How Do I water

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by krazzy kezzy, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover


    my adult male was in a double bed on his own asleep and next minute loads of water was spraying out of him like it does when you need to get you shower/bath repaired. whats going on is this something normal or just something random that shouldnt happen please help its scary.
  2. Ali_Chi

    Ali_Chi New Member

    Sounds like some really weird glitch... or you should have let him go toilet one of those first 50 times he asked... :shocked::knockedout:
  3. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    OMG yukky LOL! mysims have never done this. Do you have a faulty bath right by his bedroom LOL?
  4. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    LOL! Oh my sides. :p

    Never heard of that before, though it might be a glitch like when my sim had bubbles coming from his umm rear after using the swimming pool. These bubbles kept happening as he walked right through the house too lol. Not sure how I got them to stop, can't remember. :rolleyes:
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    ROTFL way too funny! the bed custom content? Or is the bed located above a shower or a sink? Have you clicked on all the sinks and showers in the house to see if they need to be repaired? My guess is that it's just a misplaced reaction, but it is strange!
  6. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    thats whats happened wherever he goes he leaves a spray of water behind him never mind he will just have to be abnormal.
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Oh your poor sim! LOL, I've had the bubble thing happen many seems like it just eventually disapears. Maybe have him take a shower or something like that, it might help it go away.
  8. joeySimzee

    joeySimzee Hysterical Kangaroo

    Ahaha that's funny :p
    Well I don't know if patching helps (I don't think so) but you'll just have to wait for it to go away, I guess :)

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