The Dagmar Diaries

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    ROTFL, Yhowshua, are you talking to me? I'm not going to climb inside that game to take care of anyone's baby!
  2. Yhowshua

    Yhowshua New Member

    Oh u say ur arnt put u are.

    I need to get sims 2 for pc(maybe)friday.
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    LOL lynet....LOL
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Im back, Diary,

    So its been a week or two. So what? Its not like the worlds going to end if I dont keep up with you, is it? Writing in a diary is a stupid idea, anyway. Theres no life to write about if youre not out there living it. And if youre out there living a life worth writing about, then you dont have the time to write about it. Im underlining that because I think its so deep. People dont realize how deep I am. They just see the mail carrier walking by and dont think about her at all, not about who she is or what shes thinking about. Like maybe Ive got secrets! Big ones!!!!!
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hi, Diary,

    Coral came in and asked me to help with getting the groceries from the car, so I did, and I helped with dinner and washed the dishes.

    I need to explain here about something, just in case anything happens. I should keep notes. Im NOT afraid of anything, except losing my job. But things happen, and the ONeills are a little upset. So this is how it went: I DID talk to Andromeda ONeill, but not for several days because theyre both at work during the day and their son has gone off to college. Hes a nice kid, by the way. I hope college doesnt spoil him and make him a snooty fathead like it does some of those guys.

    Anyway, on Friday, at last, I saw her out in the yard and I said hi and waved and she said hi and waved back, so I said I heard something from another mail carrier about her and it was curious and I thought maybe she should know about it, and she said sure, whats it about. So I told her that my friend, Pao Mellon, delivers mail over on the Temple Road and that he took mail out to a couple of robot scientists--I mean, the scientists themselves are actually robots--and one of the robots said he was looking for her.

    Thats very strange, she said. I dont know any robots. Do you know what his name is?


    Then, oh boy, did she blow up. I mean, she really freaked out. I thought for a minute that she was going to slug me, she started out so angry. She thought Pao and I were playing some sort of joke on her and she was going to complain to our boss, and all the way up to the top office. I started thinking I was going to lose my job over this, and here I was just trying to help her out.

    Somehow I convinced her that it was the truth, and Im sure sorry I brought it up. She made an effort to calm down and asked very quietly for the robots address. I told her it was an isolated house at the end of the Temple Road. Then she said she was going to find out who this jerk was, and she ran to her car and drove off. She didnt even go back in the house.
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Its Sunday morning, Diary,

    I smell pancakes cooking. Coral makes wonderful pancakes, with blueberries.

    Ms. ONeill driving off in her car wasnt the last of it. Next, it was her husband. He came out of the house just as she disappeared down the road and he asked me what was going on, since hed noticed me talking to his wife and now shed driven off in a big hurry, even to running over the lawn a little. I dont think he liked that. He takes really good care of his lawn. Its the nicest one along this road, and I should know since I see every single one of them every day. But he does have a problem with clover. Everyone along here does.

    Anyway, I told him the same story. He didnt yell at me, but his eyes got real small, and he asked me for the address like she did, and then ran to his truck and took off after her.

    Im really wondering about this robot called Arkin and whatever did he do to those two to get them so riled up on hearing his name. Cant have hurt them much, since they have this big fancy house and can afford to send their kid to college. Must be personal, then, like a love triangle. But with a robot? Ugh! But people do weird things sometimes.

    Coral is knocking on my door. Pancakes are ready!
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    Its Tuesday night and my little mystery is really starting to scare me. Just got off the phone with Pao. He said he talked to the police!

    About what?

    That robot, Arkin. Remember that I asked about the woman he was looking for? The police were at his house today.

    Uh oh!!! My knees are still shaking. Were in trouble. I sure hope you didnt tell anybody that we gave that robot anyones address.

    The detective didnt ask about that. Not yet. He saw me outside at the box and just wanted to know the last time Id seen the robots. Not for a couple of days, I told him, and their mail is piling up in the box. Its all the stuff Ive delivered Saturday, Monday and today, Tuesday.

    Diary, its the same with the ONeills mailbox!!! It had mail from Saturday, Monday and today, too. I just thought theyd gone away for a long weekend and forgot to let me know. But the newspapers are also piling up. Thats not like the ONeills. They would have arranged to stop newspaper delivery for sure, being so paranoid about burglars like everyone else is.

    Oh, no!!! WOW!!! Somethings wrong with the ONeills! Maybe theyre murdered!!!! And the robot buried them in his yard and is in hiding somewhere. Maybe I should go tell their son. Then again, maybe that wouldnt be a very good idea. I could be wrong.

