Are all children supposed to look exactly the same? I've started a large family, and so far each child born looks exactly the same. I've had 4 girls, each with the same hairstyle, same features, and same clothing. Is this the way it should work? I've been taking them to the mirrors just to make them look a little different. I also wonder why i've had no boys yet. Thank you.
Don't worry, you'll get ugly kids yet. Sometimes it's shocking! Also, their looks will change a bit with age. Boys and girls are random events, but just like in real life, sometimes you just draw aces.
It's an issue, the look alike siblings. The trick is to go into CAS to make a new sim and hit the randomize button a dozen times or so. Just don't save the sim. I've had families of girls all looking alike. Then I tried the random trick above and got two brothers who are completely different -- one handsome and the other quite ugly.
the chance of your sim having a either male or a female baby is 50/50. you just got either really lucky or really unlucky. haha. and as for the clothing/feature question, i think that there is something wrong... my sim babies are all different... clothing-wise and all... p.s. when babies are toddlers, i think all girl babies have the same hair
No, they don't. They're supposed to be random, but there's a clone bug. I never save my babies until they become toddlers and I see if they have the exact same personality of the previous kid. If they do I quit without saving. A shortcut is to reject the first kid regardless. You should save when the mom is three days pregnant if you use this route.
The the game always starts with the same randomizer seed number so that the first child born (or first sim created) after the game is started, will always be an Aries. Without re-reandomizing subsequent children will follow the same sequence every time. (I don't know what that sequence is ... maybe someone would enjoy finding out?) As Lynet correctly points out, the randomize button in the CAS screen can be used to change the seed number and it should be used a few times before loading up a neighborhood to play when you are expecting the birth of a new sim baby. It's worth doing it anyway. Alternatively Pescado's indispensible Lot Debugger, which fixes all common in-game problems without recourse to sledgehammers and cuss-words also has a handy re-randomizer function (although it does force you to reload the house after it performs and you need to save the house before using it.)
So, Mirelly, what you're saying is, every time we load the game, we should go to CAS and randomize a sim a dozen times or so? This sounds fine. I could do this.
Didn't work for me, just warning you. My way of doing it is the only foolproof way to avoid clones that I've found. I did the randomize thing and still ended up with more than one cloned kid. I think Pescado has a lot debugger that will do it but I could never figure out how to use it. I'm sure it's not that hard, I just found it intimidating.
That's really easy to use actually. Right before the Sim goes into labor save your game. Now plop down the lot debugger anywhere. Have a sim with nothing in their que click on it. Select RERANDOMIZE SIM GENERATOR. It will ask you if you want to do it and warn you that your game will freeze for a moment. Click yes. Another box pops up that says "Fixed # Objects" and then it loads the neighborhood screen. Go back into your lot and finish playing and your sims personalities/looks will be randomly born instead of clones.