Troubleshooting EPN installation stops! Please help!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Dalino, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Dalino

    Dalino New Member

    EPN installation stops! Please help!


    Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack: first disc stops installing at 51%, the disc stops spinning in the computer. no prompter to change disc, nothing. it just sits there. i've left it for long enough to know that something's wrong. tried restarting the box. nothing's working. Helpo, please!!! Thank you!

    Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.86GHz
    1014MB RAM
    XP Home
    4 free gigs
    92 gigs total
    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
    Card name: Mobile Intel(R) 915GM/GMS,910GML
    Display Memory: 128.0 MB
    Current Mode: 1280 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Driver Date/Size: 11/1/2004 21:19:48, 37951 bytes
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    4 Free gigs is an extremely and dangerously low level of free disc space. Windows needs elbow room and is likely to play up and give you all manner of badness that ultimately leads to freezing, crashing and data loss.

    Please look through your system carefully and remove any programs that you no longer need (if you uninstall any games first make sure you still have the registration codes, if any, to reinstall them at a later date should you need to). Next check your saved data (documents, pictures, music, video) and see what can be removed to another form of storage or else permanently deleted.

    A rule of thumb is to aim to keep at least 25% of a drive as free space ... though with very large drives this proportion can be reduced somewhat. At 92 GB I would recommend that you always maintain at least 9 GB as free space ... meaning that you want to free up to around 10.5 free space before installing Nightlife.

    Of course that is just advice. What you do is up to you.

    As for your 51% problem ... first check this piece of advice:

    Go into My Computer and right click on drive D and check through all the options to make sure you don't have DLA ticked and enabled. If you do, disable it and installation out to to proceed.
  3. Dalino

    Dalino New Member

    ... I'm a bit confused, but i'm about to try it out. should/can i turn dla back on once it's epn is installed?

    thanks a ton!
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Let's find out if turning it off works, first, eh? ;)
  5. Dalino

    Dalino New Member

    no dice, even after rebooting =(

    For what it's worth, when I hit the "x", & it does "are you sure..." I click yes, the status bar blinks, shows 100%, then 56%, then decreases & eventually dies away... meh. sad panda!:( :confused: :(
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Darn it. It's gone 1am and I was planning to go to bed ... :(

    Did you have DLA enabled?
    Did you disable it?
    And did that action result in the oddness you just described?

    Moreover ... have you addressed the problem of the shortage of free hard disc space that I also talked about?

    Me? I'm mystified because your information is incomplete and unclear. You need to take a slow, deep breath and to consider the amount of time you have wasted getting nowhere and then to use a small fraction of that to compose a coherent and detailed description of the problem and of your actions with regard to it so far.

    200 words should cover it and if your typing speed is only 10 words a minute ... well what is 20 minutes? You've wasted 10 times that amount of time, I suspect.
  7. Dalino

    Dalino New Member

    yes, it was.
    yes, i followed the advice that you gave me, or else i wouldn't have written back & said that it didn't work.
    no, the percentage did the random decreasing thing even before I disabled DLA

    incidentally, yes, but I'm pretty confident that has little to do with my problem considering someone else on the board had this problem too.

    nightlife disc 1 in driver
    start up in english
    type in code
    message: "nightlife will now install 95mg, blah blah blah, okay?"
    percentage goes up rather quickly until it hits 51%
    the disc stops spinning in the d drive & the software & hardware both just sit there

    I disabled DLA, then tried it again. Same results.
    I rebooted. Same results.
    I have yet to re-enable DLA.
    Now what?
    Thank you.

    Well, shucks! I suspect it's a good thing I was doing other things besides baiting my breath or I'd be pretty disappointed right now.

    Sweet dreams.
  8. simcrazy5000

    simcrazy5000 Random Crazy Person

    Just to Clarify things for you, it does that every time anyone cancels the installation, it's not an abnormal thing:)

    I just noticed, you're not a village idiot anymore;)

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