So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Seriously. I know what an oven is. But I have never set foor in our kitchen without the intention to raid the cupboard for chocolate.
  2. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    For shame, Missy. My daughter makes her own snacks and she's half your age. I don't blame your Mum one bit. :p

    I figured you knew. I just love British words for things. My daughter and I call our garage our "garrige." The first time I heard that I said, say what?

    In case you don't know it already, we Yanks call it a gah-RAJ. Empahsis on the second syllable rather than the first.

    Guess we're just pretentious that way.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL reminds of a couple of stories. An englishman was in NYC and needed some batteries for his electric shaver (razor?) He asked at 2 or 3 stores and was met blank expressions and denial that such stuff could be bought anywhere. Frustrated he was repeating himself at yeat another store counter when an impatient New Yorker waiting behind him leaned over and snapped, "Badda-rizz! The guy wants some badda-rizz!"

    Years ago I was having a snack in a 'greasy spoon cafe' (the nearest equivalent would be a cheap diner) when a West Indian gentleman came in asked for "Two Egg an' Two Ast"

    The girl serving looked mightly perplexed. She was sure that she had no asts in the freezer but the old gentleman looked so sweet and kind she didn't want to let him down. She asked him to repeat himself hoping a second turn around the block might bring clarification. I heard him distinctly, cos he raised his voice as though humoring a child.

    "Two egg 'n two ast," he said plaintiffly. The emphasis was very clear. I suspected I knew what it was he wanted but another lady came in at that moment and she had also heard the conclusion of the exchange. With a smug expression she said, "he wants two eggs and toast!"
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    LOL, Mirelly.

    I once spent an hour in Sainsbury's trying to find thumbtacks. I finally asked someone and they looked at me strangely, so I described what I wanted and she said, "Oh, you want Drawing Pins!" Only she pronounced them "Drawring Pins."

    Whew. I thought I'd never find them. I think she thought I was looking for some kind of medieval torture device. Talk, or I'll use the thumbtacks on you!
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    er...well...I've just been using sims I created in Body Shop. I've used the same sim sometimes over and over.

    In other words, I'm sorry to say, I haven't cloned an NPC, townie or sim born in game. (Although it occurred to me you could package one for upload then set him up in a new neighborhood. Haven't tried it.)

    But, the interesting thing is this--which you may have already discovered about Body Shop--if I choose, for example, Errol, and then just hit the symbol for female, I get his mother. :D If instead, when I have Errol there, I choose the symbol for the child, I get Errol as a child. I thought that was pretty cool when I discovered how it worked. Actually, once I had Errol created in Body Shop, the other tricks worked just fine in the game's Create a Family (or Sim or whatever.)

    Anyway, if you were looking for something more scientific and clever I'm afraid I was just pulling the wool over everybody's eyes. :eek:
  6. jowo

    jowo New Member

    I dont really shave my legs. Its feels a little un masculine.

    I just posted a load of stuff to the spore forums and no one awnsered. Nobody likes me :(
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Not true, luv. It's Saturday afternoon and we're all simming. I'm downloading right now but I've got the patience of a two year old so I popped by here to see if anyone wrote anything.

    I don't play spore, don't intend to, so I ignore those threads.

    I'm sure others will answer soon.

    And LOL on the shave your legs thing ...
  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I went to a very nice wedding today. Two "kids" that I've known since they were knee high tied the knot and boy does that make feel old. Except it was wonderful seeing so many good friends. and the ceremony was funny and sweet with a chinese theme. lots of good talk, good food and nice memories. one feature that was very clever was instead of having a recieving line was the bride and groom came back in after the recessional (which was done to the theme of StarWars) and dismissed each row, greeting each guest as they did.
  9. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Does everyone in America getting married use a wedding planner?
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Uh, no. You watch too many movies. :p

    They may use a little book called a wedding planner, but if you mean the actual person, the wedding planner, that's mostly for rich folks.

    No one I know has ever used one.

    SuiteMichelle, that sounds like a fun wedding. I like it when people get married in a way that reflects their personalities. We had Leonard Cohen songs at ours (played on the accordion by a talented friend).

    My baby sister's getting married in July. She wants my daughter and me to be in the ceremony. My daughter is very excited. She gets to wear fairy wings.

    Speaking of personalized weddings. :)
  11. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    My internet connection may be fixed now. I think I'm supposed to say WOOT here? Did I spell that right? It turns out, according to the service man, that we had a bad splitter. He also pointed out that the internet needs a stronger signal than the TV and it's best to have a cable devoted to the internet connection. :rolleyes: No splitters (we have at least two).

    So I old my husband no more TV. ;) He said how about no more internet. :eek: I decided we'd just keep on using splitters. :D
  12. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Splitters! Reminds me of that Monty Python bit in The Life of Brian ... Splitters!!!

    We're the PFJ, not the PJF! How dare you ...

    Hee hee ...

    Yes, I have completely lost it.
  13. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey - Somebody stole my wedding idea! I was going to use the StarWars Theme as my Wedding March! I even bought the sheet music!! (What did I know - I was a kid. Later I thought it would be cool to use the Moody Blues' NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN...And later still, The Theme from MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS!) :rolleyes:
  14. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    SBW, I love that film. I never lost it, big shock! I just never had it!

    What didn't I have again?


    Anyway! That film is bloody amazing. My Dad has it on DVD.

    'He's not coming out, he's been a very naughty boy! Now **** off!'

    Edit: Just realised after I posted that my bad in word in the quote isn't blanked out, so I blanked it out for you. Aren't I sweet? :D
  15. jowo

    jowo New Member

    are you refering to me saying nobody likes me? And if so you didnt take that serious. If I Put imotions after a word it generally means I'm joking were you joking? Lol its hard guessing from text
  16. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Yep, that's what she meant. Everyone here loves you!
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yeah, I kind of got that, Jowo. Not as dumb as I type. ;)

    OMG Sacharissa I thought I'd fall off my chair. Murder on the Orient Express??? For a wedding? How, um, optimistic.

    And, just for Babe ... "If it's not a personal question? How much more personal could you get?"

    And, "Some people are never satisfied." "That's what Jesus said."

    Still laughing, Sacha.
  18. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    'Shut it, Big Nose!'

    'Blessed are the cheesemakers!'.......'Ohhh, it's blessed are the meek!' That's nice, it's about time they got summat.'
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Augh! I misquoted Monty Python! I'm going to purgatory for that, I'm sure.

    I should have said, "There's no pleasing some people." "That's just what Jesus said, sir."

    Aaaugh. I hide my head in shame.

    Naughty, naughty SBW ...
  20. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Always look on the bright si-ide of life

    de-dum de-dum de-dum ....... :)
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