Dark in the House!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by MangoOrange, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    Dark in the House!

    I have a weird issue in my House of Fallen Trees where my vampires live. I don't have this problem in any other house.

    Everything's fine in the daytime, but when it gets dark outside, the indoor lights don't seem to work. The lights are all on, but only the floor seems to reflect light. The furniture, objects and sims all remain dark.

    To correct this, I have to go into build mode, pick up each light fixture with the hand tool, and put it back. This seems to reset the light where it will work properly again for the rest of that playing period. If I exit the game, the next time I load the house I have to reset each lamp using build mode.

    Does anyone know why this is happening?
  2. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    It's also true for Gothier Green Lawns as I found out when I wanted to take pictures. Then I happened to notice once of the cheats when I did Ctrl Shift C and typed help. I'm at work now so I'm not sure of the wording but it has to do with lighting files. It's something like LotLightingFile Clear. PLEASE go verify the exact wording, though.

    I used the cheat and all of a sudden all the lights started working properly and I could see the sims clearly and take pictures. This was true for both the cemetery and the House of Fallen Trees. Made a HUGE difference.

    I believe you have to use the cheat each time you enter the lot, or perhaps each time you load the game. Whatever lighting file is attached to the lot resets itself.
  3. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    Thanks Lynet! I wouldn't have thought to do that. Bene for you! :rolleyes:

    I'm playing that house tonight so I will try this.
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    How cool. There must be many more cheats like that I am not aware of. Maxis have to have had a pile of cheats that were not widely publicised for them to achieve some of the odd effects.

    I am just thinking that what we really need for an EP is a sort of Superstar on Steroids. One of the new functions would be the option to freeze the game before replaying the last action. This would be especially invaluable to movie makers who would suddenly be able to capture the same scene from as many different angles as they choose.
  5. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    I've often wished for that function just in my normal gameplay. Too many times I'll be playing along and suddenly hear the "I love you now" harp music or the "caught you cheating" BOING sound and totally miss what happened. I need an instant replay button!
  6. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    Sims need TiVo!!!
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I know! I miss all the fun sometimes. :D

    I was going to suggest that your house was haunted, but I didn't think that would be helpful advice.
  8. MangoOrange

    MangoOrange New Member

    My house? Well, technically it is, with those Tricou ghosts. ;)

    BTW, Lynet's suggestion worked wonderfully.
  9. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Back to the dark in the house subject,

    I put lots and lots of windows (in one room I put all windows and arches leading outside) but my rooms always stay dark :( Does anyone know how to fix this? I can never take good photos....

    P.S. Happy Easter!
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Happy Easter to you, Alison. :)

    Have you checked your graphics settings? You might have them set too low.
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    There's a graphics setting for lighting effects. If you set that on medium or high you will get light coming in the windows. I loved that new effect when I got my better graphics card.

    Just so you know, if you have a lower end graphics card it might not be able to handle a lot of effects like lighting and shadows.

    You can find the effects on the "save" menu.
  12. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Dark rooms might also be because of strange downloads. I decided to try something risky and downloaded and installed a "lighting" hack that I found on MTS2. At first I thought, "OMG I've really messed up my game--my sims are just dark shadows now, even in full sun"--then I went back to read the related thread on MTS2 and discovered that I needed to download and install the very latest of the CEP packages. Everything was OK after that.

    Anyway, if I understand it correctly, when you start downloading stuff you need to also download the CEP mod (or hack or whatever).

    Have I got this right, folks?
  13. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member


    Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
  14. belle

    belle New Member

    Dark in the house and outside the house

    Hi i am new to the Sims 2 but i have been a lover of the orginial Sims. I seem to be having the same problem Lynet had, that all houses are very dark in side and out and the only way i can see anything is buy putting 4 large ceiling lights in each room, but this dosent help the outside i cant see mailboxes, i cant see anything just dark shadows and most times not even that.

    I am just using simple houses like the Goth house and romeo and juliet houses and they are all the same. I tried to look on MTS2 for the lighting hack that Lynet speaks of but i couldnt find it, i did download the latest CEP package though but this did nothing, i have the latest DirectX software and my computer is more than capable of running this game.

    If anyone can send me or direct me to the lighting hack or a lighting hack that may work, i would be greatly appreciative.

    Also I have un-installed and re-installed the game, played with the lighting settings in the game it self, but nothing works.

    Someone please help.

  15. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Belle, the lighting hack I spoke of is not a solution to your problem, I'm afraid. It was the cause of a problem for me, which was solved by installing the latest version of the CEP package which you said you have done. It's very late at the moment, and I need to go to bed. I'm sorry I couldn't help.
  16. belle

    belle New Member

    Hi Lynet, Thanks for replying so quickly, hopefully somebody else will be able to help.

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