The Goths - a Sim based fan fic

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Agent_662001, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    The Goths - a Sim based fan fic

    Hey everyone! Well, I had posted a thought on this on BloodRayne's post, so I thought I would try and put this down. I like to write; I have a few fan fics on the net (, rbcorner, kotorfanmedia) and I started out as being an original story writer (I wanted to be an author) That's a little background on my writing, now with the story.

    As I posted on the other topic, I usually never play the pre-made Sims; I'd rather make my own, so it was a suprise to me that I decided I would check in with the Goth family a few weeks ago. You can check out that topic to see the basic summary. This will be a fiction based on my game play of this family starting in the Sims2. My thoughts are free flowing here, so I may change this or delete some things; as it stands, I feel there needs to be three parts here, one for each family member and will hopefully convey the craziness that's happening in my game. So sit back and relax and enjoy. I hope to have each part in a seperate topic for easy searching. Let me know how everyone likes it!

    The Goths

    It all started with a wedding.

    It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life; it was going to be a small ceremony, with just her brother and father. It was something she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl. Cassandra Goth didn't ask for much. She was usually very independant and straightfoward, at least in her job. Personally and romantically, she was quite shy. It had been such a surprise when the hansomest man SHE thought in the whole town had asked her for a date.

    Don Lothario. She would be Mrs. Don Lothario.

    She had heard the rumors, that he was a philanderer. Why, just earlier Mary Sue Pleasant had told her she had seen him in the downtown area with Dina Calliente. Well, she knew that wasn't true. While she didn't like Dina - she DID believe the rumors that the young woman was after the family for money purposes - she was dating her father, Mortimer. The younger woman made her father happy and after the disappearance of her mother...well, her father hadn't been the same.

    That's why she had slightly pushed for the wedding; she had wanted her father to be happy, even though he didn't exactly approve of Don. Oddly enough, it had been her that had proposed to Don and though he had said yes, he had been looking at her chest. Oh, Cassandra was aware that Don had an 'appetite' when it came to things of the physical nature. He had been her first kiss, but she had put on the brakes before they went any further. "I'm waiting for our wedding," she had told him. "Then I'll really be yours."

    The day would be perfect, she knew it. They were holding the wedding in the backyard and everything was set. It had cost a bit, but her father had replied, "You are my only daughter. There is no expensive concerning you." She hadn't changed into her dress yet; she was still awaiting Don, who really should have arrived thirty minutes ago. She was feeling a bit apprehensive; she held the fear of being left at the alter, but she knew Don. He loved her. He would be there.

    Fifteen minutes later, her fiancee did show up, looking relaxed and without a care in the world. He must have showered because his hair was slightly damp. He strolled through the backyard, clapping her father on the back and ruffling Alexander's hair, earning perturbed glares from them both. "Hey babe," he said, coming up to her and grabbing her bum. "You didn't even invite me to the party? I'm hurt. What's the occasion?"

    "It's a wedding, Don," she said, removing the ring she had in her pocket. "Our wedding." She took his hand, but when she went to place the ring on his finger, he pulled back, as though he had just burned himself.

    "Our what?" he asked, looking incredulously at her. "Who said anything about marriage?!"

    "It was sort of...implied when we got engagged."

    "Whoa, whoa," he said, holding up his hands. "I thought that meant I could see you in your panties, maybe do a little mattress tumble, but I don't want to ger married! Next thing you'll know, you'll want to have kids." He leaned in close, whispering, "Your brother's cute and all, but Simi, he's annoying."

    "Don..." she choked, tears running down her face. THis couldn't be happening. "I thought you loved me!"

    "I do!" he insisted. "But not in that 'married' way. Think of my image. Look, babe, it's not you. It's me. I just started my internship; I can't be boggled or something. But hey...we can still be friends...maybe more..."

    "No Don."

    "Suit yourself then," he shrugged. He turned from her, saying a "See ya." as he left.

    Cassandra didn't know what had happened. She was lost; she couldn't believe it. One of her greatest fears realized. She didn't comprehend that she was crying - sobbing hysterically really - and at some point, the hold on her crumbled. She wasn't sure how long she had been like that; it was only after talking to her father that she discovered she had a mental breakdown and Dr Fitzsimmins had to be called out.