    I didnt say anything to Pao over the phone. I asked him to meet me at Rodneys. He said, Tomorrow, Dagmar, because I have to go see my mother in the hospital now. She had her appendix out. Shes OK, though. It was routine, no complications.

    Your mothers a nice lady, Pao. Can I visit her, too?

    He said yes, so Im meeting him at the hospital. And after we see his Mom Im going to ask him all about the police detective.

    Should I talk to the detective myself, Diary? If I do, will I lose my job? I cant lose my job!!!!!!!!!! Calm down, Dagmar. You dont know anything. Could be that the ONeills and the robot are all SPYS and that the police have been looking for them all for years and years!!!!
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    The plot thickens ... cue the Twilight Zone music ... :D

    Now every time Dagmar walks by one of my houses I pay attention, like maybe I can think of something interesting to add ... :)
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That would be fun. :D

    And I don't know where Cory, Andy and Arkin disappeared to, either. :rolleyes: Any sightings...let me know!

    Meanwhile, Dagmar, Sheldon and Pao deliver the mail..."Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow nor heat of day nor dark of night shall keep this carrier from the swift completion of his/her appointed rounds."
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    It's strange how hospitals can look so clean but smell so bad. When I was a kid I broke my arm. Oh, brother, did that hurt. Besides that, I remember how it all smelled.

    Pao's mother isn't at the downtown medical center where Daddy took me when I broke my arm. She's in a small, private hospital in the Old City in the Valley. It looks really ugly on the outside because everything in the Old City looks really ugly on the outside. Pao told me it has to do with historical preservation of the ancient buildings. Businesses can renovate but can't tear anything down or change the exterior walls. Makes me glad I live in Pleasantview where the buildings are modern and full of sunshine.

    I asked him how his mom got to stay in the Valley hospital which I could tell immediately is an expensive place. There are more nurses than patients. (But it still smells as bad as the medical center.) He just shrugged and said his mom has a friend who's a doctor who works here. I think he must be a real good friend.

    But Diary, here's the shocker. Cory O'Neill is also a patient in that hospital. So he's not murdered and buried in the robot's back yard. Pao's mom says he must be the patient who was brought in on the same night she was waiting to be admitted, last Friday. She says he was in a bad car accident. His truck ran off the road. She says she knows this because she pretended to be asleep and heard the nurses talking about him. The police are asking him questions but he tells them he knows nothing. He doesn't remember anything, not even his own name. He's got amnesia. The police know who he is, though, because he had his wallet and driver's license with him.

    I asked her if there was anyone else involved in that accident. If so, she says, they didn't come to this hospital and the nurses didn't say anything about anyone else.

    I wonder if he really doesn't remember or is just pretending. Well, for sure, it's not someone who stole his wallet and is pretending to be him, because I took a peek in his room and saw his son there with him and I recognized Mr. O'Neill. Then the nurses chased me away and we left and I bought Pao a coffee.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I actually spent most of yesterday building a little hospital in the old city (in one of the community lots) in the Valley neighborhood, but haven't got the pictures from it yet. I'm at work and bored :( so I wrote another page of Dagmar's diary. :eek: I plan to take pictures tonight. Just have to get two postal employees, plus Pao's mother, Cory and Lee into that hospital all at the same time. :confused:

    Or not. ;)
  12. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Tsk tsk, Lynet, you just wanted to talk about the O'Neills some more. This isn't about Dagmar at all! :p

    Gosh, my computer's all screwed up. When I checked this forum it only showed the posts that had been new on the 11th, so I thought everyone was just slacking off and not posting. Same with my email and my blog and such. Ugh. Thankfully it's fixed today. I suppose it was just a problem with our internet.
  13. Xela

    Xela New Member

    I'm really quite enjoying this. :)
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Just some pictures...I'm gonna be late for work if I don't hurry. :eek:

    1) The entrance closest to the hospital. This is a big lot with several buildings so there is no picture of the hospital itself because it's spread out in two buildings, connected by a couple of hallways.

    2) Pao buys a magazine for his mother.

    3) Pao talks to the surgeon about his Mom.

    4) They talk in one of the hallways.

    5) Pao's Mom in her hospital room.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    And some more...

    1) Dagmar peeks into Cory O'Neill's room. Lee is sitting in there.

    2) Dagmar buys Pao a coffee in the hospital coffeeshop.

    3) Dagmar in her own room back in Pleasantview, writing in her diary.

