
Discussion in 'Introductions Forums' started by Baybee_Tae, May 14, 2007.

  1. Baybee_Tae

    Baybee_Tae New Member


    hi and so on and so forth im not here 2 stay i juss need my question anwered!!:mad:
  2. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Aww that stinks. Because were all so...how do I say it.
    Awesome. Yeah, we're all just so much fun i dont know how anyone could bear to leave.
    But welcome anyway
  3. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Hi baybee tae.
    Welcome to worldsims:)
    Dont feel bad. Most of us have been slapped on the wrist at one time or another. Just be happy.
    So you got a red blotch on your post. Its not the end of the world.
    Keep posting. and soon you will get used to this forum. Then you will have nice green blotches on your posts.:)

    regards moon
  4. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Uh-huh, listen to Odin. Odin's cool. :classic:

    If you start posting helpful things and put on a happy face with a smile and be real friendly - you will start getting green boxes in no time. :)

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