Troubleshooting OFB lost neighbourhoods

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Cassiepeia, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    OFB lost neighbourhoods

    Recently I upgraded from Win2000 to WinXP (I'm actually regretting it...but what's done is done :rolleyes: ) anyhoo...I tried to start my Sims 2 game and it wouldn't work. So I was ready to uninstall and reinstall (with my neighbourhoods safely stashed away for me to replace once install was complete) and I happened to put the Sims 2 CD in by mistake and it actually ran. However the opening movie didn't run at all and when it started it showed me only 2 neighbourhoods Pleasantview & Strangetown. The other 4 (I had 3 custom) are gone. I checked Strangetown and all my families are still there but there are a couple of families that don't have houses and each time I click on a house the family info shows up but nothing about the members of the family (does that make sense? You know how you can click on the members of the family in that little white box that pops up? Well it doesn't allow you to do that anymore).

    I'm so frustrated. I think I'm going to uninstall everything and reinstall, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas what was going on first.
    I'm also going to update my drivers although I'm not sure that's the problem...*shrugs* worth a shot anyway.

    So...anyone got a clue what's going on?

  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    OK First up. DON'T PANIC.

    I feel sure that TS2 deciding to start (as opposed to TS2 -OFB) was a glitch caused by registry problems due to the recent Windoze upgrade.

    If TS2 succeeded in loading itself it would have found it impossible to recognise games files that have been modified by an OFB installation. Amazing it got as far as it did. Assume that no permanent file damage was done (not likely unless you saved something within the game) and get on with a full uninstall/reinstall.

    First though: make sure you have saved your Sims 2 folder somewhere indestructible.

    Second uninstall your EP's then uninstall the core game. Use the Maxis unistall option on your Start menu >> All Programs >> EA Games

    Third (if you're confident with sensitive computer files) check that your registry is cleaned of all TS2 entries, before reinstalling. See:
  3. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!! :D I did as you said and everything is working fine (so far LOL) now.

  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I'm thrilled for ya, Cass. :D :D
  5. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Same thing happened to me. I didnt update any of my hardware or anything, but when I installed OFB, Pleasantville and the other one that Maxis created are gone! As in never exsisted! I search for them on my computer...nothing! Its not that I care, I never play them anyway, but its hust annoying and makes me think that it could happen to my 2 custommade neighbourhoods.

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