Breaking engagement How do you do that? I have a simmer. He fell in love with a woman, they got engaged, he met another(the scoundrel). Now he wants to get married to the new one but cant because hes engaged to the old one. they are not even friends any more, just engaged. I had them fight a lot, but I want to break it off completely
Have him flirt with fiancee two in front of fiancee one. That ought to bring up an option to "break up."
SBW that doesn't always work. I had a similar situation, both sims are dead now. My male sim was engaged to a townie when he met the love of his life. I finally had her move in, the love of his life, and then invited the fiancee over. They made out in front of her, flirted in front of her and eventually retired to the bedroom to make mad passionate woohoo. When they came out of the bedroom the fiancee told a joke to the new girlfriend as if nothing had happened. Now they would slap each other if I am playing a different house and just happen to see them downtown but not always. It's probably just a fluke in my game though. Ruth
Was that with NL? My sims are super jealous since I got NL. I've had them threaten divorce over a tiny little flirt, and not just romance sims. Before NL I did have a sim flirt with another sim in front of her mate, with no reaction, but not since ...
OH yeah this just happened a couple of weeks ago! I was surprised because like you said the jealousy factor has definately increased since NL. I finally just chaulked it up to the fiancee being a townie Ruth
Are you sure you didn't have the lot jealousy turned off? I know there is a cheat for that. If it's off, then sims are free to flirt or do whatever they want with whoever they want in front of their significant others without getting in trouble.
Well seeing as I don't know how to turn it off I would have to say it's still on. This is the only couple it's happened with too. The only cheats that I really use is Moveobjects and the occasional Motherlode or Kaching. Ruth
Weird. I have noticed that some sims are definitely less romantic than others ... or maybe it was just a glitch in the jealousy thing. Who knows? My sims are uniformly jealous of each other. I had someone's college boyfriend, whom she hadn't dated since college, flirt with her at her own kid's graduation party and her husband nearly left her, even though she had never cheated on him and didn't initiate the flirt. The green eyed monster is not a reasonable beast.
I finally managed to break it off with Jasmyn. I just had her over for 3 days in a row(she leaves in the middle of a conversation/argument, if she gets mad), and just yelled at her, screamed, pushed her, and eventually ended up in a fist fight. So now my character is free to marry the love of his life and Jasmyn are beginning to accept, that she wasnt the one for David
And I have sims that were meant for each other get into fist fights at the least provocation. London kicked Spike's butt at a party when he invited his girlfriends over ... and then there was the infamous professor serenade. I thought it was divorce for sure. But they made up eventually.