Sometimes wishes do come true...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jiko, May 12, 2007.

  1. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Sometimes wishes do come true...

    I was getting tired of one of my young adults (and mom wants to marry off six kids anyway) so on a whim I had her to the wishing well and wish for romance. When I did this before, I was given a male/female option and one of the game characters appeared in front of him.

    But this time, my sim wished and there was a weird flash and one of the nuts from my last Asylum challenge dropped from the sky in a heap! Her name is Multiple Symptoms, she wears a leopard skin dress, pigtails and a cowboy hat, and is clearly insane. They were instantly and madly in love (100 points from the first look!) and engaged within about 10 minutes. Wedding tonight, ha-cha! I have the option of inviting several of her asylum pals to join my household.
  2. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Too too funny
    post pix please
  3. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Hahaha, I agree with Michelle: this was really funny, Jiko. Hahaha. :slaphappy: :bitelip:
  4. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    union joined!

    We did it. I wish I could post pictures, but the computer on which I play has no internet connection. (omigod! yep, no downloads)

    But it was a roof raiser! We invited several other asylum mates - the shirtless guy with Viking horns and the female WWI pilot and the ninja. They all did the smustle for a long time and then had drinks and food and cake. A few gnomes were stolen, a few kisses exchanged. The "bride" played chess throughout the party. It was a gas and everyone had a really good time.

    Now they've moved out and Mom can adopt a new child! I love family life.
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    can you copy your pix to a cd and transfer them to your internet computer that way? but if not, at least your discriptions created some interesting visuals in my head.
  6. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    oh, michelle, I'm so bad, I don't even take pictures. And I would have to get a lesson in how to post ones if I did. I have never even taken a video of my kids or grandkids. Just a few snapshots here and there.

    It occurs to me that the sims themselves don't have cameras! Just the occasional funny photo booth. That's an odd omission.

    The images of the Asylum/Welfare wedding will always remain firmly in my memory.
  7. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Hi Jiko. Now that was funny:D
    Which expansion has the asylum? Sounds like a lot of fun. I want it.:D

    regards moon
  8. Vega

    Vega New Member

    Humm i don't think that any expansion has an asylum, i guess you have to create it yourself :confused:
  9. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Yes, it's from the Asylum challenge. It took me three tries to succeed. You make a bare bones house with 8 sims, whose characteristics and aspiration are chosen by a dice roll. You can control only one sim (so only one can work, call fire department, order pizza, pay bills, etc.) You are severely limited in terms of comforts, furniture, toys, rewards, and there is little money. (There are rules for all this, so that there are never enough beds, only one toilet and so on.)

    The challenge is to have your controllable sim get his/her lifetime aspiration while (hopefully) the other sims don't die or kill each other. I lost my first household to a fire while my sim was at work. (What a scene! They all just burned up but it took hours!) My second household all died of old age before I reached my aspiration. Finally, the Symptoms Complex that still exists was a success.

    They walk by and make friends now and then. I had not realized that when you wish for romance, any single sim in the game might be your luck!
  10. Vega

    Vega New Member

    wow :eek: that must have give you a lot of work to do LOL. and it must have been fun too :devil: :bandit:

    But how do you do to control only one sim? :confused:
  11. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    How you control only one sim? With will power, baby. It's hard. You're not even supposed to check on the other seven for their needs or anything. Just watch them wander about, making snacks, ignoring messes, staring out windows, playing rock-paper-scissors, getting slapped around by the invisible doctor. They watched a lot of television (you can have only one kind of electronic entertainment) and played a lot of chess (I couldn't find any rule against that). They got fat and rarely cleaned the toilet. My one controllable sim was tired all the time and I had to keep my eye out to get him a bed the second one was available. It was a lot of work! Why do we play this game, anyway?
  12. Vega

    Vega New Member

    LOL you must be crazy :p :D that is a lot of work! i guess i will try that someday :D
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I tried out the asylum challenge once. It failed, but in the meantime I had my controllable sim set the TV to the cooking channel. So, inspite of themselves, the sims I did not control earned a couple of points in cooking just because they'd turn on the TV all the time and sit and watch it. (I could tell they were learning because of the blue bar over their heads.)

    The worse time they had was when one of them set a fire. The fireman came OK, but then everyone wanted to take a shower at the same time, and there was only one shower stall. The bathroom was clogged with sims for a long time, but they eventually figured it out.

    What I found strange, too, was that even when there was no one in the bathroom or blocking it, some sims would have accidents right on the floor and get all upset. Weird.

    It is fascinating, anyway, to see what they do all on their own, without any imput from you. But if you're accustomed to controlling them, it can also be difficult to watch. :rolleyes:
  14. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    How did you get the fireman to come? In the official Asylum rules, no smoke alarm is allowed. You have to wait for the controllable sim to be home from work so he/she can call.

    I also set the tv to cooking channel but sometimes the others would change it. Since their personalities are random, some are cleaner than others, and will wash dishes or take out trashes. Others would rather die from flies. And none of them ever achieve their aspirations, except the few lucky knowledge sims who have a chess table, and the popularity sims who find each other and play a lot of rock-paper-scissors. All the family sims go nuts fast, as do the fortune sims. I once had three lined up on the side of the road, shaking a can, begging for simoleans...

    It is a real trip to watch.
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Most of my asylum sims, including mine, all burned to death before the fireman came. He does come eventually. Only two were left and one died of needs deprivation the next day. It was funny to watch, I admit.

    I cheated and let the remaining sim remodel and start a new life. I figured she'd earned it. :D

    Oh, and Jiko, thanks for getting me in trouble at work. That wedding story is too funny! Multiple Symptoms, LOL. You have the best names for your sims.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I don't remember my asylum house very well but I think that I did try to play by the rules, so it must be that the sim I controlled was home and called the fire department.

    However, reading about Jiko's asylum was a lot more fun than playing with mine. Love the names. :D

    Strange, my post jumped ahead of Jiko's. Must be that issue Josh was talking about when the site went down today.
  17. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Witches (may I call you that?), you're welcome. What are virtual friends for?

    I must say it's quite touching to watch the evolution of the Welfare-Symptoms family. I've moved them into a nice house and for the first time, I can control my crazy sim. She's middle-aged and has earned a whopping 2500 aspiration points in her pathetic little life! So it's gratifying to watch her be so happy about eating cereal and buying a toy. Plus all her old asylum-mates call her on the phone and come over to visit, so we have an interesting household, even in the middle of the night. Her bride, Born Welfare, is a cat burglar and wears a charming striped costume all the time. How sweet! And they both want babies, so I'm going to have to come up with some more good names.
  18. Vega

    Vega New Member

    Jiko can you tell me the Asylum Chalenge rules? or tell me where to find that rules? i want to make try that chalenge :D
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    These are the rules that I found for the challenge:

    I tried it once and didn't keep score. I was just curious about it. I think I got a little bored with it and quit, but Jiko's tales about the challenge were very funny to read.
  20. Vega

    Vega New Member

    thanks for the information Lynet :D

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