Questions needing Answers HELP :-(

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by nunyabizniz2399, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. nunyabizniz2399

    nunyabizniz2399 New Member

    Questions needing Answers HELP :-(

    :confused: :D ;) :p :confused:
    I'm working on my Thesis and I need to do a few interviews. It is Related to all versons of The Sims. If anyone can answer any or all of my questions listed it would be a great help!
    just lable the question(s) you answer by number. Thanks.:)

    Personal questions, inquires, or answers can be sent to:

    Interview Questions

    1. Why do you play?

    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain.

    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain.

    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why?

    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why?

    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc?

    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped?

    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience?

    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain.

    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc

    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    1) Just for fun.
    2) Almost every day, and yes. ;)
    3) Happy. I laugh a lot.
    4) Sims2. Far more options for creating sims and their interactions.
    5) Just the usual types like those that come with the game.
    6) I don't make sim versions of real life people, including myself and my family.
    7) Nope
    8) You mean like Worldsims? I gained friends.
    9) Extremely busy with real life.
    10) see 8) above. I think my join date is part of my profile.
    11) I've made friends here on Worldsims.

    Good luck writing your paper. Answer a question for me since I've answered yours, OK? Which version of Sims do you play?
  3. nunyabizniz2399

    nunyabizniz2399 New Member

    The Sims 2. I like the challenges better! THe graphics are better too!:D
    Thanks for answering.:p
  4. tatter_13

    tatter_13 New Member

    1)For entertainment in my pointless life
    2)I play 1-8 hours every day and I would consider myself extremely addicted:D:D
    3)Sometimes I'm uber happy(like when a baby is born or a toddler grows into a child) Or frustrated(when game is lagging or my sim tries to take care of twins)
    4)Err...I've only played The Sims 1 like twice so I prefer Sims 2 'cause your sims grow up, you can have generations of kids, and of course for woohoo;)
    5)Mostly goths, tomboys, geeks, and normals. I NEVER create girly sims. My sims are usually mildly nice,outgoing, and playful depending on what career I will make them have.
    6)Well, I usually alter their appearance and personality a tiny bit but I mostly keep them the same.
    8) I usually learn where I can download new content and I get some new tips or aspects for gameplay.
    9)I'm a bit annoyed but usually not that mad. I've only had it happen a couple times so...
    10)Errrrrr....This is my first and I just joined this morning.(St. Patty's Day)
  5. Peppermint

    Peppermint New Member

    1. For fun.
    2. When I get into it, I'll play almost every day, some days more than others, and yes, at the moment I would consider myself addicted. Last night I told myself I wasn't going to play any more for the night, but I couldn't resist squeezing in half an hour before bed. :D
    3. I feel good most of the time. It can be stressful trying to get all their needs met and their goals accomplished, but I come away from it feeling happy.
    4. Sims 2. I like the goals and having the ability to grow families and induvidual Sims.
    5. I create most of my sims from characters in TV/movies/books. It's fun, and it makes me feel a little more invested in their fates.
    6. Haven't created anyone I know from real life yet.
    7. Nope.
    8. I lurk more than I post in online discussions. It's interesting to read other peoples' experiences with the game, and sometimes I get good tips out of it.
    9. I feel okay. I don't think about it all that much when I'm not playing it; usually because I have other stuff I want/need to be doing. It's when I have the time to play it a lot that I get addicted.
    10. I'm registered both here at Worldsims and on the Maxis Sims 2 website, although as I said in 8, I lurk more than I post.
    11. Not really.

    Hope that helps. Good luck on your thesis!
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    1. Why do you play? for fun

    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain. play when I'm alone, and not checking in here, but not exclusively

    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain. depends on how well the little dears are playing.

    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why? 2 superior play

    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why? good people and an occasional stinker.

    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc? have never created my own family

    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped? no n/a n/a

    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience? this forum for example?

    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain. I don't go into withdrawl if thats what you're asking..

    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc… a long time

    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?
    in a general way. would love to meet some the characters that populate this site, face to face.
  7. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, Michelle. Gotta have at least one stinker in the neighborhood. :p
  8. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    1) I play as a hobby. Some people garden or collect stamps. I raise little electornic people and run their little electronic lives. ;)

    2) I play several times a week when I can spare a large block of time. My playtime has went down considerably since I changed jobs.

    3) I feel totally emersed in the game. I worry about my simmies, I get involved trying to take care of them. :)

    4) TS2, with all the expansions.

    5) I like having a variety of different sims. Beautiful sims and ugly sims. Rich sims and poor sims. Different personalities. I just like the variety.

