What are you doing for Valentine's Day? So what are you doing for Valentine's day? Romantic picnic? Sunset strolls on the beach? Lots of woo-hoo?
"lots Of Woo-Hoo?" :couple: LMTAO! (the T stands for teeny .. my Tiny Butt Gets me Noticed! :rotfl Alas I am alone St Valentines Day :brokenheart: :weeping: Stuck here in England 'Til the 22nd!:crossfingers: :down: Missing My Chommies Like Crazy! But #I will Survive#ray: Laterz :wave:
Hahah. Well I'm sure there's plenty of eligible women who'd love you Steve . Play The Sims, a romantic...um... buff :ducks:
Hmmm...go into labor? Honestly no plans. Brandon is out with a new reserve officer on Saturday night so I'll be home alone. :(
AWWW!!! Breath deeply Shana!! Breath Deeply! We don't want Brandon's new partner rushing you to the hospital in their brand new cop car
LOL. Well likely we'll have a good heads up before we need to head to the hospital. Generally you're in early labor (10-15 minutes apart for contractions) for a good 10-20 hours. So if that starts he'll have the heads up and I'll be at home baking cookies to bribe the nurses with. Rarely will you have a contraction and need to rush immediately to the hospital...that would be a quick labor!
Aren't you hoping you'll have a quick labor? Hmmm. I can picture it now. Brandon and his partner rushing you to the hospital in their new cop car, sirens wailing.....and they pull up to the ER..only to find a police car instead of an ambulance...
I tell them I know of you and they run screaming in terror ! :ducks: Nah the gals think my little fat cat is cute for some reason! :rotfl: