How can you change lifetime aspiration? Ok, so I created a wholesome female adult Sim. She has a teenage son and is supposed to be wonderful role-model, so I made her neat, nice, and after much thought I gave her a fortune aspiration (figure she might as well be this successful achiever). Then bam, as soon as she comes to life, her lifetime aspiration turns out to be mastermind criminal. Sounds interesting, but not exactly what I had in mind for her character. Is there a way this can change in the game without cheating?
Oooh, not sure if this is identified as 'cheating' or not... see what you think anyway. You could download JMP's college clock at MATY ( on the free samples section. It's pretty cool. Perhaps somebody else will have better advice, (I can see Josh is currently reading the thread...) or if you are interested in the clock but want some more info, I'm sure if you do a search a lot more about it will come up. JMP's objects are highly recommended.
The other thing you can do without downloading anything if you're considering that cheating, is use your aspiration points to buy the Re-Nu-Yu Orb. This is of course only included if you have Nightlife. You can use the orb up to 5 times before it phases out. Make sure you're using it only in the gold or platnium though, otherwise you'll end up really likeing grilled cheese sandwiches. You are able to change their turn on/offs and also their Aspiration by doing this. If you're set on doing a Fortune Sim, then you'll have to change them to something else first like knowledge, then back to Fortune and hope that you have a new Lifetime Want. Hopefully you have Nightlife!
Don't knock the grilled cheese thing. If you have a totally useless aspiration/sim combination (eg an excrutiatingly shy popularity guy) don't beat yaself up trying to get him into gold to use the re-nu-orb ... just go for the grilled cheese he'll be so much easier to get into gold when all he ever really wants is to eat, drink and sleep cheesey-toasties ... then you can renew him again only this time get the result you really wanted
I have that happen a lot to my Knowledge Sims. I generally just have them do that career (so that they can get their platinum aspiration), then have them immediately quit their job. Then I just pretend that they never had that career in the first place. (For my knowledge Sims, they usually get something like Chief of Staff or Mad Scientist for their next "lifetime" thing, which looks a lot better in terms of "role models".)
I do not have Nightlife but found myself in the same situation as the original poster. I installed Seasons and Open for Business around the same time so I can't recall which expansion pack came with this: but I had a Porta-Re-Nu-Yu chug... you could only drink it once from what I recalled... However, if memory serves me correctly, this was only included for Sims I had ALREADY created prior to installing these two expansion packs. Suddenly, they had an inventory and the sole item already included was this Porta-Re-Nu-Yu chug. Any advice on how to get one? Many thanks.
You can't get another bottle of that stuff, it's not a buyable item. But you can use the orb under aspirations rewards; that should be under your aspirations rewards even though you don't have Nightlife...I think anyway! Check it out and report back.