The Dagmar Diaries

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    For sure. And I've been wondering about all those coat outfits (including fur coats) that I've downloaded. Will they work against the winter weather? Or do Seasons clothes have special meshes to go with rain and snow?

    In other words, will Emmeline freeze to death in the fur coat she got for Christmas last year? :irked:
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I had the same thought. Unfortunately, I think the answer is yes. Logically, weather-appropriate clothing is going to require new meshes and programming, and downloaded stuff will have to use that to be recognized by the game.

    But, you could probably copy the recolor to an official warm weather coat in Body Shop.
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    I havent been able to get it out of my head all day. It was the worst nightmare ever. Im almost afraid to sleep tonight. Maybe I should stop writing and go take a long walk around town so that Ill be too tired to dream of anything.

    But I can never forget it--that dream of a room papered in pink, the crib with pink sheets, and the baby in my arms, warm on my shoulder, against my cheekbutsomething is wrong. I look into her faceand she has nonejust a tangle of wires

    I will never forget that face.

    Arkin did this. He gave me nightmares. And that pestering detective, following me around and expecting me to answer all of his questions without answering any of mine. He confuses me.

    I need to talk to Orion about this. Maybe Pao and Sheldon can help me find him.
  4. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    oh my goodness... what a baby! Lynet, what a tangled web you weave.
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's a nightmare baby, for sure. I have a number of robot skins and some of them have skintones for all ages, including babies, so this is one of them. It seemed logical that Dagmar's fantasy of love with a robot might yield a nightmare or two. :eek: This isn't her baby, of course. She's just dreaming.

    I have another robot couple (different skin) with a baby almost as scary. Picture attached.

    They don't look quite so bad as adults, although they are not attractive in any way. But the infants are the worst. I think the infant skins are more difficult to create.

    The robot Orion would probably father a normal looking baby with Dagmar, if things ever get that far with them. Don't know about that. :rolleyes:
  6. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    CREEP-A-LICIOUS! This story just keeps getting more intriguing! Can't wait to find out what happens!! (And I sure hope that Cory and Andy get back together. Silly girl...running off like that!!)
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I want to know about those clear people. Are those on purpose or are you experiencing glitches? And how did you get Dagmar to hold a baby that wasn't hers?

    Tangled, indeed ... every time I see Dagmar in my game now I think of you. :D
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No glitches. It's amazing what you can download from MTS2, including transparent skintones, which can be quite creepy when you use face paint. It's how I made a ghost face for Errol's granddad. :D He really was a transparent sim. All you could see was the plumbBob unless he was wearing facepaint.

    As for holding the baby, it's just a hack that allows me to control sims who are not members of the household. I wasn't sure it would work for picking up the baby, but it did. The baby's dad, however, had to take it back in order to return it to the crib. She couldn't do that.

    p.s. I said transparent. I meant invisible skintones. Both kinds are available at MTS2 (at least they were a few months ago) and I have both. Slightly different in how they look in game.
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Monday, Diary, and a meeting with Sheldon and Pao.

    It took a lot of talking on the phone last night, but they both finally agreed to meet me right after work at that little park downtown where you can buy coffee and fix your own hotdogs. I told them that the police were pestering me about the robots. Pao said they were pestering him, too. Sheldon shook his head at us and admitted that the detective had also asked him a lot of questions.

    When was that? I asked him.

    A week ago. Maybe a week and a half.

    Wow, said Pao.

    Wow what, Pao? You keep saying that, I said. Did you tell the police about Orion asking me to deliver a message to ONeill? You did, didnt you? I can see it in your face. That detective came looking for me, you know, and called me a liar!

    He said we were trespassing on the robots property. How did he know about that unless you told him we were there! And then you go and move away without telling anyone. He came around asking where you were. What do you know that you arent telling us, Dagmar?

    Nothing. I was sick of Pleasantview, and the landlord was making passes at me. Thats all there is to it. And I didnt tell that detective anything about the robots house! They must be watching the place. Maybe theyve bugged it.

    Bugs? Wow!

    Sheldon interrupted us. Cut it out, you two. When the police ask us questions about a woman who is missing and might have been murdered, we should answer them. None of us killed her, right? So what are you arguing about? Why did you want to see us today, Dagmar?

    Because we have to find her ourselves.
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Whats this? Sheldon stared at me. I knew hed be harder to convince. Paos a nervous type but I happen to know that he reads a lot of spy stories and police stories. I could see he was interested already.

    We started it, I said to Sheldon. That is, Pao and I started it, by passing along the message that Arkin was looking for her. So its our fault that shes missing.

    Sheldon rolled his eyes. He said, Thats ridiculous. If the robot was looking for her, hed have found her no matter what you two did, and you certainly didnt tell the ONeills to go racing over there, did you?

