So, What's New?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by surprised_by_witches, Mar 23, 2006.

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  1. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Well - We ended up with a foot of snow, after all was said and done! Not nearly so much as my dad got a week or so ago...(He's in upstate New York, where they were buried buy SEVERAL feet!) Still, it is the most significant snow we've had in YEARS!

    Getting to work was interesting! I had to stand in the middle of the street to flag down the bus, because they hadn't yet shovelled out the bus stop. Hopefully they will have done by the time I go home!
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    We got about 5 in., maybe less. Funnily enough, that warranted for a full-fledged snowday. I think the Board of Ed. is just feeling sorry for us since we only had one snowday a few weeks back, and it was due to icy rain, not because of mounds and mounds of delightful snow.

    I have a sore throat, a fever, and a headache. It seems like all of my friends got sick over Winter Break.

    I don't know if I'll be buying Seasons. I'm running low on money lately...maybe I can wheedle it out of my dad--as a super-early birthday present, perhaps?
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Oh yes, 123! A good wheedle is the best way to get stuff from dads ... it doesn't always work (if did there's be no fun in trying) but every girl should develop excellent wheedling skills ;)
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I have made a little decision with myself that I will not be visiting this site until I have Seasons purchased.
    Don't want y'all ruining the fun of discovery!
    (that will be until Wednesday, Best Buy gets it Wed. while Wally world gets in on Thurs. Which will probably make it about 5$ more expensive. Follow logic of Best Buy)
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    jazz don't let that keep you away. after all you don't have to read those forums...
  6. Need a DJ?

    Seeing i only own uni and night life i've gotta get ofb pets first lol.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    What's new is that I got up today (and got dressed) for the first time since Saturday. Still feel terrible though but had to go out for fresh supplies. What's really new is that my sinues are clogging up and my right ear now has an annoying squeak in it ... earlier I spent a happy half hour crawling around the house looking for a mouse I suspected Mirelly the cat had brought in (she doesn't actually bring home live food ... too selfish ... her former companion and sometime predecessor, Bagpuss, was the real king of bringing home the meeces and the birdies still a-squeaking and a-tweeting. Anyway after 30 minutes or so I finally realised the faint squeak I was trying to track down was coming from my ear when I breathed.

    My phone is still not connected. Should I email Sir Richard Branson and complain? Nah, he's got enough problems with his train set being broken.
  8. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    One can tell that a university is a party school when one of the courses offered is called "History of Rock." I'm taking it this semester, and I have a midterm exam in there tomorrow. Fortunately I've grown up listening to the 50's rock and on, so I'm confident. :)
  9. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    my cputer broke down or something that stopped it from working properly. Right at the time when i have to type up some Science fair stuff and play Seasons. So im at my moms work typing on her cpu and printing off useless info for the SCi. Fair.

    (and yes i couldnt stand not seeing whats going on around here. so i lost my own decision.)
  10. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I am SOOO glad that I'm done with school. I toyed with the idea of getting another degree but decided quite a few years ago that I'm content with life as it is. When I have an interest in anything, I go get a book and read about it on my own.

    Meanwhile, I want it to rain on Sidewalker. :p Maybe it will this weekend. :D
  11. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    this is a thought,
    I think I spend more time on this site then I do playing Sims 2.

    Yeah I love you guys more then ya think eh? ;)
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I haven't played my Sims game in a while. I've gotten them all prepped for the expansion except to uninstall a few mods.

    I'm a mod junkie. :(
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    :bigthumbsup: I know exactly what you mean, Jazz.

    Do you really have to uninstall them? I never have, and then I just have to re-download lighting and camera mods.

    Maybe my game is all in a snarl and I didn't even know it. :shocked:

    Which reminds me. I found a curious thing while visiting households in anticipation of Seasons, to make sure that everyone is home from work, visitors are gone and no age transitions are pending. :confused:

    People were standing around as if an EP had just been installed. Even Uni students had stopped mid-exam and been returned to the dorm. :eek: (p.s. I sent them lickity-split back to finish the exam. And they did. No problem.)

    But I had visited all of these people AFTER the Pets EP, and I have not installed the patch because I anticipate the fixes to be included with Seasons. :(

    The only thing I can think of is a power-failure during the game. Something like that occurred a couple of weeks ago, but I stop worrying when everyone seemed to be OK.

  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I had the exact same thing happen, Lyn. Also I did apply the patch and to my perplexion (LOL) there was no resetting ... or maybe my brain was addled and I forgot. :(
  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Logic would suggest, then, that it's some glitch in the game, maybe the pet EP.

    One household I visited regularly, which even had pets for a while (until we all got annoyed with them,) was King Joe's in Ivensland. I found them all standing next to their beds. I thought it was a household glitch until this weekend, when I started visiting households in other neighborhoods.

    Then I thought it must have been the power failure.

    Whatever it is, I hope it's fixed with Seasons (which the UPS site says will be delivered today...while I'm at work. :weeping: :gnasher: :hissyfit:
  16. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I have TwoJeffs' Autonomous Casual Romance in my game, and I had given all my Sims these tokens in order for it to work. In order to remove this mod safely, I have to uninstall the tokens and then remove the file from the downloads folder (I've gotten the mod to work in my favor, so that Sims aren't randomly going up to others and kissing...that was bad :eek: Now I have it set to "Autonomy --> Spouse Only" :rolleyes: ).

    Also uninstall as in remove the DL folder before I begin, so that my neighborhoods don't implode due to a conflict. :eek:

    I'm looking forward to this game. I'm hearing good things so far. Now to see if I can purchase it as inexpensively as I did Pets. :)
  17. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I've been playing with this mod recently, and was wondering, just how do you "uninstal the tokens?"
  18. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Weird, indeed! This happened to me as well! And I know that it happened to families well after I installed Pets, because some of the families were ones that I created AFTER Pets was installed!
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    I'm sure glad I thought to bring this up. I thought it was just me. Tonight, I'll go search around EA to see if anyone is talking about this bug. It sure is a strange one. :confused:
  20. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    I need to look at it myself (writing this from memory), but I'm assuming it's under the tokens menu when you click on the adjuster, then neighborhood.

    adjuster box ---> tokens ---> neighborhood ---> uninstall
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