Which of your sims is your favorite?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Which of your sims is your favorite?

    How do you know which sim is your absolute favorite? (You may substitute she/her for he/him.) You do at least two of the following:

    1) You grin every time he shows up at community lots when you are playing another sim.
    2) You talk to him out loud while playing his household.
    3) You cry when he cries.
    4) You make him drink the green juice. Often.
    5) You make sure all of his wants are met.
    6) You are very choosy about who he marries.

    Anyone have more to add to this list?

    My favorites have included Duke Sidewalker (from the old Dear Emmy thread,) and Cory O'Neill (from Andromeda Rose). But the number one all-time favorite sim for me has got to Errol Waring (I,Sim and Ironsides.)

    I bet everyone has a particular favorite. I've already posted tons of pictures of mine, but I'd like to see other favorite sims. :) I KNOW you've got pictures.
  2. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Hmmm...you know what? I don't think I have a favourite. lol I favour a few occasionally but then get bored and move on to someone else.

    Next time I play I'll be thinking about this with every character. :p


    EDIT: Do pets count? I do smile every time my Canis Panthers walk through someone's lot and I'm pretty obsessed with breeding them. I suppose they're my favourites.
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Porter Kane. He's just too sexy for his own good. Or mine.:eek:

    Ariel. I just have a soft spot for her, which is why she's not an elder even though her little sister is.

    And in my new neighborhood? Henry. He's a complete jerk but so fun to play. He's due to graduate from college soon and open his boutique. My goal is to have him give every NPC a makeover. Starting with his good friend Goopy. :p
  4. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Franz Hoffman (Welcome to Knox Patch) and Bender Cormier (So A Robot Married a Woman). I wonder what'll happen if you put those two together into the same household. ;)
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I hadn't thought about pets, but if you are smiling every time you see them then that's all it takes. :D The animals are extremely cute. I haven't gotten to know any particular one yet, but I can see why you'd get attached. As much as I prefer cats in RL, I think the Sim dogs might be more fun to play with.

    Yes, SBW, I would have guessed Porter Kane for you. I know you put a lot of heart into the Porter-Xena relationship. In PDL, my favorite would be Spike. But Henry sounds like he's overtaking those two.

    And Chee-Z's Franz always put a smile on my face, too. Every time he stared into the camera with that weary, put-upon expression. I can understand about Bender since I liked playing with Ironsides for a long time. Wish I'd made Ironsides a vampire.
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Do you know, I forgot London and Spike? But absolutely, whenever I see them I smile. How could I have forgotten about them? :eek:

    That's what I get for having too many characters.

    I really like Lily, and want to see what August looks as a teen, and continue with PDL in general at some point, but right now Veronica is so much more peaceful.

    One family, two households, that's it. Sam's going to move in with Henry after college and Lucy and Griff will move back with the folks and have generation 3, who, unless it's twins, will be just one kid.

    I've got that Kat chick but unless she marries a sim from a future gen she's SOL. Not gonna play her. :p May kick her out of her house if I get another Henry. (Lucy would never do such a thing.)
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    August! I'd forgotten about him, too.

    I'm liking the simplicity and quiet of the Andromeda neighborhood. There are a fair number of strange characters roaming the streets but I treat them as townies. Some of them look like ghosts because they have transparent skin and scary face paint, and I blink and do the sim's "What's this?" every time they walk through the scene, until I remember who they are. :rolleyes:

    Two families each have one child now. I'm thinking I should visit Valen and his bride and have them have a child, too. But I'm looking forward to how the current crop of toddlers and kids (including the Ironsides neighborhood) look when they get older.

    Sims having babies that grow up and have babies is, without question, what makes this game so fascinating. :D What could Sims3 possibly add to that?
  8. skatoolaki

    skatoolaki New Member

    (Newbie here - hi, everyone!)

    My fave Sim would have to be Millia Erude. She is cute, and the first Sim I ever graduated from college (she was made for that purpose). She met a man in college (Mark Wong) and they married after graduation (though I changed his last name to Wills in SimPE b/c "Wong" didn't fit).

