Walking down the aisle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jupitershana, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I demand royalties if you use my idea :p :D :D :D :ducks:
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member


    Baby's Breath eh? I don't think I ever saw gyps in a such a lovely shade of blue before.
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Yeah...I'm kind of thinking it's not natural! LOL, that's okay, they are silks. Oh, and I did forget to mention, (because I wasn't thinking) the blue flowers in the center of the toss bouquet are hydrangeas. The baby's breath are the accent blue in the rest of the bouquets...I've also never seen quite as large baby's breath as the silk ones before. Didn't realize that what they were until we looked at the receipt!
  4. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Nah, I think Shana wants to throw that boquet on the wedding crashers! :eek: :rolleyes:
  5. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Great looking flowers Shana. We still haven't done anything about flowers yet, so we probably should get cracking on that. The trouble is, we are going to get real flowers and try to arrange them ourselves somehow, but we won't be able to do that til closer to the day. I don't know, that's the one bit we haven't figured out yet.

    That and Ash still hasn't gone to get the boys' shirts and ties. Why are men so frustrating? I've told him what he has to get, but he hasn't done it, meanwhile, I've been and picked out and lay-bied and picked up my girls dresses.

    I think that's all we are waiting on anyway.
    Ooh, I forgot to attach pics of the dresses when I got them. Well they are all the same, so here is one. Not the best photo, but the one that shows the colour best.

    Eek!!! Just looked at my counter :faint:

    Attached Files:

  6. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Nevermind the counter, look at the dress! It's beautiful! A beautiful colour and it looks comfortable too! :p

    (BTW, I was of course joking about the counter -- how exciting that it's happening in just a month!! :hyper: I'm so excited for you!)
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Beautiful dress, Allie. Love the colour. It's one of my own personal fave shades.

    Silly girl ... he's a boy! ;)

    Of course he has good intentions but he won't actually be forced to buy them until the last possible moment. When you're a little longer in the tooth, you'll accept that is way the chap of the species goes about things. :p You can either learn to live with it, or go grey trying to change him. :eek:
  8. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    It's one of my favourite colours too!! The flash on the camera has shown it a bit lighter than it actually is, but it's still very pretty!

    Haha, the funny thing is, he's almost completely grey, and I've not seen one grey yet! Mind you, I think he's been going grey since he was 13. According to him, it's his mums fault that he first went grey, and my fault that he keeps going grey :rolleyes:.

    I fully expected him to leave all of these details to the last minute, it's just so much more fun pestering him. We went and booked the honeymoon the other week, and after that was done, he said something along the lines of 'There's nothing else to bug me about now!'

    Wanna bet????:p

    I could bug a bug if I really tried I think.
  9. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Yes I do love that dress. I could almost ware it my self. :D
    I do love the colour. :)
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL; is that why he's called Ash? :rolleyes: ;) j/k

    Love the dresses Allie! I was waiting for you to come post those! They will look nice next to your dress. You better post pictures of the girls in the dresses from your ceremony! And of you and Ash of course! 1 month 1 day! I feel you! Exciting but nerve wracking, right!?! Good luck with everything! Now go bug Ash to get those shirts and ties for the guys ready!
  11. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Lol, you would think that wouldn't you? Nah, it's his name, nothing really exciting about it.

    I will definately post pictures when it's all done and hopefully, they'll turn out fine. I've just got our digital camera for use plus about 12 disposables I'll hand out on the night. Plus our video camera.

    I really can't yell at him for leaving everything til the last minute, seeing as though I'm for ever doing that with my uni homework. Just this afternoon I said to myself, I must do some homework. I ended up simming instead :eek:. I don't think it was time wasted...
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :rotfl: Yeah, well, he is just a boy, poor baby, he must love you an awful lot. :D
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it. I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!!! :D :D :D

    We just booked our honeymoon!

    5 day cruise out of Fort Lauderdale, FL to Cozumel, Mexico and Belize City, Belize then back to Fort Lauderdale leaving 1/28! We fly out on the 27th and stay in a hotel that night, cruise on the 28, dock and fly back on the 2nd.

    Brandon has never flown before and never even seen the ocean! He just finally decided this weekend that flying would be okay (he came to this realization on his own terms without me pressuring him) I'm almost more excited to watch his reaction as he sees the ocean for the first time! Before we were planning on going up North to a resort; well it's about the same price for the cruise/airfare as it would be for just the room up north!! Our meals are included in the cruise price of course so that saves us money; our only costs will be any alcohol, shore excursions, shopping, and tips for the staff on the ship!

    Brandon sounds excited, but still a little nervous about it.

    This will also be his FIRST vacation! He'll be almost 32 when we go on the cruise. Growing up his family never took vacations and he never went on them before on his own either. My family traveled a lot and I've traveled on my own multiple times. This will be an experience for him for sure!
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    and you're not visiting yours truly? :ducks:
  15. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    That's awesome Shana. We're doing a cruise too, off to Vanuatu islands (Vila, Wala, Mystery Island) and the Isle of Pines in New Caledonia. The cruise departs from Sydney so we're flying there a couple of days beforehand as I've never been.

    You are going to have an awesome time I am sure. It's all very exciting isn't it?:hyper:

    And yay for warm weather!!! :D
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Allie, I am so envious of your cruise, I've been fascinated with Vanuatu since I saw a TV show when some natives of those islands came to the UK to experience British life ... they struck me as beautiful of spirit and charming.

    Shana, I am just as envious of you. It will so thrilling for you to share in your new husband's delight and excitement of experiencing so many brand new things.
  17. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Very exciting! And your cruise just sound absolutely beautiful! Maybe in the future after he flies this one time I'll be able to convince him to go on a longer distance flight and take a cruise from Sydney...we'll see!

    That's the main reason I'm so excited. To watch someone experience this all for the first time is going to be amazing. I've never been on a cruise before myself, but I've done quite a bit of traveling and seen the ocean multiple times. I'm just so happy that Brandon's first vacation can be someplace so exciting! And to see the ocean like it is down in the gulf with it's clear tourqouise waters...oh, he's going to be speechless!

    And Josh...sorry; I can think of better things to do on our honeymoon than visiting with ANY friends. ;) :D :p
  18. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Quick update; kind of excited about it...99 days to go! We're into the double digits!
  19. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Yay for Shana!!! Not long now!

    Ooh, We finally went and had a look at shirts for the boys last night. Couldn't find any that I liked (and that would fit one of his more rounded groomsman) so he's out looking again today.

    Haven't seen him yet to check on progress.
  20. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Better get on that! If he's anything like mine he hasn't done it yet today. :D :rolleyes: Hehe, Brandon needs me to be there if I want him to get anything wedding related done.

    21 days Allie! :eek: Getting excited?!?

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