How Do You Run Your Neighborhood?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by surprised_by_witches, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    How Do You Run Your Neighborhood?

    So, I've discovered that unless I have some self-imposed "rules" in place my hoods get out of control. I feel an obligation to play every household: I like all of my sims! But sometimes it gets to be a drag.

    So, I'm starting a new neighborhood. Not sure if I'll write about it or not. I'm not discarding my old ones, but this is the one I play when I just want to, you know, play.

    So here's my rule: One family, and in each generation only one kid can reproduce. They can only have more than one kid if their LTW or wants demand it (in other words, if they're a family sim). I'm trying for everyone's LTWs, no matter how wacky. Oh, and I can't make any new sims, after my initial one. The only way I can get new sims is by having or adopting a baby. So everyone has to marry townies or "binned" sims.

    One university, the downtown that comes with the game (because you get the downtownies anyway and I don't want to make that many community lots), no shopping district. And that Cyd Roseland guy, who looks like he's going to be my first sim's hubby.

    I'm trying for as many generations as I can get without killing my game. PDL is acting VERY strange lately and I'm only on gen 6 ... too many sims.

    We'll see how long this lasts. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, that got me thinking. How do you run YOUR neighborhoods?
  2. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    Im currently sticking to the three that are set on the game. I want to set a new one though, a new neightborhood with my own built from scratch homes. When im in the moodto it LOL! I keep forgetting as you can build new neighborhoods, anything else you can do LOL? just found out you can combine families into/with another family which i only just found out:)
  3. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    In the past I've played my own sims in the premade neighborhoods. Just recently I made my own neighborhood, complete with custom Downtown, University, and shopping district. I'm eager to see how it works out. I've just graduated my town founders. I've not really made any rules for myself though. I have several CAS sims in the bin at university waiting to go through the motions to help populate my towns.
  4. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    I have one neighbourhood called Dane that has a strict building code. lol I don't know why I did it. Perhaps it was a moment of madness...or a craving for the bland, but all sim houses must be white washed and have red roofs (all the same kind of roof...they use to be flat roofs but I got sick of that). This includes the custom University and the community lots.

    I also don't allow anything too spectacular outside. Inside they(I) can go crazy, but outside it's all the same (including windows and doors and driveways).

    It's actually fun because it takes my mind off building wacky houses and keeps me concentrated on the sims in the game.

  5. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    My "rule" is that I play one group of Sims at a time, as I feel like it.

    For example, I have my primary neighborhood Sims who I'm just playing generation after generation.

    Then I have my Goth Sims who also get played generation after generation, usually using the "extra" Sims from my primary neighborhood to beef up their gene pool (and to offload the Sims who can't find a mate within the regular population.) The Gothic Sims are the ones who help decrease the number of Townie Sims. And I use a "no townie regeneration" mod to prevent them from replacing that Sim. I also sometimes use them for "filling up the graveyard" when I want to have more ghosts available on the cemetery lot. I generally don't "breed" my Goth Sims as much and I tend not to have the adults age into elders. (I'm pretending that they are "immortals." They are like "daytime tolerant vampires" as I'm not fond of the vampires which actually come with the game.)

    Then I have my "business" Sims. I don't play them as much but mostly play them so that I can have my businesses run by Sims with the fewest number of Townie Sims possible. I also do this so that my primary Sims can buy things such as foods for the headmaster visits without taking the time to make the stuff or buy the stuff while I'm playing them. The business folks are also the ones I try new things like pets on, to get the hang of playing the new options (so that I'm less likely to mess up my "primary" families with side issues.)

    I keep track of all of them in a notebook so that I can basically pick up where I left off when I feel like going back to play that group.
  6. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    My rules for my neighborhood are similiar to yours, SbW.

    I started with one CAS Sim (and no more!), and she married a townie. All Sims in the neighborhood marry townies, premade Sims or, in my case, the offspring of other CAS Sims. All Sims marry other Sims with two lightening bolts or above.

    All Sims have one child unless there is an LTW for more or multiple births. Now I'm going to make it so Sims will only have offspring when they roll a want for it.

