UGH! This is horribly slow. EDIT: UGH!! I could go dry and straighten my wet hair, make a cuppa, load Maplestory and finish a jump quest before a browser page even loads. -_-;;;
This is the best one I've seen from this site using the Toronto site I've also used my ISP's own speedtest and continuously peg the d/l portion. That meter tops out at 20 down.
*GIBBERS* ME WANT THAT SPEED!!! RAWR!!!!!!!! :hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit:
If you have RoadRunner in Cali., ask about Turbo. That's what I am using. 15 Meg down is the garuntee. I'm past that as you can see. IIRC, my best d/l has been 28000 down. My up tops out at around 970-974. Same for you swmeek. Just apply the reply to Indiana I love the speeds I get.
I have Roadrunner Turbo as well, but all I get is 10Mbit downstream!!! RAWR!!!! :hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit: