Beach Lots... Hi I have Bon Voyage. Good game and quite enjoyable. But I can't make beach lots. I was wondering has anyone had this problem...and I was wondering if it was to do with being in Riverblossom Hills? Can someone help me please? Thank you.
I don't have Bon Voyage yet (and I don't think I'm going to get it for a long time either :() so I have no idea how to build beach lots. All I can think of is try building them in another neighbourhood and see if you have the same problem. That will answer your Riverblossom Hills question at least. Sorry that I couldn't be to more help.
Beach lots are a special kind of empty lot (not with the normal empty lots) and I think there are only 3 different sizes. Up to half of the lot has to be over water, but no more that half. You may have to play around with placement. I haven't placed a beach lot yet, but this is what I've read in the Prima guide.
hmmm I've been playing around with the lot but still doesn't want to place for me so I guess I will just have to fiddle around with it. Thank you Very much
I can't seem to place my beach lots either. I'm playing a custom neighborhood that's very similiar to Veronaville... Does the "ocean" part of the beach lot have to actually touch water on your lot? If so, I'm in trouble because my neighborhood doesn't have roads that go that close to the water and you have to place your beach lot on a road like all other lots...
Not just me the same with me roads are hardly near the sea so i dont think i can make a beach lot. Can someone help us both please thanks
The only Maxian lot, apart from the Twikkii island terrain, which has beach firendly roads is the one for the OFB Bluewater Village shopping district. It has a very long beach frontage on one side and a shorter one on the other side. I am in the the process of making a new neighborhood based on that terrain.