    6) I did create a "Sim-Self" and "Sim-Hubby". That's them in my Avatar. I changed their name, I changed my hairstyle becuase I couldn't find one close to what I actually have, and I changed their professions to my dream professions for us. In my game, Sim-Hubby is a doctor and Sim-self is an author. Oh, we have more children, too. :)

    7) No.

    8) :) That's what WorldSims is. I read the forums every day after work, and a couple of times a day on the weekend. I don't always like to post as often as I used to, and I am feeling. . . ummmmm. . . like I'm not as connected as I was before I started the new job. But, I feel like everyone here are my friends and I turn here for socilazation and support, and Sims Discussions. :)

    9) I feel tense. The Sims are my creative outlet, its "my time". It's like the potter who has not time to use their wheel, or the writer who has no time to sit down and write. The creative outlet it gone, which leads to stress and frustration. Everyone in this busy world needs and deserves their "me" time.

    10) I belong here and several other Sims Websites, but here is where I am the most active and enjoy being the most. I also post at MATY, but not as often as I do here. I belong to lavender wrinkle sims, the Well Dressed Sim, Mod The Sims 2, Refined Sims Yahoo Group, and Snooty Sims, but I'm not active in any of these at all. I started posting here in the summer of 2004, right before TS2 was released. I came here looking for downloads for the Body Shop program that had been released prior to TS2, and I became hooked with the community here. :)

    11) Not in my RL. All of my sim-friends are online. In real life, everyone thinks my little game is crazy. :rolleyes:

    Okay, I hadn't read any of the other responses yet so I would give an unbiased opinion. Now, I'm going to go read them. :D
  9. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Interview Questions

    1. Why do you play? For fun, and to take up the time that should be spent doing coursework.

    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain. I play usually 1-2 times a fortnight, as sometimes I can't be bothered loading it up as my computer is slooooow. I wouldn't say I'm addicted - I like playing, and play whenever I can be bothered. Okay, so I'm a lil bit addicted.

    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain. I feel like nothing else in the world matters but to get Sophia with Stuart right at that moment.

    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why? The sims 2 - I went on the Sims on PS2 last night, and was so bored and annoyed at the crappy graphis right away. I have the Sims 2 eapansion packs - I love OFB, it's great!

    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why? Characters that are capable - smart, pretty, etc. I'm trying to create a perfect world. :p No, I'm not!!! I like cool sims that I can experiment with.

    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc? I make myself prettier. (If that's possible. ;) )

    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped? Well, I wrote a story. Still writing. It's based on my Sims.

    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience? I love this website, this foruma nd the people here are amazing - they're very understanding and intelligent. I think I got some social skills from this site.

    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain. Well, I can got a few weeks without playing - I could probably stop.

    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc This one, since April is it I think?

    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet? I'm very good friends with the people on here. I like making them LOL!
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    1. Why do you play?

    • For relaxing time and to "escape" my real life at times.
    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain.
    • I play the sims about 3 times a week, mainly on weekends. I would say that I'm addicted, if If I'm not playing them, I'm probably on here discussing the game or thinking about what I'm going to do next with them. Plus I find when I say, "I'm only going to play for an hour." Next thing I know it's 3 hours later and I'm still playing.
    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain.
    • Relaxed and in my own little world.
    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why?
    • The Sim2 of course, with all the expansions. There are so many more possibilities. I love the fact that you can have generations, and the building options are better than Sims1 as well.
    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why?
    • I'm a family kind of a person, so I like creating family sims. I think most of the sims I've created are very beautiful in their features, for some reason I can't bring myself to create ugly ones...I guess that's what the townies are for! Lol, plus after a couple of generations they start turning ugly on their own from all the mixed genetics. Might as well start them out nice!
    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc?
    • I've only done that once, and lost interest in them before they reached elders. I tried to make myself and my boyfriend as true to life as possible. As well as careers and personality. The only thing that was true to life is that they got married and had three kids, I'm still waiting for my ring!
    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped?
    • No, but I can see how it would be useful. When I have children I'd let them play this, I think it would help with future parenting skills.
    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience?
    • This website, that's pretty much it though. No real chosen topic, just a little bit of everything. I think I've gained quite a bit of knowledge about the game and about others who play the sims2 as well. We are a fun group!
    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain.
    • Well I normally play on the weekends, but if it's been two weeks, I start to get a little edgy, like I need to make sure my little people are okay and progressing in their lives.
    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc…
    • This is the only forum I post in, but I belong to a couple others, such as MATY and Mod the Sims2. But I don't post on those, just read every once and a while and use the downloads.
    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?
    • Just online relationships so far. But three of us are meeting for coffee next weekend, so that should be fun!
  11. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    *Sulkily* Don't boast. :(
  12. Splotchie