    The young woman sighed, taking a pause in her packing to turn to the young boy that now cautiously entered her room. She had come to the decision to move out as soon as she had gotten herself together. It was too much, really. She had lived in the house since the time she was a baby and where it had once held love, it was now nothing but pain there. She needed to get away.

    But it didn't make things any easier.

    "Father says you're leaving." the boy continued, glancing at the half filled suitcase and some of the boxes along the wall.

    "I am leaving."



    "Why are you leaving?"

    Though he was a child, her brother was quite adult in his ways. Maybe it was because he had been a surprise; her parents hadn't expected to have another child, but then Alexander had come along and soon after, their mother had disappeared. By then, she was an adult, moving along with her career as a lab tech, then her position of field researcher. He rarely spent any time with children his own age...However, he was still a child and even with his brilliant, he wouldn't understand.

    "It's time I left here," she settled. "There are...too many memories attached here."

    "It's home," he replied, snidely. "Of course you have memories here."

    "Perhaps I should use the phrase, 'painful memories'," she quipped before sobering again. "It's time I moved on, Alex. I know you don't understand, but it's something I have to do. Just like you'll have to when you get older."

    "We will see you at some point, right?" he asked.

    "Oh, I see," Cassandra said, poking the boy in the side and causing him to giggle. "You're just trying to get my bedroom, is that it? Redecorating and I'm not even out of the house yet." She descended on him, tickling him here and there, before he gave a strangled call for her to stop. She stood back, looking at her little brother. He'd be growing up soon, going off to the teen portion of his private school, then heading to college.

    "I shall miss you, you know."

    Alexander blushed slightly; he was like their father, much more outgoing of the siblings. At least more than Cassandra herself. "I know."

    Placing a hand on his shoulder, she said, "Be good for Papa and do well in school. And always have fun. Geniuses need to play sometimes, too." She gave him a kiss on the forehead, before going back to her packing. She was finished in a few minutes, picking up her suitcases and heading downstairs. Her father and brother were waiting for her as she neared the door.

    She gave Alexander one last kiss on the forehead before hugging her father. "I love you, my daughter," he whispered, giving her a slight squeeze.

    "And I you, Papa," she sniffed. Pulling back, she brushed some lint from his jacket. "Please don't worry. This is something I have to do." The elder man nodded, a small smile on his face.

    The taxi sat outside, beeping it's horn every few seconds. Taking one last look at her childhoo home, Cassandra Goth said farewell to the life she once knew.

    And that friends, is the first half part one. Again, this part will be strictly here, while other parts of the entire story, will be within seperate sections. I went with English here, as I'm sure you don't want a story with a lot of Simlish, do you? Anyway, hope you all enjoy! :D
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    We need screenies!!!! :D :D :D :D!! Great Start! Looking forward to the next installment :)
  3. DuzzyGirl

    DuzzyGirl **sigh** Downloads ...

    I agree with Josh, great start and we need screenies! We love them! :D
  4. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    lol Thanks for checking it out. Screens will appear....possibly tonight I think. I'm gonna probably play for a bit and try to get some close icons. Not too many this round just cause I didn't know I'd be doing this, crazy Sims just took off and made drama and soap stuff, that I really did tell everyone about it. lol

    More to come!
  5. megrhen224

    megrhen224 New Member

    That was awesome... can't wait till the rest! You have a great imagination.
  6. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    the next part

    Lo peoples! Very sorry about the delay. I had issues with school and this was my birthday weekend and I was just so very lazy about not doing anything. lol But I sat down - like two minutes ago - and read my post and was like, "inspiration!" Well, I didn't say that, but you know....Anyway, here is the next segment. I do have some shots of the new Cassie in here, so hopefully those will load. So, on with the story!

    To say living on her own was a different experience was an understatement. For years, Cassandra had lived in the Goth manor from the time she was in her mother's womb until just last week. Things had changed, it seemed, almost over night, though nearly a week had passed since her disasterious wedding. Oddly enough, she had taken one of the small two story houses just around the corner from where Don Lothario lived. At first, she thought she would try and reconcile, but she shook her head. Her mother wouldn't be proud of a woman who went running back to a man that obviously didn't love her; nor would her grandmother, she supposed.