    At first they only had two children, but then I made them have a few more hoping they'd inherit their mother's cute genes rather than their father's huge, fugly ones! Normally I wouldn't have married a faved Sim to an unattractive mate, but they were so in love...it just happened with little help from me.

    I finally turned Millie into an Elder - since she has a few grandchildren, and it seemed odd she and Mark never aged when everyone else in my custom 'hood was doing so. I still can't ever see me letting her die, though!

    Here she is as an Adult, Millia "Millie" Wills:

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hi, Skatoolaki, and welcome. Millie is cute. I'm glad you posted and showed us a picture.

    The rest of us haven't posted pictures here because we've posted pictures of our favorite sims in so many other threads.

    But I'll add one of Errol. I need to go find one I haven't posted anywhere else. :eek: Found one. He's repairing his robot, Ironsides, here. Ironsides went nuts and broke down. Errol is not a romantic leading man but he's my favorite sim. :D
  10. skatoolaki

    skatoolaki New Member

    Hi, Lynet! Errol is cute, and I love "Ironsides" (great name!). I think I saw you'd posted stories about them, so I'll definitely have to check that out!
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, Skatoolaki, I'm going to point the way for everyone, just because these stories are getting buried on the back pages and I think they are all fun to read. :D

    Errol is a main character in my story I,Sim, http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=7460, and also in Ironsides (the story featuring the robot,) http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=8414

    You should check out Surprised By Witches' stories, too. They're quite romantic, especially the vampires. Porta de Luca in 3 parts is one of them. Part 3 is here: http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=7949 (the story resumes with post 19) Then there's Once Upon A Time in Veronaville: http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=9662

    And Chee-Z's been having a lot of fun with a robot named Bender in So a Robot Married a Woman. :D http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=9589

    There are more stories around here, too. They get buried so easily because we all have the bad habit of posting in the busiest forum. :eek: There are stories by HelloKit http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=8964, Person123 http://forums.worldsims.org/showthread.php?t=7139, Mirelly, Kristalrose. I'm sure I've forgotten more than I've listed. And I apologize to them and they should add their link here.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Hey, Josh, how about making us all a big sticky, for newbies? We put a lot of effort into those stories, and new people might want to read them ...
  13. skatoolaki

    skatoolaki New Member

    Thanks so much for the links! Now I have something to pass this slow day - I LOVE reading Sim stories! :)
  14. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I have a couple of favorites. The first is Anthony Flyte. I originally created him to be the best friend/sidekick of my legacy Sim. However, as is so often the case in real life, he soon came out of wings and took center stage in his own right. He is a quiet Knowledge Sim whose deepest desire is to be a Master Criminal!

    My next favorite Sim is from a different neighborhood than Anthony. She is Kayleigh Ravenswood, the grand-daughter of the two founding families of her neighborhood. She was such a funny toddler, always getting into stuff, that I just fell in love with her. She is very outgoing, and loves to play chess and clean!

    My newest favorite Sim was actually just created because I wanted Kayleigh to have a really cool boyfriend when she became a teen. So I created Christopher Blackthornes parents, James and Rowan, and hoped that theyd have a son. They obliged, and so Christopher (Kit to his friends) was born. He is a kind a artistic child, who is already painting masterpieces. He and Kayleigh are best friends. Hopefully, there will be plenty of sparks once they hit their teen years!!!

    Attached Files:

  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That would be so cool. They're really cute. I love Kit's hair.

    I also like that picture of Anthony in the car. It looks like a scene from a story.
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nice pictures, Sacharissa. Kayleigh is so cute!
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So...is my music video too big (11 mb) to be able to see? Does the link work?

    (Apparently not! Just found that the EA site is down and my link is not working. It did last night. I'll check it later this evening. Grrr...)

    When my son gets here (arriving 11pm Friday night) he'll help me clean it up and fix the sloppy parts. His advice is always very good. I get too emotionally involved with my projects (NOTHING touches the cutting room floor :eek: .)
  18. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Thanks! And you've found me out! The picture of Anthony is part of a story, which I may get around to posting someday!

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