    Splotchie New Member

    1. Just for fun and relaxation
    2. I'll go in spurts. Play daily for a week or so, then go several months without opening it up. Definitely not addicted.
    3. varies depending on what I'm trying to accomplish with my active sim or group on that day. If I really want to get to a later life to play out a story idea, then I might get bored during the early phases, but once I get there I feel good at what I accomplished.
    4. Most of the time I prefer Sims 2. I've just gotten started on OFB so I'm enjoying that learning curve. I do miss the pets from Sims 1 though. I'd really like it if they'd figure pets into a future expansion and include some exotics and pet controllability.
    5. Generally I'll make "nice" Sims. Just ordinary folks [although richer than snot for the most part :)]. Occasionally, I'll create a troublemaker to stir the pot a bit. Why? hmm, mainly because I'm ordinary folk, but also because I play on the same computer as my kids and I don't want some romance sim wandering around woohooing all over the place with my Kid's sim creations. But I've arranged for the occasional affair with some of my sims so its not all sweetness and light.
    6. I have created "my family" and I generally try to keep them as close to real life as possible, but it is fun to watch some of the out of character things my "family" members will do when they are in game. For instance my mother sim was such a, mean woman that she made her "daughter- in-law" cry the very first time they met and would say very nasty things about "me" when talking to other sims on the phone and then LAUGH. My real Mom got quite a kick out that when I told her. Oh and Yes, I do change the physical appearance to slim even though most of us are pleasantly plump. I see no reason to get all depressed watching myself in virtual reality.
    7. No, can't see where that would work. It's just a game with randomly generated outcomes for randomly generated and imposed actions
    8. I'll read an occasional forum or message board, but not so much.
    9. Depends on whether I have a specific game scenario in my head that I'd like to complete, otherwise I choose other things over Sims regularly. But even if I am in Sims "mode", I'll throw it over easily for real life activities.
    10. No, I go to many sites that offer downloads, but I shamefully snatch and run. Rarely go anywhere else unless I have a question in which case I may hang out and read some posts. But can't say I get to know anyone.
    11. No
  13. ozoinka

    ozoinka New Member

    1. Why do you play?
    • For the sheer joy of it.
    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain.
    • Mostly on the weekends, real life gets in the way during the week and I'm addicted.
    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain.
    • Challenged, happy and totally absorbed. I love my little world.
    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why?
    • The Sim2, with all the expansions. Graphics and game play.
    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why?
    • I like high achieving families. So I like creating hot singles/siblings that mix with the locals, fall in love and begin their cycle. But I also like to play with Maxis characters.
    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc?
    • Only did this once in TS1. Felt weird.
    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped?
    • Nope.
    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience?
    • This website, I check it almost daily, but lurk more than I post. I like hearing about how others play their game.
    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain.
    • I get a bit ansy, like I'm missing something.
    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc
    • Other than this website, I also check MATY, TSR, Mod the Sims2. I've found game tips, great stories not to mention hearing about sites that offer great content for download. Other experience, would have to be learning to use graphic packages through the help of community tutorials. So much knowledge shared and usually for free, very cool.
    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?
    • No, not personal relationships. But you see a lot of the same names on various sites. So you feel familiar with them.
    oh BTW
    jupitershana I copied your layout as I found it easy to read. :)
  14. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Ooh, this looks like fun. I hope I'm not too late!

    1. Why do you play?
    It's a fun game, and it stimulates my brain. I get a lot of stress from school, extracurricular activities, etc, and being able to sit there and plan out their lives helps me relax. Also just because I get a kick out of watching them wet themselves or go through aspiration failure. I especially love it when the Social Bunny comes!

    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain.
    I like to say that I'm addicted, but actually I don't play as much as other people on the forum. Sometimes I try to play for an hour on weekdays, but usually it's only about 5 hours total on the weekends. And even that's too much, because I usually play on Saturdays, and then on Sunday I have to spend the whole day and sometimes stay up later than usual doing homework.

    3. How do you feel while playing? Explain.
    Um...let's see. I feel happy, actually. Excited...I don't think about anything else that's happening with me when I'm playing Sims 2. It takes me away from any worries I have about an upcoming test, quiz, or project due-date, or family troubles.

