Saving Sims to "PreMade"

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by rkent, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. rkent

    rkent New Member

    Saving Sims to "PreMade"

    I go through a lot to get the sims I make in game to look "just right" in the CAS mode. Is there a way to save them to the "PreMade" Sim bin when I do this?

  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Assuming that you mean the premade simbin with the CAS envirnment ... those Sims are only saved to the pre-made sims bin by Body Shop ...

    Start >> All Programs >> EA Games >> The Sims 2

    Note that you should choose the folder for the most recently added expansion pack (if any) to find the correct Body Shop Launcher. For example if you have some expansion packs then. Body Shop has a lot more face changing options compared with CAS

    Body Shop doesn't save clothes or personalities. If you want to import and export premade actual sims (with names, personalities etc. ready to plop down in a new house, then that is a whole other matter.)

    There are a number of good reasons why exchanging fully-fledged sims is not recommended so I don't have a good enough idea as to how to do it. I think you can package sims from the neighborhood screen in much the same way as building lots ... but don't quote me on that. It's not something I ever did ... not would I ever want to.

    My own CAS sim-bin is full of premade sims that I designed myself ... I'm still trying for the ultimate Keifer Sutherland ... :sigh:
  3. rkent

    rkent New Member

    CAS Bin

    Yes I was referring to the CAS Bin. I have opened Bodyshop (the one in my latest expansion) but I don't seem to get as good a view of the sims I am trying to make. Besides, I WAS talking about creating sims with clothes and personalities (such as how you download from many sites) that i could plop down, but I guess there may be some trick to it.

    I would Love to skin for myself, but I am in the Army about to go to Iraq so I surely won't have the time for it. Keifer huh? I'm looking for the ultimate Vanessa Hudgens or CJ GIBSON!!! wowy wow wow (Borat)

    Is there an area for requests here?

    thanks again Mirelly!
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :eek: You take care in Iraq. You have my undying admiration. We're all very proud of our brave boys and girls out there trying to keep some sense and order going on in that mad region.

    Vanessa Hudgens and CJ Gibson, eh? I'm guessing you're a guy then ;)

    If you need some friendly sim-related interaction (and also un-sim-related cos we're not utterly butterly simmad ... well we are but we try to maintain an impression that we are capable of sophisticated discussion on other subjects.

    Requests? For what? :rolleyes:
  5. rkent

    rkent New Member


    I'd like to make requests for sims of Vanessa Hudgens and CJ Gibson but I didn't know if this was the right forum for that (guess I just requested them though)

    Also, not many people it seems make clothing for really really old sims. My sim is taking the elixir, but I still want him to look VERY VERY old as a result. That means he would need a very long white beard, wrinkles, and I would like to put clothing on him akin to what you might think MOSES would wear LOL.

    I've found some wrinkles and a beard...but it is only ONE type. There should be lots of hairs for beards out there :). No good clothes yet though. None that I can find.

    It is our priviledge, as servicemembers, to serve our Country. I am in the Medical Field (ICU) and volunteered for duty in order to help save some of our soldiers over there. I hope there are not many I have to help "save" but the reality is...there probably will be. :(
  6. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Take care rKent :)
    I believe you are all doing a good job :)
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I'm not that good at it but I will have a go at making Vanessa for ya. Just seen her on Richard and Judy ... HSM2 is all that is being talked about. It ... I mean she ;) will be ready sometime tomorrow ... I'll post again when I think I've finished.
  8. rkent

    rkent New Member


    Thanks I look forward to introducing her to my sims!

  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Vanessa Impression

    I had fun with this. :rolleyes:

    The trouble with the orthodontised-to-within-a-nanometre North American physiognomy is that it is so anodyne that the subtle characteristics which define one face from another are largely lost in the broad brush-strokes imposed by such a clumsy tool as The Sims 2 Body Shop. American orthodontics is why Hollywood has to hire in European actors to play characterful roles. :p

    Her main characterful features seemed, to me, to be her mouth, her chin and her cheekbones. Since Body Shop was created by people who clearly did not think it important to consult anatomists or forensic facial reconstruction experts, either of who could have explained that faces are dictated 90% by the shape of the underlying skeleton. Body Shop has no tools for shaping the largest parts of the skull: the zygomatic arches, the frontal bone, and the maxilla.

    However I was brought up to accept that only a poor workman blames his tools so I am not complaining, just pointing out where the limitations are.

    Many creators of celebrity sims give up and cheat. They make a custom skintone on which they have Photoshopped a photograph of their celebrity ... at its best that technique can look a mite ghastly -- although the celebrity is usually failry easy to spot -- but at its worst it can look look downright scary and when that happens even the resemblance to any person, living or dead, is lost in the translation.

    Anyway I feel happy that my attempt captures the essential look of Vanessa: the lightly pinched upper lip; the gently pounting lower lip; the broad, strong nose with a faintly uptilted tip; the flaired, studious brows; the high, prominent cheekbones; the wide, dimpling chin on an otherwise tapering narrow jaw.

    I used a custom skintone and sparkling brown eyes by Helaene (of and the hair (and mesh) are by someone called Donny ... I can't find a link to it, but all the custom content is included in the package.

    I took no pics ... forgot. :eek:

    PS Sorry for the delay. I got sidetracked .... :rolleyes:
  10. rkent

    rkent New Member

    Thanks so much!!

    I am at work now (working nights) but will be sure to check this first thing when I get home. I am very excited about Vanessa moving into Pleasantville. Thanks a bunch!!

  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Due to being 51 cards short of a full deck, I stupidly messed up the compilation of the package, which I uploaded before. This meant that all the custom content was present, but I managed to actually remove Ms Hudgens' package. :eek:

    This new file, attached, should be the business. And she has all her clothes on as well. :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  12. rkent

    rkent New Member


    Woooo scandalous!! But I"m not complaining :)

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