    And just a note for my friend, 123, Dagmar went on a date--not so hot, but she'll write about it tonight.:rolleyes:
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Im going to try to get the rest of this written down, Diary, before another run to the bathroom. That hospital coffee made me sick. Or worrying about things made me sick. I dont know. Coral fussed, but I insisted it was no big deal, and contrary to what she might be thinking, there is absolutely NO chance of a bun in the oven. If theres been no woohoo, I told her, then there cant be any baby, and take my word for it, Coral, there hasnt been any woohoo for a long time. Her face got red because I spoke so bluntly. She went back to watching TV.

    Pao must have a cement stomach because he had two cups of that coffee. I bought both of those cups that he drank, because it took me that long to get him to talk about the missing robot. Hes fretting about what to do for his elderly mom, since she lives by herself and refuses to move into any kind of group home. Its her garden, says Pao. She doesnt want to leave it. My advice, and I told this to him, is to let her stay where shes happy.

    Anyway, he finally got around to talking about the robot. He showed me pictures that hed taken at the robots house.

    How did you do that? I asked him. Who let you into the house?

    The police, sort of. They were busy looking around the place themselves. I walked in and snapped pictures. The detective almost took my camera away, then changed his mind. He said to let him know if the pictures show anything interesting. But he also said that Id better not give them to a newspaper or upload them to the internet or hell make big trouble for me.

    They were truly stupid pictures. They showed nothing. One was all blurry blue and white--the inside of Paos mailbag. Another one was a picture of his shoes. He looked embarrassed and said the clicker button is real touchy.

    Pao! You took a picture of the back of the TV?

    I just wanted to see how it was wired, so I can do mine like that.

    And this, I said, is a picture of a bathtub.

    Its full of water. Its a clue.

    (My stomach is going to turn inside ou____________)
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    (Now, I think theres nothing left in my stomach to lose. I wonder if I have the flu.)

    Getting back to my chat with Pao and the picture of a bathtub full of water, I said, Youre kidding me. Someone took a bath and forgot to pull the plug. So what?

    Think about it, Dagmar. Robots dont take baths. Not in water. In oil, maybe, but not water.

    He had a point. A bathtub full of water in a house where only robots lived is a little peculiar.

    The last picture was of a man who looked like he was very annoyed at having his picture taken.

    I said, Whos this?

    Thats the detective. Does he remind you of anyone?

    No. Should he?

    The ACTOR, Dagmar. Sheesh! Dont you go the movies? He looks exactly like Hugo Grant.


    Exactly like him. I told him so. He got mad and said that people are always telling him that, and he absolutely does NOT look like Hugo Grant. Thats what he says. But he does. See this? Its an autographed picture I got from Hugo Grant himself. Careful! Dont get fingerprints on it.

    I guess he has the same nose, and neither one of them can be bothered with shaving every day. Whats the policemans name?

    Hes a detective, said Pao. Pao is always impressed with titles. Hes Detective Duke Sidewalker.
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    I just got back from a real date. And hes cute, and hes nice. If I rate him on my personal Spark scale (where 0 is eh and 3 is Im going to melt into the floor if he smiles at me, Adam rates as a 2. Which is pretty good.

    I wore my red dress and black boots. We went to Speedys and did a little bowling and a little dancing and had fried chicken for supper. Im going to call him tomorrow night. I should call Goopy, too. Then theres this fellow, Amar. I just met him the other day, in the store. We joked around and talked while waiting in line for the cashier (who was really slow) and then exchanged phone numbers. I wonder if hed like to go out. Or Sheldon.

    With all the hoopla about the ONeills and the robot, I almost forgot about my plans One, Two and Three.

    Well, as for plan One, I used some of my savings to get that date with Adam. Stupid, do you think? I dont. It fits in with my plan Number Two. But calling up the matchmaker (Lainey) cost me 1,022 whopping simoleons. I dont think Ill do that again.

    It was a good date, and I think there will be more dates with him.

    And someday, Ill meet a 3 sparks man. I wonder who he is, and where he is and what he looks like, and if hes dreaming of me at this very, exact moment.
  20. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Awesome story! Looks like the Duke's back! :eek:

    I had an amusing mailman story occur in Tropico today.

    Pao apparently has a problem with dogs. He was chased by Blake Lawson's dog. He was chased by Eva Curtin's dog. Now he was chased by Gabe Nova's newly adopted dog Alegra, who's a giant mess!

    The pictures ought to explain a lot. It happened in a Sim hour and the owners weren't at home. :eek:

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