If there's a delay...what are you gonna do in the meanwhile?

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by ManagerJosh, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    If there's a delay...what are you gonna do in the meanwhile?

    Totally hypothetical at the moment since there's no announcement of a delay for Sims 3, but if there was, let's say, what are you going to do in the meanwhile?

    Students? Are you gonna hide behind homework? :D
  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    I will...

    -Hide behind homework
    -Work on getting a 3.6+GPA
    -Spend time earning money
    -Drooling over Audi A4s...
    -Drooling over VWs
    -Be here on this forum?
  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Not care a bit since I'm back to terrorizing my Spore universe and playing my Sacred 2 game at times.
  4. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Well I'm desperately trying to hang onto the thought that I probably won't be able to get the game. So I'm playing TS2 and there are some exciting things happening in RL that are taking me away from the game. So I have no problem waiting another year for this game to come out. LOL

    JUST KIDDING! Everyone just breathe! It's not going to take them a year and I haven't heard anything. I don't know anyone at EA and I don't have any kind of inside track on this so calm down and climb back in the window!

  5. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    LOL Ruthie!
    well Put!
    I calmly climbed back in!
    Just dont ever scare us like that again!
    Else next time I WILL jump!
    I Mean it!:D
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Let's see everyone be calm next week when there's no news.. :D ;)
  7. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Back to that cold hard narrow ledge!

    Okay that's it I am back on that ledge again!
    nice job Josh
    oh yeah and my friend's up here with me, hope you can handle the guilt of two souls lives in the balance!
    Brr it's freezing way way up here!
    ha ha I just cannot do it!:(
    unless on feb 3rd they announce my dreaded fears!
    and yea my friend is just as crazy and zaney as i am if not more so:D
    she's more a 'sims freak' than I!

    On feb 3rd send out MS3's or even MDTBNGLOSN's(missing due to bladdy nerve grindingly lack of sims news.. yeah kinda long )for us
    we'll be up here awaiting the word
    i really really DO NOT wanna do it!
    aah well
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    So what else have you been doing? How are you making the next 4 months pass by faster?
  9. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Just Studying to Further myself and really getting back into Morrowind Oblivion Elder Scrolls again!
    got it for Pc so no excuses! lol
    other than that not much really,just biding my time wating for more sims 3 news as the day/week progresses and on the floor moping as i do so! LOL
    kidding! I am not that Sad ...Yet!:D
  10. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Here's a new one:

    Look for a second job.
  11. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Well if you spend as much time as I did on that game then you'll still be playing come June!
    Especially if you start adding all the different mods and stuff for the game.
    If your pc can handle it I would suggest you look for a series of mods called Unique Landscapes.
    You can find links to them over at the official Oblivion forum or over at www.tesnexus.com as well http://elderscrolls.filefront.com
    BUTif your pc doesn't have a very good graphics card in it then avoid these because of all the added content adds to the game.
    Another good mod is Martigens Monster Mod which adds all kinds of new enemies , creatures and other neat stuff to the game.
  12. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    Mkay Thanks Swmeek!
    I will do
    btw my Graphics card (new one) is an nVidia Geforce 9800 GT 1GB
    so i gues that can handle it ..:rolleyess:
    as for my Pc it's a 3.33 Ghz Processor I plan on upgrading to Quadcore next semester..
    For My Studying Needs!:rotfl:
  13. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Hahah. You're majoring in Sims :D
  14. NatalFenix

    NatalFenix Lamb of Spiritual Flock

    LOL i gues so!:D
  15. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Yeah the 9800 gt should be more than adequate for the game then.

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