting it with my camera as I was in full reverse. I just got to dry land in time before it turned away. I also got lost in the Queensland rain forest for 8 terrifying hours. I was lucky to find a beach
    .Many crocodiles,wild Boar,snakes, and wild Water Buffalo.

    And every thing looks the same in the Forest. The forest is so tall that you can’t see the sun. So I could not get a bearing, And many palants Like stingin plants that give you pain for 30 hours. And Plant we call Stay a while. They are full of little hooks that are razor sharp, as well as lots of leeches. And silly me had no compass.
    Any way that’s enough of me. Time for someone else to take up some space on this topic. Lol

    Regards moon
  5. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Sorry Jazz I can't see the humor. He was not filming for his daughter. He was making a Doc called Australia's most deadly creatures. I know that people make jokes about it, and thats OK. But for me personally its not a joke.

    regards moon
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    im not saying the crocodile hunter dying is funny. I said he was so funny. Not his dying was so funny. Nothing can be funny in this world now adays.
  7. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Sorry I misunderstood your comment jazz.:rolleyes:
  8. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    im terribly sorry Odinmoon, i didnt mean to offend you either.
  9. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Thats cool Jazz:D
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    <group hug> ... or do you two want a room? :rolleyes:
  11. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    *LOL* Mirelly! :rotfl: :bigthumbsup:
  12. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Only with room service.:D
  13. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Are you paying? ;)
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Hey, if I can interrupt this love fest, I just wanted to say, I'm simming again! All is well. I've got so many fans in my computer I could probably use it to keep ice cream.

    So, yeah! Off to play!

    (You guys can go back to your room now.) :p
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I played with my sims most of the day! Well, except for meals and talking to the cable guy who's hooked up a phone (good ol' land line) for us today. (Verizon's got competition.)

    After playing with my sims I worked on my short story. I'm having more trouble writing this than I ever had writing anything else. The delete button is getting worn out. :eek: Strange. The beginning was easy. I know exactly what the ending is. It's that part in the middle that I can't get right.

    Yippee! SBW is back in business. Witch baby is also probably thrilled to get back to her neighborhoods. :D

    Jazz and Odin, I'm sure glad everything's cool now. The last time I checked in here I noticed the midsunderstanding. I come back and everyone is hugging everyone else. That's what I love about this site.
  16. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Exactly! I have it all mapped out, but I need to take up some space in the middle.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    If you're stuck, let the characters lead you. You need to be true to them to write a good story, and if you listen they'll tell you what they'd do next.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I finally got through the middle of the story. Once I got into it I found I had more to say than I realized.

    It's going to be very difficult for me not to break the rule of public discussion, especially as I think of the contest as an educational experience. Sure was for me.

    If we can just hold off talking about our stories in detail for another couple of weeks. :eek: *Lynet hunts for duct tape for mouth and typing finger*
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's official now. :) I'm going to work for my husband's company. Not directly for him, but for one of the other partners. I won't be starting there until the day after labor day. Too much to do where I am now -- their fiscal year ends 6/30 here, and it's their busiest time of year, too.

    I still have to give notice here. :( They don't know I'm leaving yet. I've been here 10 years. It'll be difficult.

    In my new job I'll be out of the office a lot, at the clients' places of business. So dropping in at Worldsims--like I am now--in the middle of the day isn't going to happen. Visiting with my Worldsims friends will be evenings and weekends only. *sigh* Well, OK, also Fridays for part of the year, since I'll get a lot of 3-day weekends. But in tax season, I will be working 6 days a week. You win some, you lose some. ;)

    I do expect the work to be so much more interesting, though, that the hours of the day won't drag as they have been recently.
  20. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Oooh congrats Lynet! I'm really happy for you! And don't worry about having less access to WorldSims - it will make your visits all the more enjoyable when you DO get time to visit. ;) :D

    I know what you mean though about leaving after working where you are for 10 years. It's surprising how attached you get to the routine you've known for such a long time, ups and downs included, but when you think you've accepted the upcoming change of job, on the last week or two, it will hit you and then the last 3 days will be really hard but you will get through it. It won't be so bad if you can keep in touch with some of your co-workers, unless you want a clean break. Still, looking ahead, you must be really keen to have taken the new job and I'm sure that you'll settle into the new job quickly. It sounds like you'll have a varied day going out and about - it definitely will make the day go faster. :)

    How do you and hubby plan on dealing with 'work' talk after the working day ends? :p Having been in that situation some years ago, I found that we were always talking about work stuff even up until our heads hit the pillow at night lol. It happened on holidays, weekends, all the time until we made a conscious effort to not discuss work after we got out of the car when we arrived home after work. You're not working directly with hubby so I guess ya might not have that situation. :p
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