    The Goth family could trace their lines to the 'old country' of Simvalnia - a place rich with traditions and customs and wisdom. Her grandparents had come from there to the city of Pleasantview when her father was just a boy. Because of their old world views, the young woman had a mindset that couldn't be shaken. Her grandmother, Cornelia Goth, had instilled in her that a woman could do anything and be anything. This lesson is what eventually made Cassandra want to get into science, like her father. While she had never been very tom-boyish as a child, Cassandra did enjoy things that girls shouldn't, she supposed, like her father's insect collection.

    Her mother, Bella, was a woman who was elegant as she was kind. Her mother always encouraged her to do her best in anything and everything. It was times like these the young woman wished her mother was still around.

    The small house she moved into suited her needs just fine: two bedrooms, one that she turned into a study; a single kitchen, and living area. It was the kind of thing that would fit a young woman just starting over. After she had set up the house she way she wanted, Cassandra looked at herself in the mirror. Standing there, she had to admit that Don's rejection of her had put her into a downing of herself. Only when she had moved out had she noticed her ex-fiancee with at least three beautiful women, two being the Caliente sisters. It caused more pain than Cassandra realized, knowing that the rumors had been true, but she had been so in love to even consider - or perhaps she had just ignored them on the basis that Don was set to marry her.

    But the damage really had been done. Cassandra had never truly been the kind of woman that fussed with her hair, did up any makeup, or things of that nature. She had preferred going after her goals, of a good job, of a family, for any of that to really matter. But with her heartbroken, the young woman wondered if she should have put more effort into her appearance. Instantly her mind asked, "would Don want me if I was more beautiful?" While she thought the sentiment was, well, beneath her in some ways - she had been taught beauty was skin deep, after all - her self esteem was what paid the price.

    Looking at herself in the mirror, she took a deep breath. No, she would not go about changing herself to catch Don, or any man for that matter. Any changes that would take place were about her - no one else. She thought she was relatively attractive; she had inherited her mother's complextion and skin. In fact, whenever her father saw her without her glasses, he sometimes became rooted to a spot, looking at her as though he had just seen a ghost. He had told her once that the older she got, the more like Bella she looked and soemtimes, it startled him at the resemblance.

    She undid the pigtails ontop her head, brushing out the strands and letting them fall about her shoulders. She had gotten it cut, just before her wedding, and looking at herself now, she wondered why she had cut it when she wore it up all the time. She nodded at herself - The first change. Looking down at her black dress, she again nodded. The second change. Turning away, she hurried downstairs to where she had left the keys to her newly acquired car - curtesy of her job at the Research Institute. With her traveling during her research, the Institute had given her a company car.

    Keys in hand, Cassandra walked out the door to the car and headed for the new Downtown area that had just been completed.


    At the same moment, a young man was moving across the street from the house that Cassandra Goth had just left from. He was of fair height, possibly 5'8, with wind swept brown hair and a small goatee. His eyes were brown and with these, he surveyed his new house and neighborhood.

    He had just moved to Pleasantview, eager to start his new life here. Like the Goths, this young man's family had also come from the old country, the country of Simsha. His grandparents had come to this new world with hopes of their family growing up here and making names of themselves. This young man also had a lifetime of traditions and customs.

    Smiling, the young man began to move his things into the house and once he was all done with that, he would get upon the Simternet to look for a job, hopefully within the medical profession.

    And this was how Ryan Pachekco arrived in Pleasantview.

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    Shopping had never been one of Cassandra's favorite past times. Even when she and her mother went shopping for school clothing, Cassandra never really did enjoy the actual shopping part; it was the time with her mother that made it fun. Today though, she had to admit that some aspect of her day had been fun. It was like...she was a new person somehow. Browsing through clothes, she made a mental note to buy things with more color. Her clothing consisted on dark, black colors or the white lab coat she wore when going to work. She remembered Don telling her once that she show a little more skin. She knew the reason now he had suggested it - flithy man pig! - but she let it stick.

