I need to, make things more exciting

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jazz, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I need to, make things more exciting

    How... well... I really don't know how to phrase this. I need something to liven up my families. What do you guys do to make your families more interesting? i read Jiko's crazy deals going on with his sims. SBW's romances, Lynet's fine stories, and I just do not know how i can make my families more exiting.
  2. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Why don't one of your sims have an affair, that always seems to liven things up in my game. Or - this adds even more spice to your family - what if both the mum and dad have an affair.

    Hah, it's funny, I seem to be a lot about affairs these days (see The Viscottis' Tales). :D
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I have been been playing with free will on much more. Recently Alpha came home from college, and married Orlando Centowski. The moved into a new home and she went off to work and he was chilling when Marylena Hamilton happened by ... before I knew it they were flirting ... so I um helped things along and when Alpha came home the first thing she wanted to do was tell Orlando a dirty joke only he was just getting ready for some extra-curricular woohooage :eek: oooh! were those fireworks? or was that an H-bomb going off? :p
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Do you have Seasons, Jazz?

    I decided to make a new neighborhood, plain vanilla, and start another Legacy family -- no cheats of any kind, particularly no money cheats. I moved a man onto a 5 x 5 lot to see if he could get himself enough shelter built before winter came. He managed to do it. He's married to the LeTourneau townie girl (Brandi?) and has three daughters, a fishing pond, and a small greenhouse now, but life is still a struggle, because his wife is always pregnant. :rolleyes:

    No private school for the kids. The house is crowded and modest. Every time I buy something expensive - like an exercise machine - I end up selling it because they need the money. They don't even have a car, yet. I'm not used to a tight budget. :p

    For me, the no cheats rule is a big challenge.
  5. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    maybe you could read some of the short storys people have been writing and get your imagination flowing that always helps me to think of fun ideas to liven up the game or maybe try and run your own business on a low budget i find it a challenge when the sim already has money lol
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    yes i have seasons lynet. Right now i'm just playing a little family of 3, Reg, Jan (the townie, blonde, one) and theyre little girl. I made a really retro house and am planning to move them into it, because they only live in one of those little houses that the Caliente's live in. That's something relatively exiting. Whats the legacy challenge?
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    The legacy challenge dates back to Sims 2 before the release of any Expansion Packs.

    Essentially, the goal is to put one sim down on a plain 5 x 5 plot--which doesn't leave much money left over--and, without using cheats, try to raise 10 generations on the same piece of land.

    Obviously, since the sim was created without any family, he/she must marry someone, an NPC or townie, in order to provide the future generations.

    The original challenge listed a point system for various things, like how many and what type of family tombstones, how many ghosts of different colors, how many NPCs married into the family, and so on.

    The challenge, however, often led to various problems -- people reported running into glitches with the lot and/or the families. I now believe it had something to do with all the ghosts. When I first tried it, my household developed several different glitches related to the ghosts, and I abandoned the challenge, although the family survived just fine.

    I even wrote a story about that family -- Dear Emmy. :D
  8. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    I feel this is an unfair characterization of my sim universe! I'm not the one always turning free will off in order to manipulate them like puppets - I'm not messing around with their ages or turning their needs bars up and down or (hardly ever) making them flirt with the maid or postman and I rarely kill one. I just, ahem, put some obstacles in their way occasionally (water) and leave them to their own devices most of the time. When they die (of old age most of the time!) they die with hula dancers and coconut drinks in hand. Is it my fault that they are as neurotic, self-destructive, confused and hard to please as human beings?
  9. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    ROFL Jiko. You are so funny. Ok thanks Lynet, i'll give it a try when i get bored of the family i am currently playing. ;)
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Here are some things I do when I get bored:

    1. Start a couple and have them have and/or adopt as many children as they can stand. I've got a challenge right now to see how many babies this one couple can have before they get too old. They're allowed to use elixir of life, but eventually they'll probably get to a point where they're just not happy enough . . . try to have every kid be in the platinum when they transition, be smart milk babies, go to private school, be overachievers . . . you get the idea.

    2. Have a teen raise a toddler. Move a single-parent family into a lot with teen and toddler already created, move parent out or kill them off using one of the many hacks that lets you do that. Or just lock 'em in a room. Too easy? Try having the teen raise three sets of twins. I did that in Pleasantview, no money cheats, and now the youngest set of twins (started as infants) are teenagers and all the rest are in college.

    3. Have a teen raise themselves. Not as much of a challenge but still interesting.

    4. Have an elder adopt a bunch of kids. They don't have the stamina of younger people, and if you don't use elixir eventually the kids will have to raise each other.