    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why?
    I definitely prefer The Sims 2. The Sims 1 seems horribly primitive compared to it, and none of the Sim City games ever appealed to me much. I may also get a one of the console games to try it out.

    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why?
    I used to create characters with imaginated complex histories and secrets, and I'd sort of turn my neighborhood into a soap opera--affairs left and right, mysterious deaths, etc. Nowadays I'm really enjoying my Legacy family, though--the rules of it can be found here:

    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc?
    I used to create tons of sim versions of myself, but I never really created my family in Sims 2. I didn't really want to have to do all that, because then I knew I'd go crazy and try to build an exact replica of our house, which would be impossible, and try to get everyone's jobs to fit real life...too much work me, I think.
    When I created a simself, I'd sometimes make myself an adult, a child, a teen...I also tried to make myself look as much like me as possible, though it's quite hard--I believe all simmers have some kind of urge to make beautiful sims, so it's often very hard to make them look more realistic.

    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped?
    Um...not really. :rolleyes:

    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience?
    Well, I'm here, aren't I? I also frequent the Shoo Flee forum, a forum I found after reading several other people's legacy stories on the Exchange. We usually talk about...well, just about anything. :p

    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain.
    I feel frustrated, a little sad...but not extremely so. Sometimes I think to myself, "Darn! I didn't get to play Sims 2 today!" But not daily...only when I'd been planning on playing that day because of less homework than usual, but something came up.

    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc
    Um....hasn't this been asked before? Well, I guess it's not exactly the same question, so...besides this one, because I think you can gather information about this forum by yourself, I go to the Shoo Flee Forum. I only joined it a few weeks ago, but I already love it. It's a very nice website--nice members who keep it PG-13. We talk about Sims 2, Legacy stories, and then there's also the Off-Topic forums, where we can stray from Boston Cream Pie to Ice Age II (anyone else wanna see that?)!

    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?
    No, I haven't met any other Sims 2 players in person so far...except my friend sometimes play Sims 2, but I don't think it counts because we've been friends long before she started, and I sort of introduced it to her. :rolleyes:
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'd like to know if Nunya wrote the paper yet and, if so, what was the conclusion about us. ;)
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    1. Why do you play?
    Because it is fun and also because I like to combine having fun with solving problems that are neither important nor especially challenging.

    2. How often do you play? Would you considered yourself addicted to The Sims? Explain.
    I play almost every day ... some days I just can't fit it in. I don't consider myself addicted. I have pretty much the luxury of choosing my own agenda and I choose to use most of my time for the sims but if my computer exploded and I could not afford a replacement ... well my garden my get more attention than hitherto.

    3.How do you feel while playing? Explain.

    Relaxed mentally; while playing the rest of the world is on hold to some extent.

    4. Which version of The Sims do you prefer to play? Why?

    The Sims 2 for PC with all expansions. Why because it is more involved and detailed than its predecessor and because I don't have a console...

    5. What type of characters do you like to create? Why?

    I am not conscious of creating characters to order. Most times I develop them according to how I imagine they might be if the were 'real' ... in that sense the game pretty much feeds my prejudices. I guess I am not too proud of that, but no-one is perfect.

    6. When you create yourself and or your family how do you create them? Do you change anything about them whether it is their career, mental state, personality, physical appearance, location, habits, etc?

    I have never created myself. I have created (or attempted to create) a lookalike me, but that was only an exercise in vanity. Sims are not nearly realistic enough in physical appearance, in personality, in any respect for any realistic copying of real people.

    7. Have you ever used The Sims for a real-life learning tool or experiment? If so, what did you use them for and what was the outcome during game play and real life. Do you feel like The Sims helped?


    8. Have you ever participated in an online social community or local social group devoted to The Sims? If so, what was your chosen topic(s)? What did you gain from this experience?

    Yes. What did I gain? Josh made me a moderator when I wasn't looking :rolleyes: Seriously I have learned a great deal about the way other people use the game. I have also made some online friends whose support has been reassuring that my enjoyment of a computer game is not a little weird for a middle-aged person.

    9. How do you feel when you are not able to play The Sims on a regular basis? Explain.

    I have no strong feelings. I did not play for 3 months last summer because I moved house and I chose to leave unpacking the computer until last. I actually unpacked it because the Nightlife EP was due out and I wanted to up to speed with it (by playing) so as to make myself useful on the forums.

    10. Have you been or are you currently involved in any social communities devoted to The Sims? If so, explain? Name of website, topics, quality of website, how long you have been involved, etc Member for 3 years.

    11. Have you developed any personal relationships with other Sims players? If so, how did you meet?


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