    She had picked up shorts and jeans, items that she couldn't recall wearing a lot of in her youth. And she got her hair done again, this time telling the stylist that she wanted something simple that left her hair down. And that's what this was for Cassandra - letting her hair down. This was a new day for her, the start of a new life on her own. After the hair cut, she went to the ophthalmologist she saw every year and got a new style of frame, something that matched her new style, her new life. Nothing wild or crazy, simple clear rims, but they were smaller than her regulars and actually made her look more mature when she saw herself in them.

    While she was downtown, she couldn't help but drive around to the new attractions that were there. There were several restaurants, bowling alleys, and clubs for those that liked to party all night and day. While Cassandra didn't think she was much of a 'party animal', there were some night spots that caught her attention. She decided then and there, she would discover this new world she had entered.

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    While Cassandra Goth was working herself, as well as her career, Ryan was happily working his way through med school while doing work as a EMT. It was hard work of course. He needed to be at work at 3a and return around 10a or so, just as exhausted as he had been the night before. He had an incident that bumped him down a little, but as far as he was concerned, he had done the right thing. It was fair for the maintenance crew to clean up soemthing that was their job to do.

    But soon, he had worked his way up to Paramedic and he had just been promoted to Nurse. It was time to celebrate. Ryan had only been downtown once and that was to buy more scrubs, but tonight he wanted to drink and have fun and celebrate his new raise in position and pay. In the back of his mind, he also hoped he would meet some new people. He had been in Pleasantview for a few months and only knew some of his neighbors and residents. He hoped he could meet some new people tonight.

    Decided, he hoped in his car and began to drive. It was a little after 7pm, so he had a few hours to celebrate before getting some quick sleep and jetting off to work. He had passed a few clubs, but there was one - called the Lu Lu Lounge - that looked interesting to him, so he parked and headed for the doors.

    It wasn't a big place, a bar, a dance floor and Ryan was sure he had been to better clubs before, but for some reason he sat at the bar and ordered a drink. He'd come in, he might as well order something. Sitting at the bar, he watched the DJ get into his music, even when he dropped the lights and began playing something slower. Ryan shook his head. Some people. He downed the rest of his drink and started to go when he spotted her.

    He didn't know why he was suddenly drawn to her - it was rare he was hit with a sudden case of attraction - but there was soemthing about her. She had shyly been moving to the music, shaking her head and laughing at some of the more outward dancers and politely turning down several guys that approached her. He thought she had a pretty blush, from what he could see. He couldn't really say what was drawing him to her, but she looked...interesting. Exotic. And Ryan had always been known to look for anything that was interesting and worth learning about.

    His desire for learning was making him want to learn more about this woman, so he did what he usually did. He approached her and asked her name.


    Cassandra had never been to a club before. Oh, she had heard about them, obviously knew what they were, but they had never held any interest to her before. But the new Cassandra Goth, always interested in learning, thought this was a perfect moment to discover why these places seemed to be so much fun. She had been in a slump recently. She didn't seem to be going anywhere with her research and lately she had been taking gibberish to a bag of flour, imaging it to be a baby. Her baby.

    She needed to snap herself out of this, she knew, hence why she decided this was a perfect night to give in to her desire to see one of these clubs. She looked through the phonebook and decided something called the Lu Lu Lounge sounded interesting. She wasn't sure what she should wear, so she went with what she had on - slightly faded blue jeans, ankle boots, and a blue laced up tank top. This was the first outfit she had tried on after her outing to downtown and she discovered that her new clothes were not only trendy but also comfortable.

    Driving to the club, she made note of some of the family places, thinking of inviting her father and Alexander out with her some night. Though she talked to them about everyday, she hadn't seen them in person since once after she had moved out. She didn't realize how hard it would be to stay in contact when she left. She had taken for granted how much time the three of them spent together while she lived at home. She was also worried about Alexander. The young boy was fast approaching his teen years and word that the relationship with Dina and their father seemed to be escalating worried the child.

