Latest Gossip on your Sims! I thought it might be cool to see what secrets the sims hold in Pleasantview, Strangetown, and Veronaville hold. There were some suprises I discovered, you might already know. For some of you first timers, you might wanna see these before you play the families... -----Pleasantview----- Let's start with the Pleasants Pleasants- Daniel Pleasant- Daniel has a current affair with their maid, Kaylnn Langerak. His sister is Jennifer Burb (found in family bin), he is enemies with Dustin Broke. Mary-Sue Pleasant- Mary-Sue's is best friends with Cassandra Goth, and her parents are the Oldies. Lillith Pleasant- Current boyfriend is Dirk Dreamer, her relationship with her sister is -50 (top bar) -50 (bottom bar), with mom it's -20 (top) -10 (bottom), with dad, -10 (top) and -20 (bottom) Angela Pleasant- enemies with sister, Lillith. Goth*- Alexander Goth- A+ student. Cassandra Goth- i'm not sure but she MIGHT be programmed to have twins. Someone correct me if not. Lothario- Don Lothario- is also having an affair with Kaylynn Langerak, Nina Caliente and Dina Caliente, also he WILL get rejected if he proposes to Cassandra Goth, who is her current "girlfriend". Burb- family has nothing out of the ordinary. Broke- Brandi Broke- Her parents are Bob and Betty Newbie. Dustin Broke- Girlfriend is Angela Pleasant. Caliente- Dina Caliente- Was formerly married, but husband died. Nina Caliente- Nothing special Larson- Nothing special right off the bat Gieke- Nothing special right off the bat Roseland- Porthos Roseland (dog)- Commands learned- Come here, play dead. Cyd Roseland- Nothing out of the ordinary right off the bat. Oldie- Coral Oldie- just discovered, Mary-Sue was adopted. Herb Oldie- nothing special off the bat. Dreamer- Darren Dreamer- enemies with Don Lothario, Darren is also in love with Cassandra Goth, was formerly married but she died. Dirk Dreamer- Nothing Special exept is going steady with Lillith Pleasant. *-What no Mortimer? He is dead on my game, i will update him ASAP.
Nah i don't write the best of stories. Just wanted to try this out see if anyone commented or cared. Wait, you DO know these people and the neighborhood came with the game right? ooh i forgot the title of the neighborhood! hold on.
Well, for sure the first timers could be interested, especially those who used to play the Sims 1 game. As for me, of course, I went racing right through the Maxis neighborhoods and built all news one of my own. Couldn't wait to make all kinds of strange sims, including freaky ones. (Pointy ears, giant chins, really ugly. They've all passed away now.) I did go back and look at some of the Pleasantview families later on, though. And I didn't learn all these things. So, thanks.
Here's the mysterious town of... -----Strangetown----- Let's start with the Specters, this one is a LONG one folks so bear with me, Specter- Ophelia Specter- is going steady with with Johnny Smith and she does not have Olive, her caretaker, in her family tree. Ok heres the long one *takes big breath*- Olive Nigmos- Her SON is a local boy by the name of Nervous Subject. But he got taken by the social worker. She was actually married three times and got left at the altar once. Who is in her buried in her backyard? These people Seth Zaidi Ichabod Specter (former husband) Tim Lee DeMise Luc Smith Rigger Mortis Jessica Ebadi Vicki Sims Patrick Jones Earl E DeMise Creon Nigmos Melisa Sims Brenda Zaidi Benjamin Cho Lyla Grunt Peponi Muenda Lerato Muenda Danielle Greaves Hugh Thanasia Ok that's it for the burials. (Will update with more families when i find another peice of paper and write them down.)
Are all of those graves on one lot? That is a serious ghost party. Might cause a glitch in the household. A bad glitch happened to one of my households when there were only about six ghosts. It was my Legacy Challenge family, and they had to move out of the Legacy house, which ended the Legacy Challenge then and there. (I got rid of all the gravestones and urns but it was too late.)
