House brag thread

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, May 2, 2006.

  1. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    LOL. Nice.... hate it when that happens. :p

    I always tend to overbuild my houses. Sorta makes me angry, but I'm a fan of big houses, no matter how many sims are living in them. You know the Victorian house I posted earlier? It has only 3 occupants--so I have 3 empty bedrooms, too. Haha :p
  2. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Now I'm on my laptop. :D

    Pic 1: House outside overview

    Pic 2: First floor overview

    Pic 3: Second floor overview

    And this was before I made the upstairs bedrooms into...well...upstairs bedrooms. :p

    Attached Files:

  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL, oh cheezy one. I also noticed some telltale Pescado necessities in the back yard there :p
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Indeed, I can't seem to play without them. :D And I didn't build the house on a foundation either, so there all those boxes are strewn in a neat corner. I should probably take pictures of the house with the bubble blower in the back yard, and two teenagers with wants for instruments and the DJ booth. :rolleyes:
  5. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    LOL Mirelly!
    I'm really bad at making houses... They're all practically squares :eek:
    I printed off the pics of your house Mirelly, hope that's ok. I just sent my people off to buy a bigger house for the next kid, but I forgot to give them a few extra simoleons, so I have to make a house for them.
    That's a really cool house JohnEZ!

    Edited to say: D'oh... Next page, Alison! Sorry everyone... Nice house Cheezy :)
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    This lovely house keeps crashing my game. :(

    Me so sad. I wonder if I took away the third floor ...

    Anyway, enjoy.

    Attached Files:

  7. mEtAlHeAd

    mEtAlHeAd O RLY??

    Thats a shame :(
    Probaly because its got maybe...too much objects?? i dont know but when i make houses like mantions it always lags/freezes/crashes.

    Also i LOVE that house :D

    Great work ;)
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It sure is a beautiful house. Real sad that it's got problems. It doesn't look like it's got that many objects in it, though. Maybe there's a conflict with a download. (Gracious, those downloads -- can't live with 'em, and can't live without 'em. Where have I heard this before?)
  9. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Naw, there are far fewer objects in that house than there are in mine! It's probably because it's so big...nonetheless, it is a very nice house. Mine are always cluttered to the extreme.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Thanks, everyone. I'm really proud of that house, too. The decor is cool, hard to see from above, I know. I'm going to start a new thread that talks about my crashy problem. I think I'll recreate it if my sims have to move. It's way too cool of a house not to use.

    No third floor next time, though.

    I haven't downloaded anything new in almost two weeks. This lot has had other bugs, fixed with the lot debugger. I'm hoping it's just the lot.

    I played another lot just before it and it was fine. Crossed fingers.
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Youall should be very proud of me. I uploaded my first house!

    I got the idea for this house when I was browsing some European architecture and home decorating magazines. They reminded me of the row houses I saw when I was in London a few years ago. However, Simhouses wont go that close together because the wall closest to the edge has to be at least 2 squares from the edge, as opposed to right on the edge.

    I also have a fondness for the Maxis-made Townhouse, although I always wish it had a bigger backyard, similar to those row houses. They always seemed to have a cozy private area with trees and even fountains and ponds.

    So, I built this house.

    You can find it here:

    Here are some pictures of the house itself:

    Here are some pictures of the furniture (which didnt get included in the Sim2Pack for some reason) which I made. They are the first object recolors Ive ever done!:
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Wow. It's fantastic. I love the solarium and the pink bedroom furniture. Actually, all the furniture recolors are very nice.

    A 5 x 1 lot? All that? :D
  13. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Thanks. It's on the list of "small lots". I wanted to do a small one similar to the Maxis townhouse that I like so well, but with a bigger backyard (and a big longer house.) Most townhouses seem to be very long and narrow, hence the lot shape.

    I had a lot of fun doing it too. The Degas Ballerina (pink) bedroom is one of my favorites too. However, the one that took the most work was the Master bedroom. I didn't want to just have the wood to be "ivory". I wanted it to be ivory colored with some of the green done in a way that would be like the "antique" staining methods I've seen in some of the home decorating books. So, I had to hand paint in each and every dot of green on the ones that I did the "stain" effect on. (Well, it was actually a combination of airbrush, "smear" blender, single pixel pen and "eraser" although I ended up using the pixel pen a lot.)

    The solarium was loads of fun to make. I had to use the "constrainfloorelevation" cheat to do it without having to use someone's new meshed object. But there are several tutorials that explain how to do it. I used one of the TSR tutorials: "Creating Roof Skylight Windows" to learn how to do it (on a house for one of my regular families) and had so much fun with it, that I wanted to use it in this house.

    I had a lot of fun making the recolors and I'm sooo bummed out that they didn't upload so people can have them. (Grumble, grumble, grumble.) But now I feel comfortable enough with the process that I'll do it when I'm missing something, same as I make clothes recolors when I have a Sim who just can't find the right outfit.
  14. HockeyGirl86

    HockeyGirl86 New Member

    Hello all. Just wanted to pop in and say wow, i love all of your houses. They are so interesting and well done. Really fantastic beautiful architecture. :D

  15. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I just gotta brag a bit here! I'm so excited about this house that I ended up staying up until 3:30am (which anyone who knows me knows is a rarity since I get woozy if I don't get to bed at a reasonable time) getting it just right!

    It's a "big house" on a small (4x2 is what I clicked, the Exchange says 5x1) lot. I really had fun making it (and now I'm jazzed about my next one!)

    If you want to download it (as it's full of all sorts of my recolored Maxis stuff:(

    Attached Files:

  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Wow, what a fantastic place. Wish I could live there. I love that kitchen.

    I love that kitchen so much I downloaded the lot. :) Thanks
  17. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Thankyou! :embarrassed::cool:

    I just wish that the curtains and bedding had packaged. I deliberately used my husband's computer (without Pets) so that it would package the recolors, but the curtains and bedding *still* wouldn't package. That just bummed me out. I hope that it will be fixed with Seasons, as that's a major bummer!

    But I'm really glad you liked it!:)
  18. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    I'm guilty of making the doll-house type and using flat lots. I have no idea how to make houses otherwise!! Especially the roofs, they give me so much trouble.:eek:

    Everyone's houses look GREAT!! You all are so creative!
  19. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Have you looked at regular house plans? They can be very inspiring.

    Roofs can be tricky. They've gotten easier to get just what you'd like with each EP, but there's still some things that just don't work like I'd like to see. (I don't like that I'll have a shed roof doing just what I want, but I go one space further and the durn thing decides it wants to be a different direction! That irks me!)

    There are also some great tutorials on how to make interesting houses. TSR and MTS2 have the best ones I've found (although anyone with others they've found, let me know. I have a notebook where I keep copies to refer to while I'm building.)

    There are also stories on the Exchange that are meant as tutorials. SimMasterRalph is a housebuilder who has done some great ones that I've found useful. And you can do a search for "tutorials" on the Exchange and find more that way.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Here's a seaside house I made recently, for your viewing enjoyment.

    Attached Files:

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