So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I think I will be getting EGM once OPM shuts down. I wouldn't mind that, since it's from the same company. I am also a member of, so that's comforting. :)
  2. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I have to brag a little bit...mainly because I'm so excited!

    Brandon and I are trying to do a low budget wedding to save we set the budget at $7000.00 figureing we could do it with that much...believe me it's low when with just family we're looking at close to 230 people. *groan* Anyway, I went to a baby shower yesterday with my mom and on the way back she asked me what the wedding budget was looking like. I told her we were aiming for 7000 but it was looking more like 8000 before tips and gratuties. She then came out and said, "well you're dad and I will cover that much for sure." WOW! I'm really excited. We knew they were going to contribute a couple thousand but we didn't expect them to pay for the whole thing! This means that the 4-5,000 we were going to set aside specifically for the wedding gets to go for a down payment on a house! I'm beyond giddy with this news!

    For those who want an update on the wedding plans as well, we booked the wedding hall, set a date, I've been making invitations already, have the "save the dates" designed/ordered, have our centerpieces planned, know our baker, have the colors picked out, know who we're using for photographer and DJ, getting a discount on the tuxes...basically everything but the dress! And I've got 14 months to wait...*drums fingers*
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    How wonderful... you are so organized.
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    That's so exciting, Shana. As Michelle said, you are impressively organized. Things will happen to occupy your time over the next 14 months, never fear, (like househunting.) :D
  5. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Oh wow Shana!!! Great news! I'm so excited for you. :)
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Hugz, I wanna Hug and Cuddle your avatar. What a cutie. ;)
  7. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Ooooh another Josh Holloway fan! Coolies :p Lynet, I don't mind sharing hehehe. The 3rd season of LOST just started in the UK on Sunday night - the first 2 episodes were shown. *Everyone, please, no spoilers! thanks. ;) *

    I'm so excited to watch the rest of the season's episodes - it just gets better and better!

    I did this somewhere else in a thread, but here ya go Lynet, just for you - some more piccies to drool over. ;)

    Attached Files:

  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Thanks. Gotta love those dimples. :eek:
  9. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    Congratulations Shana! You must be so excited. So the date you've chosen is in more than a year? :eek:
  10. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL, yes! But early 2008. January 26th 2008. I'm so excited! We have a snowflake theme!!! Snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, a snowflake cake (picture of what I want it to look like attached) and snowflakes in the centerpieces.

    I almost moved it to Jan. 19th (sat. before) but since that's my birthday I decided I wanted it one week what better day to have my bachelorette party on than my birthday! ;) Brandon's birthday is middle of Feb. so this will fall right in between our birthdays.

    The main reason we chose this date is because
    1: I always wanted a winter wedding
    2: Brandon graduates from college December 2007. So a late November or December wedding was out of the question since he'll be in skills for being a police officer at that time. He'll be going to skills 4 hours a day and working full time during that period, and doing his volunteer police reserve duties on the weekends. This way he'll be able to enjoy it a little more without worry about his finals or anything like that. By the time we get married he'll (hopefully) have a job as a police officer and that's it. No classes or reserves anymore after graduation so he'll have a LOT more free time. Me...I just work full time (when I finally get another job) so any date worked for me. Honestly though, I could be ready this January for this wedding. Just need my dress! Preferably this one! (I haven't tried it on or anything, but I'm in love with it.)

    Attached Files:

  11. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    neat cake, gorgeous dress!
    here's the cake my daughter had at hers:

    Attached Files:

  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    What a fun looking cake! Your daughter also looks very pretty! I'm obsessed with wedding pictures...and wedding stuff in general lately.
  13. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Walk down Temple City, CA, and it's wedding city central -_-. Everything you want for a wedding can be done with one stop shopping there.
  14. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey Shana! Exciting news!! (Hopefully we'll hear exciting news about a new job soon as well!)

    LOVE the dress! One assumes that you would also include the long-sleeved coat pictured as well - after all, it WILL be Winter in Minnesota! Of course, you could always do one of those white, hooded capes. There's a gorgeous one in the window of the little bridal shop near my place. I've always liked the idea of a cape at my wedding!
  15. sims2

    sims2 New Member

    Oh great picture=D must be so special getting married:)
    I was gonna say, lovely cake!!!!
  16. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    That dress actually comes with the coat AND the handbag in the picture! I checked with a website that offers discount dresses, plus they have a shop in Chicago, that can get me that dress for $460.00. On PC Mary's Bridal's website it says anywhere between $750-800 or something like that. I want to spend less than $500.00 so that's in my budget!

    Oh, and Josh, if I ever get to California I'll check it out!
  17. alliekat

    alliekat Insert quirky comment

    Sorry to interrupt all the wedding talk guys (I truly am excited for you Shana if I haven't said so yet), but I have a banner at the top of my screen reading:

    "Hello alliekat it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

    So here goes, I'm engaging :D !

    Although I haven't posted in a while, I do still pop in a lot to see what's happening, but usually either
    a) don't have any news to tell anybody
    b) have other apparently more pressing things to do, honestly, who needs to eat :rolleyes: ?
    c) can't think of any witty responses to anyones comments.

    I do have some news as of late though. The lady I am currently job sharing with (me 3 days a week, her 2) has decided not to renew her contract for next year and therefore, I may be getting full time work! Hallelu...can't remember how to spell it, but that's how excited I am!!! No more working casually to pay bills anymore, woohoo!!

    I also one a voucher for dinner on a radio show here. A battle of the sexes game which of course I won cuz I'm a woman and why wouldn't I :p ?

    Anyway that's me posting. You can get back to your wedding now Shana!!
  18. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    good to hear from you Allie... I know what you mean with so many witty, clever posters sometimes you just want to surf quietly.
  19. reignofevil

    reignofevil Spore mod v2.434543

    I to have desided to return on a lurkers status.
  20. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I have a job interview on Monday!!!!! I did the phone interview this afternoon and she wants me to come in Monday. I'd be doing customer service work again, but working for a company that I beleive does good things! It's called National Marrow Donor Program. And as the name of the company implies, we work with Bone Marrow Donors and match them up with individuals who are in need of the transplants.

    The job I am interviewing for is a Donor Contact Representative. I would attempt to find people who signed up to be Donors and do a medical pre-screen with them to find out if they are qualified. I then assist them along the way of their donation as far as information goes.

    The way I found this job is actually through the Director of this department, I used to babysit for her kids from when I was age 13 until age 20. She's actually applying for the Director of the entire company right now, so it's a solid in! She had thought this position started around $12.50 which is less than I was making before, so I was a little hesitent to apply. However when I did the phone interview today they told me that the job would be around $15.50 to start! That's more than I was making before so I'm excited about that!

    Now everyone cross your fingers and pray for me that my interview goes well on Monday and I get the job!
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