How Do I become a werewolf

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by craziisimmer, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. craziisimmer

    craziisimmer New Member

    become a werewolf

    My father sim has become a werewolf, and my son sim wants to become a werewolf, but there is no option (when the father sim is selected) to bite the son sim?
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Obvious first question is: do you have the latest patch? (See FAQ's - link below for Patch link)
  3. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member


    how do you become a werewolf or have you got to have another extention pack:confused:
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Get bitten by a wolf found only in Pets

    (typo corrected wolk to wolf ... no, I don't understand it either :rolleyes: )
  5. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member


    o ok thanks , i only have nightlife, open for business , glamour life and family fun

    have you got university and pets
    do you know wich one is better beacuse i was thinking of getting one?
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Well, for me it would have to be University for the extar careers and rewards and the extra want slots that graduates get. Playing students can be a bit tedious (partly because they are immune from the risks of adulthood (I'm saying no more :rolleyes: ) and partly because the four year (US style) college cycle is 24 sims days long.

    Pets will place a large starin on your computer resources and while the pets are nicer to look at than in Unleashed, they're still really rather pointless and the pet careers are even less exciting because with the animals outside of player control it is impossible to arrange to have the pet even half-way capable of performing a work shift. 9 times out of 10 the pet will drag itself off to the car pool with at least one need in the red and generally half its needs below average. If I only had $20 I'd spend it on Uni.
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I agree. Here's how I'd rank the EPs in terms of usefulness or entertainment value, starting with the one I think everyone should get ...

    1 (best:( Nightlife: Dating, vampires, downtown, cars, neighborhood view. This one rocks.
    2. Seasons. The weather adds so much to the game. If you only got this and Nightlife you'd have a fun game with lots of possibilities. I love gardening and the self-sufficiency it brings, leftovers (kids can feed themselves!!!), lots of cute new stuff, Riverblossom Hills is cool, lots of reasons I love this one. And, six fun new professions (though the rewards that go with them are lame).
    3. Open for Business. It's fun to run a business, though I admit I like home bizzes better because having tot leave the lot is kind of a drag ... my away businesses suffer because my sims are so busy with their lives. You can make floral arrangments, robots, and toys in OFB and there are lots of new interactions, including "hang out" that's not just for teens and young adults.
    4. University. Useful but boring. I have a new crop in uni right now. Plus side, though, they're at their cutest and it adds some fun hairstyles, cell phones (extremely useful), and the ability to raise your fellow sims from the dead. Six want slots are practically de rigeur for me, but I am getting away from it a bit now that I have all the fun new jobs from Seasons. I admit that without Pescado's college timer thingy I'd be hard pressed for my sims to want to go to uni ...
    5. Pets. They're cute, but at the end of the day they destroy your houses, glut your neighborhood with lots of new sims, and Mirelly's right: you feel like a beast for sending the poor things to work, considering the state they often come home in. Most of my households have them, and they are cute, but I hate the new lifetime wants that come with them: Come on. 20 simultaneous best pet friends? If I didn't have the college timer thingy (and its very useful "my LTW is lame" feature) I'd go mad. Oh, and the pet job rewards, not worth it unless you're really excited to have a green dog. Witch Baby likes to make multicolored pets but I usually stick to more realistic hues.
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    You get green dogs!!!! Yike's I'm still unlocking the dopey collars ... I thought that was all there was :rolleyes:

    Seeing your list I find it hard to disagree, but I would have to move Uni up the list to position number 2 for the extar careers and the want slots. I suppose my final choice of order would be:

  9. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member


    thats wierd dogs going to work hehehe (i wouldn't send my dogs to work as i just use the cheat to get lots money lol.)
    it turns out i going to be getting seasons, pets and uni (yay:D) iv'e ordered them of amazon and should be commnig soon:D
    then i will only need to get story one does any one know if thats good?
    i going to be using my birthday money lol beacuse i have to return corel paint shop pro XI beacuse it didn't work so i decided to get sims

    any way thanks for your help everyone
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I don't understand these werewolf things.... I know that you have to get bitten by the wolf but my problem is: a wolf never comes.

    One of my sims had a fear of wolves coming. The fear got fulfilled when a white dog called something along the lines of Albino (memory isn't the greatest :rolleyes: lol), which was really strange because the dog obviously wasn't a wolf and it was actually really friendly and playful! And it didn't bite my sim.

    So any tips on getting bitten (how do the wolves actually look like?)
  11. dangerousgem

    dangerousgem New Member

    The Story one (The Sims Life Stories) is a stand alone game, it's not an expansion to The Sims 2. It was basically made to get people who didn't own The Sims 2 to buy it.
    It does not support any custom content from The Sims 2, nor does it support any Sims 2 expansion packs, so I wouldn't recommend spending your money on it.

    I've never seen a white wolf in my game, only the dark grey/brown ones. They DO however act like dogs with the exception of howling. You'll know its a wolf because its eyes glow yellow.

    Hope that helped
  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    That was a just wasn't THE wolf that will change your sim into a werewolf. The one that does is black, but with the same body shape as the one you've seen, and he has glowing yellow eyes. You actually need to make friends with this wolf before he'll even nibble you. So play away once you see that wolf.

    The wolves aren't necessarily mean in the game, my sims play with them all the time. They just aren't as tame as the other pets and their aggression level is at it's highest.
  13. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Thanks everybody!! I'll keep my eyes open for a blackish dog-like animal with yellow eyes! :D Thanks again!
  14. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member

    o i saw that and it was going round my house i thought it was a stray it looks a lot like a actual dog i wanted to get bitten bye one. but never knew it was a werewolf so i chased it off lol

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