Zoiks! IDK, just had the desire to write that. We'll probably get news soon - he's left a lot of people pissed off or puzzled, so I think those people are in serious need of an explantion at the least.
I'm just glad the drama is over and things can get back to normal. Well, as normal as it ever is, I guess.
By the way folks, loving all your new avvies, they're ab-fab! I wanted a custom one as well, but the one I want I deleted a while ago without realising. All that's left is hundreds of pics of me - but I wouldn't wanna scare ya... Edit: Josh - oooh, same time posting! Can I join in the war? I'm pretty fiesty when the mood takes me. Hi-yah!!!!!!!
Thanks Babe. I like Mirelly's new one better. I'm aggervated with the size of my Avatar. It's too little to see that it's my self-sim having a chat with the social bunny. She started acting rather strangely a couple of days before she went with Grimmy and the hula girls. She ran around in her house-coat, forgot to get in the car when the family went on an outing, and had several talks with the social bunny. I don't think that Widowhood suited her. Anyway, back on topic: Josh, behave yourself or I'll declare you a spy and a traitor and ban you.
I have had an explanation of what happened when I finally cooled down enough to go to MATY chat and talk to Pescado. The site downtime was real. But it was was not an illegal hacking attack, it was someone lodging a complaint in a legal manner (I don't mean a legal complaint, I mean the complainer did not act improperly). The domain was disabled due to this complaint being followed up. N.B. I did not have anything to do with this. The following days consisted of Pescado making the most of this event to amuse himself - and I have described it as a joke of his, because to him I believe it was. I could have actually laughed it off, and intended to do so. However, the resulting rumours have led some people to think I am a site-hacker. Therefore I have made the reluctant decision that if in the future I see any posts anywhere I visit naming me as someone who attacked the MATY site, I will be making formal complaints. Sorry to sound like a wet blanket. And finally I want to thank my many many friends for the wonderful support they have given me during this episode
Sounds like the "joke" just took on a life of it's own, reached critical mass and JMP bolted. It would be nice if he took a few minutes to clean up the mess, but that's unlikely.
You know, I said on the thread in question, "please tell me this is a big belated April Fool's joke," and J.M.'s response was, "if only it were that simple". It all seemed... rather unlikely to me, but then again, I've seen some pretty ridiculous internet drama in modding communities before. Whatever else it did, it brought this site to my knowledge, which I think is a good thing, it seems like there are some pretty cool and laidback people here .
Hi Inge. I'm so happy to see you, I can't tell you. You are always very welcome here, I always enjoy your posts. And welcome to you too, Neriana. Hey, Josh, I can see one thing that has resulted from all this: Publicity!! WorldSims is now famous!
Inge, thankyou for coming to explain things a bit to us. I still can't believe that anyone would think you would do anything illegal! I hope that you won't quit doing things for the game. I can understand wanting to get out of the "website maintenance" business, but we will be missing what you have done. I personally am very fond of your light controller. I like ceiling lighting, but hate the way the lights make it hard to see what's going on, so almost every one of my lots has that little CD on the floor by the front door.
Well I am not actually a modder any more, so I won't have anything to submit, is the only thing wrong with that idea