i just bought Pets and....

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Ruzz, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Ruzz

    Ruzz New Member

    i just bought Pets and....

    i don't really want to admit this in the first place... i saved up 40 bucks on Sims 2 Pets and.........i got bored of the content in two days.

    i did everything, i made a cat like my real life cat, got him a job, reached the top of the career, taught him every trick, adopted another cat, mated and gave birth to a pair of kitties and the whole lycanthrope thing...that's it? 40 bucks on something that i got bored after two days?

    am i missing something?? are the other expansions like that too? (pets is my first expan i got) is there a way to update your game or spice it up?

  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Well, I'll tell ya...I'm tending to agree. The animals are very cute, but...

    If you are looking for the most challenging EP, try Open For Business. Managing a store is difficult. You have to worry about employee attitudes, training, hiring and firing them, bad newspaper reviews, complaining customers, restocking the shelves, all sorts of things. There are many different types of business to get into, as well. Everything from baked goods to real estate. Since you have pets, you could probably start a pet store. :D

    Nightlife is the dating scene EP and gives you cars and more complicated interactions with other sims. Many people have enjoyed the vampires, too. BTW, I believe it was Nightlife that gave us the opportunity to see the whole neighborhood, including neighbors' houses, from within the lot.

    There are other challenges intrinsic to the game. Architecture is one of them. Creating for the game, as in clothes for the sims, or wallpaper, floors, and so forth for building, is also a big attraction for creative people.

    Oh, and you might have heard of the Legacy Challenge, or the Asylum Challenge. There are others. Try the Search function to find threads about these.
  3. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I kinda gave up on the pet content as well. I mean, there are some families in my game that have pets, but I'm definitely sure that not ALL families are going to be good pet owners. I was disappointed when I couldn't have baby kitties because the potential parents fought and hated each other! Now I have puppies everywhere, gah!
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    And I've never had a cat that didn't know what to do with the litterbox until this Pets EP. One sim cat used the toilet :shocked:, and the other used the floor. The bird keeled over and died and began stinking. So I got rid of the Harcourt pets. The castle has ghosts now, but no pets.
  5. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I was thoroughly excited when Pets came out, as most were. Put pets with almost all my families. Now, well, they're not quite my favorite lots anymore. I've moved away from having pets everywhere. I still enjoy it though, but the "novelty" has worn off.
  6. Ruzz

    Ruzz New Member

    ah well, I don't think I'm going to give up right here yet, will probably be getting nightlife or university next. thanks for advice : ))

    Chee-Z: I know what you mean, I had a hard time getting good relationships with them too. what I did was put all the pet furniture into a room, kitty litter, food bowl, sleeping huts in a room. when they entered it I removed door and waited for them to interact then praised them for playfulness or scold for being hostile : ))
  7. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    yeah i was kinda dissapointed too with pets
    but i usually buy the expantions for like the stuff to improve my families or new career paths but pets didnt give me that kind of variety.
  8. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Hmmm...I love Pets. It's my favourite expansion and I can't play a family without adding pets. Although I add more dogs than cats. I love breeding them and training them and setting goals for them. :) I'm not bored yet.
    This could, however, have something to do with the fact that in real life I'm an obsessed dog person. LMAO :p

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Has anyone had a problem with the jobs for pets?

    I tried twice to get jobs for pets and both times I had trouble with the game crashing--totally--as in "do you want to send notice to Microsoft?"

    I decided not to risk a third attempt so I can't post details, other than that after a pet got a job, if I clicked on the job requirements (commands to be learned or whatever that little box is,) BOOM! CRASH! You're dead, game over, shut down, turn off computer, go watch TV, drink some wine and calm down, Lynet.
  10. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Today I was playing, and these same cats that I talked about earlier fought again. Big Boy was defeated by Tigerlily, and he ran away from home. He was an old cat and probably was sick of getting plummeled. :(

    Tigerlily was an old cat too, and passed away days after. Big Boy finally had the sense to come home to die. Now I have my first pets in the neighborhood's graveyard. *sigh* No kittens yet...:eek:
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I love this EP but I can see why someone would become bored. The game is not like an adventure type of game or a goal oriented game, but a sandbox where you can play out stories. So the point is not to just try out what the EPs have to offer, but to just give your families a chance to explore other aspects while you're enjoying playing them.

    So, most EPs would be similar in terms of the number of things to try out.

    EPs usually add other things that people use as well.

    For example, for people who like to build houses with the game, Pets adds the ability to make diagonal rooms and octagonal rooms more easily as well as put roofs on the diagonal buildings. It also adds the cheat so that you can change the pitch on different parts of your roofs. You can also rotate floor tiles and make quarter tiles. It also has some cool edger fences. And there are new objects.

