what would you pick...? if you had to choose ONE of these expansions, what would you pick...? choose ONLY ONE, and tell me why~ 1)University 2)Nightlife 3)Open for business 4)Pets 5)Seasons ...my personal favorite is Open for Business... but i would have a hard time choosing between OFB or Seasons.
i cant speak for OFB because i got the base game for my b-day along with OFB and family fun stuff and i dont have seasons so probably nightlife as uni is good for careers but i can sometimes find it tiring when they're at uni and i was a little dissapointed with pets
This is a tough one, because I adore the Pets expansion and I don't think a sim family is complete unless it has a pet. However, now that I have Seasons, I'm leaning more towards it as my choice because it adds game play, objects, careers etc... as well as weather, but doesn't take away anything from the original gameplay. Pets can be all consuming if you let it and can pull you away from doing the things you would normally do for a family (can even prevent a sim having a family...lots of pets...zero kids). Hmmm....so, even though it would break my heart to lose the pets. I'd choose Seasons. Cass.
Good post. I also want to know what the rest think. We should have a poll on this. I want another expansion. However which one???. I would start a poll, but I don't know how, and I dont know all the expansions. regards moon.
I'd choose Seasons because 1) I don't have it and 2) it seems really good. Weather is a thing that I've wanted since Sims 2 came out and what more can I say other than: SEASONS ARE GREAT!!! :bouncy: (not meaning the actuall game, which explaining the "are".. hehh..) *jumps up and down like a maniac*
true, true, the pets were SO adorable.... but i have to say that i was also kinda disappointed by PETS exp... sure, it was great fun playing for a while... but after a month or so, i started to get bored.. the expansion did not add much to the game anyway (just pets!! PETS!!! how obvious is THAT?!?!) but i love pets, and i agree with you, Cassiepeia, that i would be a heartbreak to lose a pet, virtual or not.
haha. thanks. i was just curious to know what the others would choose ONE expansion they can't live without.
Nightlife. I love seasons, but I gots to have my vamps. Plus, it adds a lot to the playing experience: dates, cars, downtown ...
Same here. I mean, I had been wanting pets in my game for ages but it didn't really ad so much to the game.. But I definitely don't regret buying Pets because - like Cass said - a sim family isn't complete without a little pet.
it's hard to choose :( but i guess i would choose Seasons because it makes the game so much fun, and i love the snow and the storms it was really boring to have always sunny days.
i agree with you, vega. having sunny days are SO boring... in the PS2 sims, there were sunny, rainy, foggy, and cloudy days, but... why not PC? well, now that there's weather, climate and temparatures and all, my sims' lives are 100x more spiced up
Well I have seasons and just purchased OFB. LOL. Now I can sell my vegetables. I havent had a food delivery in weeks. lol My fridge seems to be able to stack infinite fresh food. All I can order is a Pizza . I have six members of the family plus to hired workers. Its like juggeling ten Balls and a cricket bat. Haaaa. And I just had a baby grow to be a toddler. Its funny, when the tot was a baby, some of the customers washed it. lol
if only the base and one expansion... seasons.... but if you can afford it and your computer can handle it... all of them. they all have something to offer.
Oh Odin, you should really get NL!! It's such a good EP and it adds lots to the game. I just can't get over the fact that before I got NL my sims couldn't have cars! I've gotten so used to them that I can't imagine my game without them. Congrats on getting OFB, BTW. What did you think of it? Is it good? When I played it, I found it rather confusing.. :confusion: But I'm thinking of getting it when my PC gets fixed. First is forst though: Seasons LOL!