    That was another reason she wanted to come out tonight. While she calmed her brother, his words worried her too. She knew her father deserved to be happy, of course he did, but they didn't know if her mother was alive or not. What if she was just roaming around, unaware of her life with them? To top it off, Cassandra just didn't trust Dina. There was something about her that never did sit right with her; maybe it was the rumors that she was after their money or maybe the rumors about her and Don...she didn't know. She just knew how she felt and wondered if she could put aside any differences if that woman were to indeed become family.

    The Lu Lu Lounge was situated nicely in downtown. You could out and see the other places well, in case you decided you wanted to grab a bite to eat before walking through the door. From what she had heard and learned about night clubs, this wasn't all that impressive. A bar greeted you as you entered, with a medium sized dance floor to your left. There weren't many people out, but it was still enough for groups of people to be on the floor dancing. Knowing that she was to drive home, Cassandra steered away from the bar. She had never been a hard alcohol drinker, not like Don anyway. She enjoyed her father's wines and perhaps some champagne at a special occasion.

    The only thing that really caught Cassandra's eye was something called the Electro Dance Sphere, something that looked incredibly dangerous and complicated, but also looked like it could be some fun. Walking over to it, she annoyed when someone jumped in it before her. Sighing, she decided to dance a little, knowing that her dance style wasn't one of...well, granduer. When the slow music started however, she opted to wait by the Dance Sphere, hoping the endless parade of people using it would stop sometime soon.

    So she bopped her head a bit to the music, but politely turned down a few men who were seeking to dance with her. She didn't know if it was her shyness that turned them off, but on the whole, it seemed as though she was one of very few women there tonight. So imagine her surprise when a handsome young man walked up her and said hello.

    And that's it for that! Again, sorry about the delay, but hopefully this very long chapter has made things better. Next up, the romance of Ryan and Cassandra! (if I can still remember it! lol) *I just tried previewing this and the pictures didn't go to a link. I uploaded them, so why did that not work? Anyone know how I put pictures within my fic?*

  7. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    another scene!

    So, you'll never guess where I am? I'm at work, which surprises the heck out of me, I'll tell you. Anyway, I totally feel bad about my poor laptop that sits next to me, not doing anything cause I forget to bring games to keep it happy. lol So I started on the next scene, just wanting something to do (cause unfortunately I can not access the internet on my laptop at work) However, it seems that this site isn't blocked by work! Hazzah! So, I will therefore give you the next scene for this.

    I regret to inform you guys, however, that there are some things that either didn't really happened or I may have eggerated on some. As I stated, I didn't think I'd be actually writing anything for the Sims until they seemed to get a life of their own. As I looked at the memories for my Sims, there was stuff I kinda remember and stuff I don't. IE, I was actually off with where Ryan was in his career track when he met Cassandra. I think he was still an EMT, according to his memories, but again I so don't remember. However, I'll try to get a general gist that you guys will hopefully enjoy.

    Enough talk, 66! On to story!

    Cassandra couldn't believe how well her first night out at a club had gone. She grudgingly admitted that she had fun, but it really didn't have anything to do with the atmosphere, with the young man she had met. She hadn't been able to stop the thoughts about him since then. He was handsome, that was fun sure, and he had an easy going personality that she could tell. But he didn't strike her as someone with Don's peruasion. He didn't push her the way Don had; he had been polite, striking up a conversation while introducing himself to her.

    She knew she shouldn't have given a thought to the young man, even when they exchanged phone numbers. Statistics showed that it highly unlikely for an individual - most likely male - to return ones call. However, she had been pleasantly surprised when she had returned home one afternoon to find a message on her machine:

    Hey Cassandra, it's Ryan. I don't know if you remember me; we met at the Lu Lu Lounge the other night. Anyways, I wanted to call to see if...well...if maybe you wanted to have dinner with me sometime. Well, give me a call back if that sounds all right. I'll hopefully talk to you later. Bye.

    The young woman surprised herself by letting a small blush creep to her face. Despite her feelings against starting anything too soon, she couldn't help be feel...well...attractive. She didn't want to be one of those women that could never be happy without the presence of a man, though she knew her aspirations for famly wouldn't exactly be dependant upon that, but it would be nice. And this Ryan person did seem nice as well. Looking at the calendar, she figured it might be nice to at least make a new friend.

