Starting over

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Jakethedane, May 2, 2006.

  1. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Starting over

    So I had the game for ages now, played till my fingers bled(thank you Mr. Adams!), and about 3 months ago I got infected with a very nasty virus. I could still play the game - although it was slow - but I knew I had to fix the problem eventually.
    So a couple of days ago I reformatted the harddrive, and reinstalled all the drivers, and of course my beloved Sims2 and all the expansions and Im rebuilding Richmond and Scottsdale, and sending the kids to Uni again, and opening up businesessseeessse again. Ahh, I missed building a neighborhood from scratch. Its good to be back.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hi Jake. I hope that you now have a suitable anti-virus and firewall protection for your puter. Starting over is fun though. My own Pennfield is growing rapidly now. I have 20-ish families in a playing rotation and new ones being added all the time. 3 new families over the weekend for extra genes and interest. The 4 elder dynasties are well into the 4th generation and themes are begining to emerge as I am using a complicated system of randomisation to mix things up a little. I have Pescado's harder jobs hack that prevents there being more than one Mayor (and other jobs that ought not to be multiply like rats in a fast-food emporium). So uncertainty about possible futures (I try to avoid reading the detailed documentation ... it spoils the surprise) adds zest to game. I might even try setting up some businesses again ... though In all honesty I found them very dreary. On the one hand the home business is just ghastly ... you got Joes Public wandering all your velour Wilton and hardwood floors in their spike heels or else you buy a community lot and have two days for the price of one :eek:

    My favorite family is Chris & Tabby Simmonds. Some pics form today:
    1. Eldest son, Latymer (married Melody Tinkler) asks what happened to his old high chair as his new baby is due any day.
    2. Latymer teaches baby sis, Morgan not to accept wagers at pool
    3. Touching sceen of Melody and Latymer with newborn Arkady, while Morgan toasts up a bunch of pop-tarts
    4. Of no relevance at all ... Komei Tellerman regretting kicking over the Doyle's garbage can and wondering what evil entity could raise so tall and narrow a pinnacle ... mostly though he just cried a lot :bandit:

    Attached Files:

  3. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Same here. I had Scottsdale, the biggest hood Ive ever had. There must have been 20 families, some where deliberatly made to marry certain sims, or follow a certain path in life, while others where NPCs I got friendly with(in more than one sense!), then moved them out and had them live there own life for a while.
    I know that starting over is fun, I am just afraid that I will try to recreate the same simmers, which kinda kills the fun, but lets see. As of now I only have 3 families, but many weeks of fun ahead of me.
    thanks Mirelly
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    OMG, beware the wrath of Mirelly!

    Did you leave him up there?

    And, Latymer is a cutie pie.
  5. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Hey, I haven't thought of that! How did you get him on top of it?
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL Only after I built a pool around the pinnacle. At first it was a very deep pit but that was no fun cos it was too deep to see the bottom of ... bit like the house of fallen trees thing.

    I put him there using move-objects and he would still be alive if he hadn't kicked over the trash can ... I would've ignored even that if anyone in the house had ever met the guy in the first place ... but sometimes, well ... you gotta do something. :eek:
  7. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Darn're not allowed to use cheats in a Legacy unless it's for fixing a bug or decorating specially....and for some reason all the most retarded sims in the town are attracted to my Legacy. :mad:
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yes but you are allowed to use build mode. In TS1 when I was feeling mean I would just build a long fenced path and lure a townie onto it and then just buy something to block the way out ... :eek: Trouble is that TS2 sims take a really long time to die (unless, of course, you don't want them to, in which case they seem as fragile as Ming dynasty porcelain :rolleyes: ) I can count on my thumbs the number of sims I have killed on purpose ... mostly it's because they are gonna die anyway so it seems unreasonably sadistic to hasten the inevitable but also because I am a complete sucker for the waterworks scenario ... start blubbing and Mistress Mirelly comes over all Momma'll kiss and make it better ... yeah ... it's embarrassing :eek:
  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I find klling sims painful, too. So I found a fairly quick and relatively painless method although I've only tried it on one old fellow I created just for the experiment. I installed Merola's multipainting in the house. I used the painting to send the old guy into a platinum mood and then, before anything could bring his mood down, I subtracted days from his age until Grimmy showed up. It was real fast. And I ended up with a platinum urn. :rolleyes: No tears flowed...his or mine.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    My next sims to die of old age will be Castor and Zaire. Not looking forward to it! I've raised Zaire since infancy. My first born in game sim to die!!!


    So y'all may notice that she's had a verrrrrry long life.
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Certainly has. Almost 100,000 words old maybe? :p

    I've had a couple of generations die. Funny thing, though, is the sister to one of them is still alive because I haven't played her household in ages and ages.
  12. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    OH Lynet that's happened just recently to me. I created two sisters but only played one. The other I didn't like very much so I stuck her in a house and pretty much used her like an NPC. I finally started playing her but her nieces and nephews are now grandparents and she's still got something like 12 days before becoming an elder. I'm finding out though that she's a pretty fun sim to play with.

  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I think you're right. My forgetten sim sister will be interesting, too. As soon as my Errol and family has settled down to live happily ever after I'm going to focus on catching up all these lost generations.
  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I've been using Pescado's lot synch timer thingy. Makes a world of difference :rolleyes:

    As for Zaire, SBW, I am both full of admiration and also aghast at spending so much time on one sims's lifetime. LOL

    Question. Have you used the elixir a lot (or aging off)?

    I'm often fascinated by progress in PDL especially when it seems evident (or just possible) that you have taken a simple kiss and a cuddle (15 seconds of game) and turned it into 700 words. Me? I'm too busy pushing on to the next event to tarry long over every moment. The way you have brought your sims to life is little short of pure magic.
  15. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Zaire's longevity is partly due to a lot of the green stuff and partly due to the fact that once her youngest went off to college I didn't play her as much. I write about her more than I actually play her. :eek:

    I always play with ageing on. But if I didn't use the green stuff I'd be on a much later generation by now. Ashley Pitts, for one, would be long dead and gone.

    And, thank you for that truly humbling compliment. I obviously take great liberties with the lives of my sims. There's just so much I want them to do that the game doesn't allow ... but it's a great starting point and I follow their game lives as closely as I can.

    I've always had a hyperactive imagination and now I've got an outlet. I feel very lucky that others enjoy reading what I write. I admit to being a bit burned out this week after my novel binge this past weekend (10,000 words will take it out of a girl!) but hope to add more to my saga soon. I've got big plans, but the pacing has to be right!


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