Here's the rest of Strangetown... Smith- Pollination Tech#9- Dad is Colony Drone 65535, mother is Birth Queen. Both are aliens. Has four kids, Lola and Chloe Singles, and Johnny and Jill Smith. Jenny Smith- brothers are, Pascal, Vincund, and Lazlo Curious. Johnny Smith- enemies with Tank Grunt, going steady with Ophelia Nigmos. Jill Smith- Normal kid in whack-job family. Curious- Vincund Curious- has a crush on Circe Beaker, enemies with Loki beaker. Pascal Curious- enemies with Loki Beaker, has max creativity. Lazlo Curious- crush on Crystal Vu. Play the Curious' and expect to be abducted when stargazing. Grunt- Gen. Buzz. Grunt- enemies with Pollination Tech#9, and with Olive Specter. Tank Grunt- -88 and -42 with Ripp Grunt, -48 and -77 with Johnny Smith. Ripp Grunt- -49 (top) with Tank Grunt. Beaker- Loki Beaker- sister is Erin Singles. Circe Beaker- nothing important off the bat. Nervous Subject- mom is Olive Specter. Just wants to have a normal life. Loner- Nothing important off the bat. Singles- nothing important, but some don't get along. WHEW! that's it for Strangetown.
yeah, Lynet, theyre all on the same lot. Creepy. it's getting late and i have a basketball game tomorrow so i might hold off on Veronaville until tomorrow, maybe not.
I love playing Olive Specter. All of those ghosts come prepackaged with her lot. She's a horrid old lady. You get the distinct impression that she killed each of her husbands for the money, and when her son was taken away she killed her niece's parents so she'd have a child. I sent Ophelia off to college with Johnny Smith. They're engaged. Which reminds me, Jenny's pregnant and I heard somewhere you shouldn't upgrade your game with a pregnant sim. Guess that means I'll have to play her before Tuesday. I don't play Strangeville much. I did play the Curious brothers, though. Pascal had one daughter and Vidcund had two (yes, cheesecake was involved). I can't remember what I named them, I think Pascal's daughter is Mia Curious, but I can't remember the twins' names. Some kind of outer spacey/Greek mythology names. How you know when you have too many sims.
Ok last one... -----Veronaville----- Capp- Consort Capp- enemies with Romeo Monty, Antonio Monty, Bianca Monty, and Patrizo Monty. Was formerly married but wife died. Tybalt Capp- enemies with Murcurito Monty, and enemies with Romeo Monty. Juliette Capp- is in love with Romeo Monty, enemies with Bianca Monty. Hermia Capp- Has a crush on Puck Summerdream and Murcurito Monty. All three kids are in private school. Summerdream- Oberon Summerdream- is in love with Titania Summerdream but they arent married. Titania Summerdream- has a crush on Kent Capp. in Love with Oberon. Puck Summerdream- best friends with Hermia Capp, also has a crush on her. Bottom Summerdream- normal child. Monty- Romeo/Murcurito Monty had parents but they died. Romeo is in love with Juliette Capp. Isabella Monty- enemies with Regan Capp, Consort Capp, Kent Capp, and Gonaril Monty. Patrizo Monty- enemies with same people as Isabella Monty. Will post families in family bin soon.
These are the families in the family bin in Veronaville. Capp- Albany Capp- enemies with Antonio Monty, Bianca Monty, Isabella Monty, and Patrizo Monty. Goneril Capp- enemies with same people. Miranda Capp- has a crush on Murcurito Monty. Hal Capp- normal kid. Desdemona Capp- friends with Bottom Summerdream. Ariel Capp- normal toddler. Monty- Bianca Monty- enemies with Regan Capp, Consort Capp, Tybalt Capp, and Gonaril Capp. Capp- Cornwall Capp- -28 and -19 with Kent Capp, enemies with Patrizo Monty. Regan Monty- enemies with Antonio Monty, Bianca Monty, and Isabella and Patrizo Monty. Kent Monty- enemies with Isabella and Patrizo Monty. Monty- Antonio Monty- was married but she died. He also had another brother but he died as well. Beatrice Monty- Good kid with a B in school. Benedick Monty- Nice kid with B- in school. OK that everyone! Hope this has helped!
was that the hand the penned a thousand paragraphs? (Sorry Lyn, couldn't resist cos it the first thing I saw ....)
