What do you do during your game?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Kimblee, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    What do you do during your game?

    I love my simmies, don't get me wrong, but most of the time, they are kinda boring unless something is happening in their world.... (like my goal of making a whole neighborhood of aliens..... :D )

    so i crochet.

    I've done a full quarter of a blanket in the last two months.... aren't I fast? :rolleyes:
  2. ozoinka

    ozoinka New Member

    I read a magazine or do a crossword, especially when they go to another lot. My load times are getting longer.

    I've never mastered crochet, but I love the crosswords in trash mags. Makes me feel clever :D
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    My loading times between screens is long. But I usually just get up and pace around to get the blood flowing again.
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I fight with my cat for possession of the mouse :eek:
  5. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    LOL Mirelly! That's why I had to get a wireless mouse! So now, at least, the cat no longer tries to chase and chew through the mosue cord. No - now all he wants to do lie on the mouse! The minute I remove my hand from the mouse, he's all ready to plunk himself down on it - which, of course, causes HAVOC with the on-screen clicking!
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL Sacha. If I won't let go of my cordless mouse, Mirelly the Cat turns her back disdainfully and sits with her back to me, parking her cute little butt on the edge of the keyboard ... this can produce spectacular result if her tail's weight activates the enter key. I've lost a few good posts becuase of that :rolleyes: ... LOL she's doing it now
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    My Addie just sits right in front of the middle of the monitor and attacks the pointer as it goes around the screen. Makes it hard to see what I'm typing some times. My Tanner just curls up in my lap but bites my arm if I play with the computer instead of petting him. Hailee just ignores the whole contraption.

    What's funny is none of us have said that we just push our cats out of the way; we just let them sit on our keyboard, our mouse, or right smack in our view and put up with it. Proof that there is no such thing as a cat owner. ;)
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    I have a notebook full of Legacy stuff that I doodle in while I'm playing. Usually I have one of my homework assignments spread out on the desk space in front of the keyboard so when my mom comes in I can scribble down an answer and appear all studious.
  9. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess


    How cute!

    But annoying.... :rolleyes:
  10. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Good plan. ;)
  11. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    Oh yeah!

    My Alphonse is pretty bad too.... she likes to climb me. But she LOVES when I gte on the computer, she gets to lick whatever i'm drinking while I pretend I don't notice.
  12. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    My computer is good speed so i don't wait most of the time.
    How ever when i do wait for some reason I have a book near that i am working on (The Summons - John Grisham)I don't know why i like his books but they just click with me. Finished Innocent Man, A Time to Kill, and The Pelican Brief recently. :) My cat likes the blinkey light on my tower and swats at it constantly while sitting by me.
  13. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I forum surf when I need to wait for the game to load. I go to here, More Awesome Than You! and the 1up forums. Sometimes I do homework while I let Sims do their own thing.
  14. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    When the game first loads up, it takes a while as I have a LOT of downloads, so I usually read the baby names books that I have for new names for my sim babies. :eek: Sometimes I read the Prima Guides too, as they are colourful and shiny. :D
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I just got a faster chip (64 Athlon 3400+) so you would THINK my game would load faster, but nooooo ... of course I have a massive downloads folder. :eek:

    I have noticed some improvement, like now when I enter a community lot half the 'hood shows up. Also, my graphics, half the time, are amazingly sharp and realistic. The other half of the time they're a little blurry. I probably need new drivers but last time I downloaded them they killed my video player. Shall have to see if they've been updated ... anyway, I've included pix to show you what I mean. Notice the polka dots and the bedspread in the last pic ... they were never that crisp before.

    ANYWAY, to answer the question, I watch TV. :eek:

    Hey, it's right there. We plan to move the 'puter upstairs soon and then I'll probably watch the hamster and guinea pigs, as the computer will be in "their" room. Witch Baby calls it the Ministry of Rodents.

    Attached Files:

  16. RedundantLove

    RedundantLove New Member

    I'm a wiz at multi-tasking.

    I play The Sims, watch TV, do homework, play with my Little Bear, organize my things and plans, and sometimes talk on the phone. :p

    Actually, I have a friend who I talk with ABOUT The Sims while we're playing.. teehee... We have good times thinking of things to do to them ^_^.

    My Chihuahua, Spanky attacks the pointer on my screen.. hehe.. it's rather humorous..
  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    When I'm playing my Sims game I will quite often start writing, watch TV or even play my DS. I tend to let my characters do whatever they want and only take control when I want to do something drastic, like make a vampire/werewolf or have more kids (the stuff they don't do on there own).

    Some times I'll even leave the game running while I go reading some where else in my house. Unfortunately this can lead to severe problems in my [sim] family as not all of my characters are that great at cooking. I've came back to my computer monitor only to come face-to-face with the realization that I forgot to purchase a fire alarm and the father decided to cook a meal. I'm sure most can guess where that went from their own experiences. It was quite the sight... all of the burned counter tops and plants (that probably shouldn't have been in a flammable area in the first place) and the understanding that my family unintentionally killed themselves, and possibly a neighbor at one point.
  18. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I try to leave mine running but something stops it or slows it down often, (eg chance card, fire, burgalar etc..) then i come back after maybe 20 minutes and find that it hasnt gone very far., or it was stopped.
  19. mr.music

    mr.music Need a DJ?

    I leave my game running then when i come back the grim reaper is standing over my sims o_O lol.

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