A long wait...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Lynet, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    A long wait...

    ...for a table at Red's Diner. Just had to share. I was at the Diner with Dagmar and turned around and saw this guy waiting for a table. LOL, no kidding. It was not a set up.
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Not sure I'd get into line behind him. :D
  3. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    That is awesome!!

    Do they come with the EP or is it just a random thing? Is it a real Sim with a name and everything? I wonder what the kids would look like...LOL
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

  5. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Wow! Awesome film, Lynet! See - I KNEW you were a movie producer at heart! :cool:

    PS - Love the skeleton in line as well! Gave me the first chuckle of the day!!
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thanks, Sacha. :D

    Those skeleton skin downloads are the cutest skin download I've ever found. Just watching them stroll down the street past a house I'm playing always makes me laugh. And the modesty blur when they take a shower or go to the bathroom is too hysterical for words.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Now that is far too funny. Nice one Lyn.
  8. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Do you guys have "regulars" at some of your resterunts? I go Red's alot and there are always these three guys who sit at the same booth and just talk to each other. Two of them are townies and one is a created sim.

    From left... Jess Haggerty, Erik Taylor, Jandy Mabry.

    Attached Files:

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Do you mean that they show up without you taking them there? If so, that's quite funny. I don't go enough to any community lot to see if there are regulars. Now, you've got me curious. :)
  10. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Yeah i don't take them there. I use my other sims to go there and those three just sit there and talk over dinner.
  11. mr.music

    mr.music Need a DJ?

    I made a restruant as a comunity lot and theres always this 1 guy that sits there.....doing nothing...its creepy...lol
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    This is all so funny. Have any of you ever wondered what the sims that you leave behind at the community lot are doing after you're gone? Are they still drinking? Dancing to the DJ music? Playing pool? Making friends and eating dinner? :D I ALWAYS think about the ones I leave behind when my sim goes home.

    I wonder how long that skeleton continued to stand in line? :p
  13. mr.music

    mr.music Need a DJ?

    Maybe it's still there...right now....standing o_O
  14. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Yes I have wondered! Especially since I have seen a couple of my Sims downtown when I was playing other Sims. Then later, when I've checked the Relationship Panel for the Sims I wasn't playing, lo and behold - they have a bunch of new acquaintances that I knew NOTHING about!

    I mean, just WHAT was Sara de Winter doing having dinner with Don Lothario??? They have never been "properly" introduced! He has never been invited to Sara's place, and I have NEVER had her greet him when he's walked by! So just WHERE did she meet him, and just HOW did their relationship score get up to 35 already??? :confused:
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    cue twilight zone music...

    The Secret Sim Life Stories :shocked:

    I've noticed how my sims know more people than they ought to know. I guess they don't really go to sleep when I turn off the computer. Must be a party going on when I'm not watching. :highfive: :kiss: :chat: :couple:
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    It occurs to me the the simiverse is entirely solipsist. When a sim arrive at a downtown lot there are no sim there apart from the autonoma who man the cash registers (ie staff with whom no social interaction other than talk, flirt >> check out is available.) Actual residents and townie NPCs only begin to arrive (appear) when the playable sim's taxi/car arrives. Since this is the case for every sim then the simiverse is a multiperson-solipsist place. Furthermore since the ego control a sim's destiny is effectively a god and that the god and the sim are easily separated it can be argued that every sim is a not just solipsistic but also the ulitmate creator of his/her own universe. Which would make the simiverse an effective example of a pan-theistic multi-person solipsistic creation. I'm not the first to coin that expression ... anyone know who it was? ;)
  17. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Now I KNOW we are in different time-zones Mirelly! It is WAY to early in the morning here to be able to discuss the nature of the Sim Universe with any sort of coherence - even if I knew what half of those words meant! I've barely had my caffiene of choice! :headache:
  18. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    So a sim's universe exists only inside that sim's head, created by that sim. And since there are a lot of sims, there are a lot of universes..universi...universees...(I give up :( )

    Anyway, I've got company coming over this morning. I'll have to ponder sim philosophy later today.

    (p.s. Don't suppose it was Heinlein. Just did a quick run over to Wikipedia. Too much to read. I really shouldn't be here foolin' around.)
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yup that old reprobate who used pan theistic wotnot as an excuse to bring together characters from the books of L. Frank Baum, E. E. Doc Smith, plus many from his own earlier works as his characters flitted between paralllel universes discovering alternate realities existed not just for real people but for fictional people as well ... it all got a little complicated and rambled a lot as Heinlein was apt to do ... like me really :rolleyes:
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    This reminds me of Nineteen-Eighty-Four, by George Orwell. The belief that the government tries to push onto all of its subjects is that there is no material reality. Anything that "exists" exists inside a person's head. For example, if two people were standing in a room with no furniture in it, and both of them, at the same time, believed that there was furniture in it, then there would be furniture, because both of them "see" the furniture, so it must exist. Any existence at all in their world is only in the human mind. It was a fantastic book, and an eerie concept.

    But anyway, I guess that isn't at all the same as what Mirelly was talking about, but it reminded me of the book. *shrug* By the way, the picture is hilarious. I need to download those skins. I downloaded a skin that makes everything on the sim besides its hair transparent. Not completely invisible--you could still see the outline of the sim and such. It was more like a bubble. Very fun.

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