So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    No word yet from the California family. I guess they're busy :rolleyes: . I told Dave just to let me know when it was over and everyone was OK.

    The doctors believe the baby is a girl (sonograms or whatnot).

    It's hard to concentrate here at work.

    Anyway, I've never had guinea pigs for pets. My daughter had a hamster for awhile and it was always getting loose. She kept it in a cage on the 3rd floor of our city rowhouse and I once found it inside :confused: a big cardboard box in the basement. How that critter got down all those flights of stairs, past the eyes of two cats, will always be a mystery to me. Maybe one of the cats stored him down there with plans for a later snack. Anyway, he was unharmed and went right back to the cage on the 3rd floor. He had many other adventures, too.
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Congrats, Lynet! Hope everything is okay.

    I never caught my hamster escaping, or out of his cage, but I have no doubt he had many midnight strolls while we were all sound-asleep. Honestly, I can't think of any other solution to why he gained so much weight than sneaking out of his cage and eating our cookies or something, what with his veggie/fruit-filled diet and constant access to an exercise wheel. :rolleyes:
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Spoke to my daughter at 7 pm EST. She's still in labor.

    Sims got it easy.
  4. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    is this your first grandchild?
  5. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Yup. And my only daughter. It's about 10 before midnight now. I just got a call from Dave. Since the labor had gone on for so long and was not progressing, the doctors decided to go ahead with a C-section. Mother and baby are doing fine now. I don't know much else yet. They're all pretty tired out there.

    Goodnight :)
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Congratulations, Grandma! Let us know when you hear more.

    Do you know the baby's name?
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Yay! Congrats Grandma! Sucks about them having to go forward with a C-section though, but good to hear they are all doing okay. Post pictures when you get them!
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thanks. Oh, I will for sure post a picture. As soon as I learn anything or see anything. I may have to just go out there and take them myself. :eek: As of now, I know nothing useful.
  9. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Congratulations! How very exciting!! and a girl on the first go - Very nice! I had to wade through five nephews before FINALLY getting a niece!
  10. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Congrats, Lynet! I can't wait to see pictures!
  11. Joseph

    Joseph boolprop cheatcode user

    My trip to Minnesota was postponed until next weekend now. But I still am going. I keep hearing good things about their State Fair where all the food you eat is on a stick. :p My friends are going to take me. I guess a few went this past Thursday when it opened. I'm going to get to see Garrison Keillor. I saw that Prairie Home Companion movie and loved it.
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    ooo! Garrison's a riot! Prepared to be laughing ur butt off with his tales from Lake Wobegon
  13. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Many congrats Lynet! I hope that mom and baby are doing well, and I would love to see pics when you can post them. :) It must be a big relief to mom now that the baby is finally here - it sounds like the baby was in no rush whatsoever to make an appearance lol.
  14. djrules5454

    djrules5454 Wiivolutionary

    You forgot about the deep-fried food as well. At the Minnesota State Fair (aka: The Great Minnesota Get-Together) 90% of the food is either deep-fried, on a stick, or both! Something that they started in the past few years is advertisements on a stick!
  15. Joseph

    Joseph boolprop cheatcode user

    Advertisements on a stick. Isn't that already taken as protesting? :D Can't wait to go. :)
  16. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Well, it turned out I really am doing the best I can with violin. I practiced for two whole hours (and that's really hard with the computer's siren call pulling on me) and, as soon as I took one break to the bathroom and came back, it was as if I hadn't practiced at all. I messed up as much as I did at the beginning and everything was out of tune and it was just horrible. I felt like punching someone, and I did kick my pillow around my room a bit. :mad: Violin is one of those constant worries at the back of my head. Maybe I really should consider quitting. If I presented my thoughts and opinions presentably to my mom, sans whining, she might consider as well. I still feel guilty, though.
  17. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I think you need to talk to your mom about how you feel about the violin, 123, even if you don't decide to quit. It's not good to carry around all that anxiety. I'll bet she'd like to know.

    Hope you have fun at the state fair, Joseph! I've heard it's the largest one in the country, but I could be wrong about that. The food is the reason most people go. We go to see the "miracle of birth" barn, as well. My daughter loves watching baby chicks and ducklings hatch, and the larger animals give birth there too. Messy and bloody, but cool. One year we saw two calves and a lamb being born, all within an hour of each other. Busy day!

    The rides are fun, too. I've never been to a show because I started going when I was already a parent. (Hard to find a babysitter during the fair, LOL.) I'm jealous that you get to see Prairie Home Companion. I listen to it on the radio but I've never been.
  18. Joseph

    Joseph boolprop cheatcode user

    I leave tomorrow. I was tempted to drive it, but decided to take a plane. I'll just do without my water for a short period of time. :D
  19. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey Joseph! Hope you enjoy our "little" State Fair. Be sure to try the HOT DISH ON A STICK! What could be more Minnesotan! And if you liked the movie, You will LOVE seeing the Prairie Home Companion live, and in its natural habitat!

    At any rate, it looks like the weather will be very cooperative for you - 70s and low 80s during the days, and 50s and 60s at night - with LOW humidity - nigh on PERFECT! :cool:
  20. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    *sob sob* I was rereading this thread from the beginning, and I really, really miss Babe. I hope she comes back to visit soon. I don't like being the only young 'un on the forum who actually possesses an ounce of wit. It's a huge responsibility. :(
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