    Doesnt matter. Were part of how it happened. But also, we see things the police dont, just by walking the streets every day, delivering mail.

    Dont kid yourself, Dagmar. A lot goes on in those houses that you know absolutely nothing about. We see names and addresses on letters and junk mail. Thats all, so leave it to the police.

    But I did see something interesting, said Pao.

    Sheldon and I stared at him. Pao whispered loudly, At Landgraabs house in Bluewater Village. Yup, Dagmar, hes on my route now, since he complained about you.

    I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from talking about my problems with Landgraab. Pao had an irritating way of putting things.

    Sheldon asked him if hed told the police about what hed seen.

    You dont even know what I saw, yet. No, I didnt call the police. I dont like the way that detective patronized me, like Im an idiot or something.

    Tell him anyway, Pao, said Sheldon.

    I said, But tell us first. Right now.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So, Diary, he did, and it didn’t sound like the big deal he thought it was. He came down the street to put Landgraab’s mail in the box and the man himself was outside heaping boxes next to the mailbox. He told Pao to collect the boxes for next day delivery. And he’d better not hear that they were delivered even a minute later than 10 AM.

    Pao was worried about getting in trouble, as I had, so he brought his post car around, loaded the boxes into it, and drove them to the address on the labels. Just to make sure, he said, so that he wouldn’t get into trouble and have complaints filed against him.

    Sheldon looked very angry, “Wait just a minute! Are you telling us that you didn’t take those to the station? You bypassed the service? Are you crazy? You could get fired, or worse, go to jail for theft!”

    Pao got stuffy and indignant. “I didn’t steal anything. I delivered them where he wanted them delivered, and better than on time.”

    “I can’t stand this!” That was Sheldon, getting even more angry. “Promise me, Pao--and you, too, Dagmar--that you’ll follow the rules. Promise me here and now! People depend on us to do the right thing, and I don’t want to see either of you arrested.”

    “Yes, yes, yes, of course, Sheldon,” I said. “But I want to know where the boxes went. Where did you deliver them, Pao?”

    “Orcus Industries.”

    “That’s MY route,” said Sheldon. “I deliver everything on time.”

    “Hey, I didn’t know it was on your route. That guy, Landgraab, is lousy at wrapping up boxes to mail. One of them fell apart. It was a bunch of handwritten notebooks in a foreign language. With numbers and formulas.”

    “Wow,” I said.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Sheldon looked at us, completely disgusted. Mail goes back and forth between Orcus and its stockholders all the time. Landgraabs a stockholder. Ive seen his name plenty of times on Orcus mail.

    In a foreign language? I said.

    Sheldon said, Use your heads. If those boxes held anything important hed have delivered them himself, or had a flunky deliver them, or would have called a courier. He certainly would not have put anything sinister out on the street for the regular mail pickup.

    Sheldon doesnt realize, Diary, that Landgraab thinks the whole rest of the world is on this planet solely to cater to whatever he wants. In Landgraabs mind, the post office IS his personal courier service.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I said, “Let’s the three of us go to Landgraab’s club tonight, the one called Dante.”

    Sheldon said he wasn’t interested. Pao was interested, though, and then Sheldon said he couldn’t stand the thought of us going there without a sensible person along to keep us from doing anything stupid.

    I insisted we were only going to see what the place looked like.

    “OK, you idiots,” said Sheldon. “I’ll tell you what it looks like--a dump, and it’s cheap to get in, but some of the customers are big names around town, like the police commissioner. So dress for it, like you’re on a date. And, Pao, do not under any circumstances wear your post office cap.”

    “But I like that…”


    I smiled. Pao smiled. Sheldon frowned. Then he frowned and sighed at the same time, and said, “Since the two of you are so keen on helping the police, (and I know that must be the only reason you’re doing this,) I have information, too.”
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yikes, Diary. Sheldon turns out to be as interested in solving the mystery of the disappearing Andromeda ONeill as I am, although he pretends not to be. Hes been asking around. It seems that a carrier named Shane Brown (Ive never met him) got to talking to a lady in Bluewater Village who said that a friend of hers who is a professor over at Sim State U saw a woman who looked a lot like the missing lady whose picture has been in the papers. This professor gets his exercise by wandering around Bluewater Village studying the architecture, and this time he just happened to notice these two people arguing on the sidewalk in front of a very fine example of Classic Revival. The next day, Sunday, the womans picture was in all the papers, reported as missing by the ONeills son, Lee.

    Landgraab gives money for research at Sim State. The professor wont make trouble for such a generous benefactor, especially as he didnt see the woman clearly, and might have been mistaken about the whole thing.