    There is only Sim State University and Downtown. No Bluewater. There is a notownieregen mod. I made it so that there are no townie children running around. :eek: I also killed off all the townies I didn't like...whoops...:rolleyes:

    At least one of the offspring lives with the parents. That way I don't have a bunch of old people running around the neighborhood. :eek:

    I play so that LTWs are achieved; I'm playing a challenge loosly based off of the Legacy Challenge, so I'm hoping I can get to generation 10. I'm about halfway there! :D
  7. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    Seems thats a good advantage of having more expansion i right? as you can do more in the neighborhood cant you?
  8. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    SBW, interesting idea for your neighbourhood. :)

    I have never played the pre-made families, I've always created my own sims. I prefer to play my own customised nhood rather than the pre-made ones too. My first nhood was called Bliss Beach and I played that through University and Nightlife. I created 12 single sims and placed them in 12 small starter homes, married them off to make 6 couples, and then created another 12 and repeated after the first group were in larger homes. Each family had one set of kids (1, 2, 3 or 4) that I determined in advance. Come to think of it, I determined a LOT of things in advance hehehe, all kept in my notebook - recorded genetics, zodiac sign and compatibility, aspiration, career path etc. and then planned in advance who the kids in the nhood would be matched up with. After the 3rd generation I sorta gave up on that nhood.

    When OFB was released, I created a new neighbourhood just for that EP - Crystal Springs. There I created families just for the businesses and planned their names to match the business they were going to have. So far have only started working on the second generation from the 10 starter families I have there.

    I tend to not bother with the LTW, but prefer to focus on the relationships and family creation. I love to see how the kids look from the kids in the first families. Dang there have been some weird results LOL. I should upload them sometime. :p
  9. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I'm just working toward the LTWs as an extra challenge for myself, and because it's fun ... my sim's husband's LTW is master criminal, and she's a cop ... that could be interesting.

    I'm also going to create generations of dogs within the family. They've got Porthos, who came with Cyd, and a female terrier named Milady. They're going to have puppies, eventually, and build their own little dynasty, though most of the pups will be sold or given away. Just one, and a new dog, each gen to build the doggie empire.

    Also, I'm going to start a business dynasty starting with Willow and Cyd, as soon as they can afford it.

    And the kid who has the next gen will always keep the family name, so there should be generations of Roselands. Unless I make a mistake, LOL.

    They're expecting their first baby. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I'm having fun just playing for now, though it's fun to share the details with y'all.
  10. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I just play whatever I feel like. Sometimes I play with my simself family to increase the zombie slave force I've been creating--so far I got a really mean OFB townie and Benjamin Long. I think they've got the hots for each other, but my dictator of a simself doesn't let them do anything but clean the house, listen to the customers complaints, and stagger around the lot all day.

    Other than that, I started playing with Ajay Loner a few months ago, and now I sometimes play with the growing family--right now their son is starting a family, and their daughter is attempting to survive in college as a vampire.
  11. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    I like to run my neighborhoods by weird self set rules...

    I send sim children to be raised by strangers....
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yeah! Chaos reigns at the Roseland household! Henry's a toddler, another baby's on the way, and the dogs had three puppies. Can you say puddles everywhere? Hee hee. Too fun.

    Here are pictures.

    Attached Files:

  13. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    usually i will start a new family every month or two. I know thats probably murdering my game but its so much fun. Mainly i try to start a family and have alot of generations, but ya know i get sidetracked, like i have a brilliant idea to start some *moronic* business or have some cool sim. Like take now, i am trying to start a town of aliens and creatures as such. But i usaually limit 3 pets (max) in a family and two kids.

    Im really not organized at all on it, but thats sorta my goal, to get my game together. Maybe i should spend a whole day organizing those darn sims. Eh i dunno.

    *(if moronic makes it into the dictionary i want credit.) I think ill make this my sig. hmm.)
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Sorry, but moronic is already a word. ;)

    Before the Crash of June 0'6, I had a sim who owned a flamingo store. If that's not the best example ever of a moronic business, I don't know what is.
  15. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    You just crack me up, 123!:rotfl:
  16. the_bass

    the_bass New Member

    In Veronaville I make all my families get pregnant as soon as they've given birth. Its a fun challenge taking care of everyone. The worst situation I had was two kids, two toddlers (twins!), a baby and pregnant woman.
  17. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    same here. I have many familes in veronville..its loaded LOL!!!!

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