    5. Start a business if you have OFB and try to build an empire. Not easy.

    6. You have Seasons, great! Start a farm and have your sim live off the land, no job, just sell their vegetables and eat their own fish and veggies. Then have them raise a family.

    7. Start a sim in Riverblossom Heights and just play them through their life. It isn't as familiar a neighborhood. Or, play one of the families that comes with that town.

    8. Do what I did in PDL: start with one sim, in college, a teenager, or an adult, and start a dynasty.

    9. Have vampires lead a normal life, jobs, kids, everything, and try not to let them die in the sun. (Hint: make sure the garage is attached and make them drive to work. Believe it or not, Richard from Veronaville maintained a job the entire time he was a vampire, as did most of his siblings.)

    10. Have vampires live like vampires, that is, occasional night jobs only, as soon as they get promoted to the day shift, quit, make money DJing or taking over a coffee booth, no cheats or money trees. That's how Spike and London have lived for years. It's a challenge because they never have money. They used their first $40,000 to build their mansion and that was about it other than inheritances from all the relatives they've outlived. They raised their son there with help from Ashley the biker nanny. Hey, now I miss them. Might have to take a chance on PDL and play them. I never weatherproofed their place . . . BTW they're romance sims so they have about 50 bouquets of roses littering their mansion, from each other and other people and all I have to do to start a fight is have one of them read a tag from flowers that aren't from them.

    11. Marry two romance sims to each other and have them cheat as much as possible. Try not to get caught. Fun, fun!

    Hope these help. And, I'm glad you like my stories!
  11. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Thanks SBW. there are so many, i dont know which one to do first! I especially like 8, 9, and 10. Thanks a billion.
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You're welcome! Hope they prove fun!
  13. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    It would be good if the sims had jail props. :D
    I would love to build a maximum security prison for some of my sims. lol
    With alarms and cops and lights.:eek:
    .Err I think Ive been playing sims to long. Time to see my shrink :confused:
  14. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    You could do it, lock the one external door so only one sim "guard" can enter and exit and have the guard pay the bills, go shopping, etc. while the other sims never leave the building and yard. They could chat on the Internet and call anyone they knew before you locked 'em in, but otherwise their only social outlet would be each other. They could harvest money trees to pay for stuff.

    You could use similar rules to the asylum challenge, even restrict yourself to only playing the guard if you wanted things to really break down. Just trying to keep order would be interesting, to say the least.

    I thought about it so I guess I'll be joining you for group therapy. :eek:
  15. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Wow, guys, I've got millions of ideas for my sims now! Thanks guys! :D
  16. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, I'm pretty sure our sims aren't as funny as we make them out to be. Part of all the hilarity that you read about from SBW, Lynet, Mirelly, and Jiko is purely their imagination and their own natural wit. So writing about them in some way, be it a story in the Library, a Legacy story on the exchange like mine, or just random anecdotes here on the forum really helps bring out the funny.

    Also, you kind of have to look real hard to find recurring personality traits with your sims. For example, if a sim continuously ages into a certain color outfit, you can talk about his or her obsession with that color. Or if a certain sim is always making faces at random things...you know, make a joke about that.

    By the way, if you're looking for more challenges like the ones SBW posted, there's a sub-forum on Game Challenges on the BBS.

    It also helps to have other sims in the neighborhood who walk by the lot or are friends with your sims that are amusing. I have a bunch of these kinds of characters in my neighborhood, Simville: a family of rabbits, cows, and a hot pink gorilla, a crazy cat lady, a man wearing a Knight's helmet who wishes he lived back in the Middle Ages, my own simself who always provides tons of comedy...
  17. Jiko

    Jiko Lab Specimen Collector

    Don't forget boot milkshakes, using rewards when not in gold, making bonfires that get out of control, selling bad lemonade, making viruses late at night in a dirty attic on your mad scientist machine, giving people makeovers with little skill, going to work in your bikini (a routine behavior if they have to swim over to the car), smashing dollhouses, painting pictures of each other after a bad makeover, making out with the maid, calling people up in the middle of the night, looking at Mortimer through the telescope, putting soap in the fountain, death by flies...lots to do when you're bored.
  18. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    ROFL you guys ROFL.... thank you all so much.
  19. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    For anyone who cares, im going to try #8 on SBWs list. Ive already made my first mistake. I didnt marry them on the create a family screen. I always forget that.
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I started with just one sim, in college, and had her marry a cute townie. And, if they're not married, you can fix it easily enough. :)

    I love Jiko's ideas! I'm always so darned nice to my sims I forget about the dark side. :D

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