    Ryan tried to stay calm, but the inevitable butterflies were still persistent. This would mark his first date with Cassandra, nearly two weeks after their first meeting. It was a daunting task of course, with their slightly mismatched schedules, but he had made sure to call her nearly everyday within that time. At first, it was just him calling, but after a few calls, he began getting messages and calls from her, brightening his day each time they talked. He knew was getting a little ahead of himself, thinking of her like he was, but he just couldn't help it.

    In speaking with her over the telephone, they discovered they had a lot in common - they both came from old world families, both were interested in the same things and same topics...the list seemed endless, even though he was just breaching the surface. He liked how her voice got excited when she discussed her work with the institute and how he could feel the love and concern when discussing her father and brother. He couldn't remember her mentioning her mother, but he hoped to bring that up at dinner.

    Speaking of which, he would be meeting her about an hour and he needed to get going. He was surprised when they both decided on going to a new place, The Hub, for tonight. It was a night club, but also housed a five star restaurant on its roof. They didn't want anything completely fancy, just something fun. He had seen a bowling alley in the area and thought that would be a good place for them to go, hopefully for a second date.

    They met outside of the doors to the Hub, both smiling at each other. Ryan liked the way she blushed when he told he was glad to see her. They talked a bit, just catching up on things that they had discussed, when he said, "I'm really glad to see you tonight." Again, she blushed, lowering her head. Looking back up at him, she was smiling.

    "I'm glad too."

    They walked in together and headed upstairs to the roof top dining. Once seated, their conversation continued from outside. They discussed arts, politics, their jobs...their discussion carrying over through their meals and even dessert. And the more they talked, the more Ryan became smitten with her. "Do you want to go downstairs and dance for a bit?"

    Cassandra's again darkened with a blush, but when she looked at him, she was smiling. "I'd love to." He slid out, holding his hand to her to help her out. As she stood next to him, he raised her hand to his lips.

    "I'm glad to have your company for tonight." He really liked to make her blush and at the moment, enjoyed the feel of her hand in his.

    She had never felt happier.

    Though somewhere in the back of her mind, something cried out that things were progressing very fast, she couldn't help it. She was completely enamoured with one Ryan Pachekco. That first date, while a bit nerving, went incredibly well. Very well in fact, that she had left him a beautifully decorated vase with a singule rose nestled inside. They had been going out every other day, when their schedules permitted, but even still, they were in contact via the phone.

    There was just something about him that made her...well, swoon wasn't a very good word, but it was one that certainly fit the situation. He was ridiculously sweet to her, not having made any serious moves against her. When she had been with Don, he immediately tried to get fresh with her, earning him a slap. With Ryan, he never pressed his advantage. In fact, it was Cassandra who wanted to step things up; and those thoughts always caused her to blush.

    In fact, Ryan Pachekco as a whole caused her to blush.

    She enjoyed the easy way they communicated and the way he made her laugh. They were beginning to spend more and more time with each other, coming over or going out. Cassandra just couldn't be let slip that she and Ryan were spending their time together to her father.

    She could almost see the eyebrow her father raised when she mentioned his name. "A new man?" he asked, though his voice was teasing. "I wasn't sure if you could carry on, Love, what with that..."

    "I know, Papa." she replied. "But Ryan is very nice and...I...I really do enjoy his company and spending my time with him."

    "Hmmm..." she could hear a thought being processed through her father's brain.


    "You know," he began. "Alexander and I rarely see you anymore and I know that is no fault of yours," he said quickly. "However, this new downtown you speak of sounds fun. Perhaps, we should go and see these new attractions. ANd...perhaps you would like to invite your young Ryan along as well."

    Cassandra couldn't help but smile. She was positive that both her father and brother would like Ryan and vice versa. She just hoped that he would except.

    Sorry for the slightly short piece here. I was trying to finish before I left work, but it didn't happen. So I will make a point of making a longer scene tomorrow. Also, I've been trying to find different terms of endearments for the famly, but in other languages, like Dutch or Russian perhaps. Anyone have any idea where I could search for something like that? I just like the thought of the Goths and even Ryan knowing their ancestrial language and teaching it down through the generations, but I haven't had any luck with, well finding a language for one, as well as actually finding endearments. I'm going to do some searching tomorrow to see if I can find anything.