    Everyone gets something different out of the game. However, for people who are expecting goal oriented play like console games, it's probably a rather expensive and may not be worth getting.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No doubt about it, the architecture end of the game is a great deal of fun. I visit several fansites just to look at the beautiful buildings and houses that people have created. Even though I don't download them, I really enjoy looking at them. Sometimes I find links to fabulous new walls and floors, plants and groundcovers. They often provide tutorials, too. It's absolutely amazing what can be done with what at first may seem like very ordinary tools that come with the game.
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Pets IS the most boring and least stuff-adding EP, though. Nightlife added the most fun (and my lovely vampires), and OFB is good because of the reasons Lynet mentioned, plus, robots! University is boring. You have to work to make it fun. Lynet and I have had conversations about that, like, why are we worried about their grades? They're SIMS. Getting kicked out could be interesting ... Uni does add some cool things, like new careers, but you have to graduate to get them ... I've started having some sims that don't go to college, and only some that do.

    The thing I like about Pets is it adds interest to my empty nester households and prevents me from having them adopt a kid or something. :p But the same could be said about businesses. Most of my homes where the kiddies have flown now have some kind of business to keep them busy, as well as a pet or two.

    I find the birds frustrating, and just how much food does one little womrat need, anyway? My real life rodents don't eat nearly as much.

    I am getting pretty good at raising sim dogs and cats, though, and Witch Baby, who is 9, loves the pets EP. I guess I always knew I got it mostly for her, which is maybe why I didn't expect a lot from it. I've got to say, though, I don't like the pair of dogs you get when you load Pets. They're in every freaking neighborhood, and Danny won't eat pet food, so he practically starves to death. Not fun. :( I've considered giving him up for adoption and just keeping Sarah.

    We made Albus Dumbledore and gave him three very odd colored cats and one purple dog, named Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, and Tweak. Tweak keeps peeing on the floor. She's not the world's brightest dog. But the cats are well behaved.

    I'm really looking forward to Seasons. That one's gonna rock. I love all the new family interactions they've added, and I am really looking forward to the six new career paths. Not to mention weather.

    EA is smart, keeping us on the hook for more and more stuff ... even if Pets was a bit lame everyone asked for it, and the pets are kind of cute. And one of my sims got sprayed by a skunk ... that was funny.
  14. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I SO agree.

    So true. And I burst out laughing when I read about your skunk. The skunks come around all the time in my neighborhoods, but not where I have pets. Yet. :D

    I tried a bird just once. He had plenty of food and still died. I'm wondering if it's social interaction that they've got to have constantly, or die. Too busy at the moment to try another bird. Maybe later.
  15. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I'm worried that our computer won't be able to handle the next EP. It looks like it's packed with new stuff, and after I installed Pets I noticed some changes. There are some graphics errors where, if I zoom in or out very quickly, a spray of pet food follows the active sim's hands. The same thing happens if I've selected a cat, except with cat litter instead. Also, sometimes when I'm loading things there's a short blip in the background music. I didn't think these were major problems so I didn't ask for help. But I'm not sure our computer is reliable...
  16. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Totally disagree with this. University is the most boring EP so far. It's a waste of time and lately I've avoided having my sims go anywhere near that nightmare of a neighbourhood. I can live without the careers and aspiration/want spaces...they do little for my game.
    However, like KatAnubis, I can see why some might be bored with it. Everyone can't be happy with every EP I suppose. ;)

  17. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think that's the bottom line. We each have our own particular favorites, and maybe not for the obvious reasons.

    For me, it was the Nightlife EP that added the most spectacular feature--the ability to see the whole neighborhood from within a lot. For taking pictures, it's heaven. For storytelling, Nightlife reigns supreme--cars, sim interactions (like slow dancing), neighborhood views. *sigh* Wish I could go play right now.

    Uni may be slow, and in some ways boring, but the whole dorm thing does amuse me at times. One of my sims ended up marrying a dorm townie who persisted in standing just outside her dorm room all the time, apparently obsessed with her. Very funny. I had to move her into a house and invite him to move in with her so that he could graduate with her. :rolleyes: They are living happily ever after.
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oh, I agree University is boring. But you can't deny it added a lot of stuff to the basic game: cell phones, extra careers, a new life stage.

    All Pets added was pets, who are cute and adorable but still a bit on the boring side.

    That's all I meant. If given the choice I'd rather raise a pet than go to uni, but I send my sims there because I'm addicted to the six slots, two saveable ...
  19. sayaka05

    sayaka05 New Member

    The best expansion is...?

    I recently bought the sims 2 pets... it was my first expansion pack...

    :eek: I liked it, but I got bored after a few weeks. I had fun for a while though... but after all, i t's just adding pet to the game... and I spent loads of money onnit...(whinewhinewhine)...

    ...and for my next expansion, I want something more fun, something more challenging.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?
  20. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Come on, Saya!! :rolleyes: There's 2 pages of discussion about it just a couple of threads down the page...Title: I just bought pets and...

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