How Do I Chemistry

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by angelofec1, May 7, 2006.

  1. angelofec1

    angelofec1 New Member


    Ok, so the OFB has the new turn ons/turn offs thingy. Is there any way, after you've put your family on a lot, to change their turn ons/turn offs? I have no clue how to even go about figuring it out. Please help!:confused:
  2. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    There is a potion that you buy from the gypsy matchmaker, called the RenuYu...something or other. It begins with RenuYu, I know that. Anyway, you get the gypsy to come by clicking on the phone and selecting, 'Call Service,' and then you click on Matchmaking Service. She comes over, you click on her to buy the potion, and voila!
  3. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    There's also the cement mixer thing-a-ma-bob in the rewards collection where you get things like the smart-milk, the energizer, the thinking cap and so forth. As with all those items, you need to be in the gold to use them or strange things occur. :eek:

    I've always wondered what happens to a baby who drinks the red-glowing smart milk. Does the baby glow red and lose every skill he's acquired?
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :eek: Maybe the baby turns into Chucky :eek:

    Mind you ... :cool::p
  5. angelofec1

    angelofec1 New Member


    Thanks u guys. Ya'll are a BIG help!:D
  6. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Watch out for Chucky, though.
  7. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Forgot to add that the cement-mixer gizmo is great cos if you can't get your simmy into a gold mood to use it doesn't matter. Just let him use it and he'll become a grilled cheese freak. All he wants is to eat, cook, serve and talk about grilled cheese. You can get him up to gold in no time and then stick his head back in the re-nu-u-orb simenthosizer :p) and change him into what you wanted all along ...
  8. person123

    person123 Frumpy McDoogle!

    After Nightlife came out I changed my simself to be a Grilled Cheese. You could say I've been waiting for that aspiration since TS2 came out....I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich about two hours ago, too!
  9. Your Mom

    Your Mom Simaholic ;D

    XD I'm so giving my brother that aspiration.

    In answer to the first post, as well as what everyone else has suggested, for Teens, you have the chance to change their aspirations/turn ons/turn offs if you send them to college. When they become Sophomores (I think it's sophomores) you can change it.

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