    Pao, Sheldon and I all stared at each other. I got chills down my spine. Andromeda ONeill was seen the day after she ran off to confront Arkin. She was seen talking to Landgraab.

    Landgraab is involved! And I am one step closer to finding Orion.
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    From Detective Sidewalker's Notebook

    Monday: Moriz has nothing yet to report about Landgraab. The rich man is doing rich man things--running his various business interests, hanging out at his club at night, entertaining an occasional female friend at his house. I told Moriz that Landgraab will eventually make a mistake. Watch closely. Dont get lazy.

    Lawson has found nothing about the mail carrier, Dagmar Bertino. As far as the government archives are concerned, she does not exist. No birth records, no school records, no tax returns, no employment history other than with the postal service. I told Lawson that it wasnt possible. She is as real as you are, I told him. How did she get that house in Sayreville? Cash, he tells me. So where did the cash come from? Did she rob a bank? He doesnt know where it came from. I told him to stop sitting in front of the computer and to go TALK to people!

    Monday night: Moriz calls me--Bertino and a couple of friends were at Club Dante talking to Landgraab. Bertino left without her friends, in the company of an android--metal skin, female shape and not one of the missing robots. Hes sticking with Landgraab whos still at the club. Bertinos friends left. Two guys. He doesnt know who they are but when I described Pao Mellon to him he said yes, Mellon was one of the guys. I told Moriz to stay with Landgraab.

    Lawson reports talking to Bertinos former landlords, the Oldies. They say she inherited some money from an Aunt Wilhelmina and bought a house somewhere. They dont know where. All they know is that Bertino was excited and smiling as she packed up and left. They dont know where she is or anything about her family or relatives, except that she once mentioned that her parents were buried at the downtown cemetery. I told Lawson to wake up the cemetery caretaker and check the records.

    In the meantime, Im going to go talk to those two friends of hers. Bertino puzzles me. I am beginning to believe that if I find out who she really is, I will find the robots and Andromeda ONeill. My only other lead is Landgraab. Moriz is a good cop, so hell let me know if Landgraab makes a move.
  16. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Never trust a guy who's last name is Landgraab, that's what I always say.

    So, Dagmar might have secrets too. Very interesting ... I had to LOL at Pao and his stupid cap. Those mail carriers. Even if you ask them on a date they're still in uniform ...

    I want to know where Andy is, and Cory. Can't wait to read more!
  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    From Sidewalker's notebook:

    Tuesday. Found Mellon and Hanby at Reds Diner. They havent spoken to Dagmar since she left Dantes with the bartending robot that worked for Landgraab.

    Question: Are they worried about her? Sure, but what can they do about it? Shed had a few drinks too many and got loud and angry about the robots, one in particular. They took her outside to cool off because Landgraab threatened to throw them out of the club. It was late and time to leave, anyway.

    Question: Which robot in particular? Orion (Thanatos.)

    Question: Why was she angry with the robot? They dont know.

    Question: Why were they at the club? Bertinos idea. She feels responsible for the disappearance of Andromeda ONeill and wants to find her.

    And these two went along with that idea. I told them that if they had ANY information to give it to me and to stay out of trouble. Hanby told me to go talk to a mail carrier named Shane Brown. He might have some information.

    Question: Why did Bertino go with the bartending robot? Landgraab told the robot to take Bertino home because shed had too much to drink. Landgraab invited Hanby and Mellon back inside but they declined and went home in their own cars. Mighty nice of Landgraab, I suggested. Hanby agreed. Turns out to be a nice guy, he said. Misjudged all around.

    I doubt it.

    I contacted Bertinos boss. Bertino called in sick today. Yes, he spoke to Bertino, herself. How did she sound? She sounded sick. I phoned her house. No answer. So where did Mr. Nice Guy take her? Do I have two missing women now? And Landgraab's in the middle of it. I told Lawson to drive out to Bertino's house and find her. I told Moriz to bring Landgraab to the police station. Under arrest, if necessary.

    I'm going to pay a call on Orcus Industries.
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dear Diary,

    Orion doesn't know that I have you, and I'm not going to tell him. He told me to come straight here and not to stop anywhere, not even at my house to get a change of clothes, but I absolutely had to go there and get my diaries. And I had to call the office to tell them I was sick and would not be coming in, even though Orion told me not to do that. I won't tell him that I called them. I don't want him to be angry with me, but I don't want to lose my job, either.

    I am waiting for him now, Diary, in this strange place. It has no walls except around the kitchen and the bathroom. I climbed up to the highest level, under the open sky, and found a bed up here, and a dresser full of men's clothes (I only looked a little bit.) I think he lives here.

    I hear a car. I think it's Orion.
  19. Need a DJ?

    Loving it!
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    What!!! Is she NUTS?!!! :shocked:

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