    Anyways, hope you all enjoy!
  8. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control


    Ok, so I think I got the screen shots working now. These are of Ryan Pachekco and of Cassandra's new look. I can go back in the game and get some picks of the houses these two had been living in (the background of the Cassandra is her current house with Ryan)

    Also, I have discovered a nice little translator! So, going off of what wikipedia says about how the Simlish we know is based off several European and slavic languages, I too will be using those. Next post I'll tell you what to expect and what everything means!

    Attached Files:

  9. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Is Cassandra still getting along with Ryan? Does Papa like him?
  10. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    Hey gang! So sorry for updating this; I wasn't sure if people were still reading! I do have the next scene for this and I will either post it tonight or this weekend, so stay tuned!
  11. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    The Goths - continued!

    Lo everybody! Again, sorry for the lateness of this. I've been working on other things and wasn't sure if anyone was still reading or not. So here is the next installment. Enjoy!

    [FONT=&quot]Ryan thought he could be dreaming. After all, it wasnt everyday a young single man such as himself met the most incredible woman in the entire universe. So maybe he could be exaggerating a bit, but thats really how he felt. Meeting Cassandra Goth had to be the most wonderful thing that could possibly happen to him. And tonight, things were only getting better. Most men would probably balk or shudder at the prospect of meeting their girlfriends fathers, but Ryan was looking forward to it. He had heard a lot about Mortimer Goth from Cassandra and the man sounded incredibly interesting. And tonight, he would finally meet the man in person.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]He had gotten a call from Cassandra earlier in the night inviting him to a family outing she was having. If anything, she sounded more nervous than he was. They would come in the taxi to pick him up and take him to the Sim Bowl Lanes bowling alley. While he wasnt a spectacular bowler he had his good days and bad but the idea alone was fun and it was a nice setting for a night with his girlfriends family. A little over an hour later, the taxi stopped outside, honking its horn at him. He walked out to see Cassandra standing outside of the side door, smiling her special smile at him. He happily kissed her cheek and watched her climb in before following suit.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Ryan, she began, gesturing to a small boy that was seated beside her. This is my brother, Alexander. Alexander, this is Ryan.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]How do you do, Alexander? Ryan asked, holding his hand out to the boy. Cassandra had told him the boy hated being treated like a child, especially by strangers and the young man wasnt about to ruin the chance he had. The boy took his hand, smiling a bit at the show of respect, and nodded.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]And this is my father, Mortimer.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]An elderly man turned from the passenger seat and smiled at Ryan. Abyssus, quam es vos?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Ryan smiled. Fin, he answered, reverting to his familys native tongue. Ter se?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The elder man quirked an eyebrow at him in interest. He nodded, then turned back in his chair. Ryan looked at Cassandra, who seemed to be beaming at him with a smile. The taxi headed downtown, towards the bowling alley. It was just after seven oclock, so the group decided to eat at the modest diner that was to the left of the alley. They were sat at a large table, with Cassandra and Ryan sitting on one side and Mortimer and Alexander on the other. The talk was pleasant, about Alexanders progress in his private schooling and the promotions that Ryan and Cassandra had achieved. The only time the meal was tense was when Mortimer brought up his relationship with Dina Caliente. My liefde couldnt join us tonight, he began. To the joined relief of my liberi.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Both Goth children exchanged chagrined glances. We just worry, Papa. Cassandra pointed out.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She has a reputation, Father, Alexander added. Almost as much as the boy took a glance at his sister.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The sodemeiter. Mortimer spat.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I completely agree, Ryan replied, lifting his glass for a drink.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Ryan! Cassandra chastised him.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Well its true, he shrugged. Any man who be willing to leave you is a complete sodemeiter; or in my language, a pankrt. He smiled, watching as another blush graced Cassandras face; and he was genuinely surprised to see a look of admiration on the face of her father.[/FONT]