ALSO! I realized with Seasons coming out on Tuesday, i will have to update this thread with the neighborhood Riverblossom Hills!
jazz, i've enjoyed the ... social commentary. as a long time player of sims 1, when i began playing sims2, i started playing self-created characters rather than the packaged game. (other than how they interacted with my sims.) have you considered continuing the social dissection for downtown, blue what's it called, and the university districts as well?
hmm, no michelle i havent, but i think now I will. I will start with bluewater village thanks for the idea!
Here is the lovely shopping district of... -----Bluewater Village----- Delarosa- Florence Delarosa- is a nice lady with a quiet little flower business of her own. Business Rank- 1 Jaquet- Denise Jaquet- was married but husband died. Has very few memories. Gilbert Jaquet- normal sim, with few memories also. Has a crush on Nancy McCarthy and Rebecca Barthelet. Ramirez- Is a normal family, loves their child. Owns the shop Ramirez's Fine Furniture. Tinker- Melody Tinker- I find this strange but when i started playing this family, Melody had no memories. Stephen & Wanda Tinker- Normal Sims, Stephen has bronze toy making badge. Landgraab IV- Malcolm Landgraab IV- owns Electronics Superstore and Club Dante. Happy Shopping
What day was that? Yesterday? Friday? Sheesh, I've got to clean my glasses. Where are they? Jazz, glad you reminded me of Malcolm Landgraab's other business. I was trying to remember what it was and I didn't want to bother with actually loading his household in order to find out. When I require his presence for anything lately, I just make him come visit me.
Here's the adventure of... -----Sim State University----- Bright- Allegra Gorey- has a crush on Castor Nova. Jane Stacks- friends with Castor Nova. Martin Ruben- Brother is Joshua Ruben. Frat Brothers-Castor Nova- ladies man, Major- Philosophy Joshua Ruben- Major- Undeclared Ashley Pitts- Major- Mathematics Kevin Beare- Major- Psycology Tri-Var Sorority- Brittany Upsnott- Crush on Castor Nova. Major- Drama Heather Huffington- Crush on Castor Nova and Martin Ruben. Major- Drama Tiffany Sampson- Crush on Castor Nova. Major- Literature Freshman- Jared Starchild- Normal student, Major- Art Sam Thomas- Normal Student- Major- Psycology Ty Bubbler -:champagne: (couldn't resist) Normal Student, Major- Philosiphy Phoenix- Jimmy Phoenix- Good kid, normal student, Major- History Swain- Eric Swain- Normal student, Major- Art Good Luck!
Here's the campus of... -----La Fiesta Tech----- Tri-Fruhm- DJ Verse- Major-Art Jessie Pilferson- Major-Psycology Monic Bratford- Major-Art Sarah Love- Major-Biology Oresha-Hoh-Var Guy Wrightly- Major-Literature Matthew Hart- In love with Sarah Love, Major-Economics Mickey Posser- Is curently on Acedemic Probation, Major- Undeclared Shifting Paradymes- Gunnar Roque- Major- History, -Junior- Jasmine Rai- Major- History, -Freshman- Zoe Zimmerman- Major- History, -Freshman- Worthington- Frances J. Worthington III- Major- Economics Terrano- Stella Terrano- Major- Physics, slightly higher chance of abduction by aliens. Student Housing- Blossom Moonbeam- Major- Biology Klara Vonderstein- Major- Political Science, -20 with William Williamson William Williamson- Major- Economics, -10 with Klara Vonderstein Davis- Aldric Davis- Major- Physics Almric Davis- Major- Undeclared They are brothers if you havent discovered this yet. Good Luck!