What's new?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Helén, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    What's new?

    HI all. Well. Josh did it finally - got me here to say hi. So much has happened it would be a book if I even tried tell.

    Tonight I'm very blue. I'm home after a funeral. My oldest friend has passed away. Yet she fought the cancer and made future plans - refusing to give up. She was a person that always tried the best, no matter the circumstances. A person to have as a role model when it comes to not giving up - not succumb despite whatever there is to battle. Always a kind word to everyone - always caring about everyone she knew, always trying to brighten your day up.

    Her funeral was about the most beutiful event I've been to. Her daughter made it a feast to her moms memory. Marie, my friend, just plained loved arranging parties, happy gatherings and such, to enjoy and enlighten the day for others. Her funeral was filled with beutiful music, tons of candles and everything was in her favourite colours. The words spoken was filled with joy of life - not death.

    She will always stay in my heart. And I believe in a life after this - and I wish for her a better life, without pain to come.

    Otherwise... Uhm... I'm engaged with my englishman Paul and we bought a lovely place on the countryside. I'm still breeding my guinea pigs - not giving that up.. :) Gt a new champion in january. Her name is Andromeda and she's Satin golden agouti. See pic.

    I've been very sick to and from but is recovering step by step. have LOTS to do with our new company, the animals, the house and all. So time to be online is really scares - to say the least.

    Also I've started to collect potted plants: African Violets (about 25 diff sorts now) Pelargoniums and Hoyas.. About 25 of each - different that is. So. My days are filled alright.

    In any way. Tell me what's new with all you guys and gals. :)

    Hugglez to all

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  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Welcome back, Helen. :) I have seen your name and posts all over the forum and I'm glad you have at least a little bit of time now to visit again.

    Very sorry to hear that you've lost your friend, but at least you have a great many wonderful memories of her.

    Congratulations on your engagement to Paul.

    (p.s. the picture in my avatar is from a VERY long time ago. I put it up in celebration of my 40 year high school reunion. :rolleyes:)
  3. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    *waves to fellow sweed*

    Welcome back! I've seen your posts here and there on the forum too and I was just dying for you to come back on again so I could say hi. :D So, hii!

    So sorry to hear about your friend. Funerals are the most beautiful things.. Well, the ones I've been to anyway. Brings back all the memories, good and bad (but mostly good).

    Congrats on the engagement and aww your guinea-pig is so cute!
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Wow! Hi Helen! I also have seen your posts here and am honored to meet you. Thanks for at least dropping in an' stuff.
  5. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Helen, my friend, it's good to see you again. I'm so glad that you have found a little time to visit us.

    So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. However I must say that you have a wonderful attitude toward the funeral and all. Not that it is a death... but a part of life--a rebirth.

    Good luck with your violets, and good to hear that you're recovering. :)

  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I think I added my welcome-wagon note to one your first posts from last night, Heln. I remember you were just bowing out when I started visiting here a lot. I thought it was shame that I wouldn't get the chance to know you better, so I'm glad to see you returning for some gossip.

    Do you still find time to Sim?
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    So good to hear from you again. Glad Josh was persistant. He's a good guy. Sounds like life has been interesting. But sorry about your friend. Lost mine best friend from jr college to cancer, too. Always thought she would be the one to beat it. Anyway, see you around.
  8. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Wow!!! Thanks guys and gals. Your warmhearted replies actually get me crying happy tears. Thanks SO much!!! I will really try "put my nose and floppy ears in here" now and then... :bunny:

    Last news from me: Paul is in Scotland for the moment, working with some machines over there. Very good money - but very lonely for both of us. But he will be home in about a weeks time, and I'm pretty used to him having to go away working from time to time.

    What's up with you people? Except for a wedding coming up - congrats!!!
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh. You just posted. I think we have two or three wedding this year ... I'm a bit forgetful at remembering things.

    I had some art materials delivered today. I have this bizarre idea that I might start making cute little cat figures. In my mind's eye I see these unbearably cutesy animals, all big eyes, and big ears and spikey-toed feet, but the realization is rather less easy than the visualization. Oh, who am I kidding? I am just making excuses for the sticky keys on my keyboard.

    Tomorrow, a courier is delivering my new motherboard so I might not be around for a while when that happens. If the upgrade goes pear-shaped I might just go into a sulk and take up clay-catting until I get interweb-withdrawl symptoms. Why am I telling you this? Well it just occurred to me that making models of guinea pigs would be a little easier than cats ... but then again, I am actually more than old enough to know that nothing is as easy at it seems; neither are things as difficult as one imagines them to be before you start. And on that horribly arch piece of homespun, I'll go and make meself a jolly nice cup of tea. :D
  10. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    Way cool ideas Mirelly. :D Love them, and you're So right about how we look at possibilities and what to do with them. Hope you upgrade was going alright though. I kow what a drag it is when the comp "playes up" (if it only had played a lil tune... :p)

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