Thanks for the rules Lynet, but it's so hard not to cheat.... question: can I have more than one stove, dishwasher sink, refrigerator etc???
No, you can't! Either you play by the rules or... you cheat. The rules say one of everything (toilet, stove, fridge, shower, electronic entertainment) and always too few chairs and beds, and those have to be low in comfort. But I found a lot of loopholes; it doesn't say anything about minor environmental improvements like paintings. The chess game doesn't seem illegal and it was great for building relationship scores and skill points for the knowledge sims. What I found was that even when they went crazy for extended periods of time (flour sack babies, shaking cans for money, sometimes for days and days) no one died of unhappiness. Some lay on the floor or cried a lot and the bathroom was a pit, but no one died except in a fire and from old age. You could eliminate the stove and just live on pizza and cold food but I liked the danger.
I don't know how we got so far off topic in this thread...but well in my first attempt (I'm placing the house in strangeville) my "pidgeon" died while trying to fix the dishwasher. could he have just called the repairman?
by "pigeon" do you mean the sim you could control? yeah, he's yours to control, so he could call the repairman. remember he is the only source of income! so you have to budget. I hadn't mentioned that earlier, but it's hard to support an asylum of eight sims on one gas station attendant's salary, but work hard and suffer enough, a promotion will come...
I was wondering about his job. does he just take the first one offered or something he wants to do....?
MAN! all your guys' houses and sims lives are so COOL! All my houses are boring and I find myself losing intest and wondering how fast paint dries and if I should go find out. But THAT! Thats just too funny!
Remember, I played the Asylum challenge three times before winning! I figured out that I should take the best (most lucrative) job in the newspaper on the first day, and then check each day until I can get a job in the desired career path. The challenge involves helping the controllable sim ("pigeon," I believe we are calling him/her) reach platinum aspiration, so you have to get in the right career path eventually. But you'll go broke pretty fast if you're not working. Ain't it a lot like life? burger-flipping actresses and gas-pumping novelists, all...
This sounds interesting. Maybe I should try this challenge sometime? What happens when you win? :bitelip:
A deep and abiding satisfaction! And for as long as you play that neighborhood, a bunch of crazy people walking around and coming over to visit!