What Are Your Simming Aims For 2008?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by hugzncuddles, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. sailorchiiavalon

    sailorchiiavalon Addicted to Sims 2!

    My aim is to stop creating so many families :D
  2. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I want to have 5 generations because I tend to get bored easily and start a new family. I want to have a "historical and respected" sim family in my neighborhood!
  3. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    My goal is to continue with my multigenerational neighborhood (6 families through 11 generations now, sending that 11th to college) alternating with doing something else. Right now I'm working on a family with 2 businesses who take a lot of vacations. But I may go back to doing recolors, making houses and the like. It all depends on what strikes my fancy at the time.
  4. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    I had my legacy family on it's 12th or so generation and 2 families in another hood to their 10th or so generation when my computer's motherboard died. Now I'm starting all over with about 4 families and I'm on the 3rd generation I think.


  5. Figwit

    Figwit New Member

    Oh wow! That is amazing. I have not yet got beyond the second generation before I am bored or overwhelmed by how many sim children I have. My problem is that I run through my sims in my head on the drive home from work and I start to wonder what would happen if I.... and by the time I arrive, I have already decided to scrap my present game and start again doing something slightly different. I very nearly gave up on my present game when my favourite sim couple were on the brink of murdering each other. He had a -118/-100 score for her and was wishing to see her as a zombie or to drink her essence. It really upset me as he was the one who cheated on her in the first place. However, I persisted and have now got them back to lurve again. So my aim then is to go on and beat your previous record, Ruth ;)
  6. timothgallagher

    timothgallagher New Member

    Started playing with just the first DVD, during March 2008.
    - It took me some time to figure out how to move around, and build.
    - Character Development and a Bio to what they've been up to, can be updated.
    - Deciding how to get the best Camera and Video Shots for certain scenes.

    Along with the Sims 2, was a Mac g5 computer - and having to relearn Quick Time, iMovie editor for 2008. so far I've uploaded a sample video for youtube.com - but it played "Upside Down" a scene between Don Lothario and Nina Calliente.

    I wanted to film or record the CAS system - but it didn't work out as planned, so I took a digital camera and filmed my own pics, and uploaded another video editing shoot, for youtube.

    --- then I relocated / moved to another neighborhood that is much easier, for someone in the family who'se dependant on an invalid scooter, and needed me as a 24 hour live in - intake care provider. ( that's a tough decision to have to do, and yet was told that I'm wasting my time trying to help senior citizens... when I ought to be going to some church function with people I REALLY DON'T PARTICULARLY CARE TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM WITH - and their very small minded, biased viewpoints... and decided that after two months... and being asked to volunteer to help a Youth Group for Preteens that don't have anything better to do than to destroy property ... I had to decline.) --- Had to make a choice... either it was playing with the Sims 2, or just feel like I committed some sin and need to be punished for wasting my time, not looking for a ditch digging job for less than minimum wage... just so I can fit in with the rest of the misfits.

    The Sims 2 - rescued my from having to just "put up" with what is and make changes.

    After three months during this summer to this New Location - I've applied myself a bit more, and focused on learning how to do 2D animation clips and learning how to use a digital film camera... more.

    - Last week I got University / Nightlife - After this Labor Day weekend is over, I'm getting OFB, and PETS. (( I felt that I'm deserving of getting involved in something, that is interesting - and stimulates creative writing, and dealing with others who don't have much to look forward to but diet pills and beer.))


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