    [FONT=&quot]She couldnt believe how well things were going. She was surprised that Ryan and her father got along so well. Alexander seemed to like him, but he could be more reserved with people he didnt truly know. But she was impressed with Ryan. When she had suggested to Don that he meet her family, he literally scoffed at her. She knew it was wrong to compare the two, but she couldnt help it. The more time she spent with Ryan, the more she compared his affections and attributes to Don. She hadnt said anything, but Don had come to see her just recently, begging forgiveness for hurting her. She had almost caved in until she realized that he had wanted only a physical relationship and really, she didnt want that. Well, she did, but she wanted more and that was something he just couldnt give.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]But Ryan wasnt like that. Though they had kissed, he had never pushed her to go any farther than she was ready for. She found herself watching him as he talked to her father. His skin was pale, the same shade as her father and brother, as opposed to Don swarthy dark looks; his hair was swept, a bit wild every bit as different as Don's slick look but it was also soft and she enjoyed letting her fingers comb through it. Don never liked when she did that, said that it mussed his hair and he would always go to a mirror to fix any stray piece that was out of place. Both men were fit, though Don carried his fitness around like a badge or a sign for the opposite sex; Ryan used it more as a health reason, though he wasnt so obsessed to rid himself of the foods he enjoyed. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The one thing that truly stood out for her was their affections, toward her and her family. Don never enjoyed coming over to the manor unless she could guarantee that her father and brother were gone for the evenings; usually he would persuade her to come to his apartment where they could be alone. He always seemed rather aloof when it came to her male family members, but she had always chalked it up to the fact that her father and brother were just watching out for her. With Ryan, it seemed there were no barriers. Her father seemed to take an immediate shine to the younger man and Ryan made sure to talk to her younger sibling as to not leave him out of conversations. Cassandra took a long drink from her soda, watching as Ryan told a joke, causing her father to laugh. Ryan certainly had a way about him and it certainly appealed to her. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]In fact, if she didnt know any better, she would guess that she was falling in love.[/FONT]


    [FONT=&quot]Several weeks passed since the outing with her family and her boyfriend and in those weeks Cassandra knew without a shadow of a doubt she was hopelessly in love with Ryan Pachekco. She just feared telling him. After her incident with her wedding, she had shied away from initiating anything with anyone, even Ryan. While she had gotten more and more comfortable in making advances towards him, something as big as telling someone you love them was scary enough, but worse when you had said it and had been rejected. She knew she obviously couldnt keep it to herself, but she was worried. She hoped wished he felt the same and sometimes she thought he did, but thinking and knowing were two different things.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]He had invited her to another club tonight, P.U.R.E, it was called, where they had a large dance floor. She always found it interesting he never really liked the fast dances, but he never missed the chance to share a slow dance with her. It was during one particular dance, as he held her close, that she let slip all she felt for him.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]In a completely different language.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Mij min u, she whispered softly, ducking her head suddenly. She hadnt meant to say that, at least not in her fathers native tongue. She remembered the strange look on Dons face when she had told him something in Simvlanian once, as though she had something growing on her forehead; she made an effort to never say anything else after that. But once again, Ryan surprised her. She felt his hand tilt her face towards his and he looked at her, a slightly confused look, but there was something else that seemed to push that away.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]What does that mean? he asked.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Her natural reaction was to again hide her face, but something seemed to be reflected in his eyes, in the small smile he was giving her that made her look him in the eye and say, It means I love you.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]His smile seemed to widen, though he asked, Do you? as though he worried that she may be misleading him.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Very much.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]He drew her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, and delivering a kiss to her cheek. Ljubim te, my anhel.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Cassandra Goth had never been happier and it showed, in everything she did. There was a vast improvement with her work and she had heard superiors talking about a promotion with a raise. She had gone out and bought more to add to her new wardrobe, even going so far as buying new sleepwear. Her relationship with Ryan was soaring and it was taking Cassandra along with it. It got better when Alexanders birthday came around and he shyly asked if Ryan would also come.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Im sure he would love to go, little brother.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Well, I mean he stammered. I meant as like a date. For you.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I didnt know this would be an escort kind of party, she smirked at him. She heard him mumbled something, before she said, I will ask and see if he would like to join us.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]There was silence before he murmured, Father made me invite Dina. I fear shell get her clutches on him.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]You know we mustnt talk about her like that, she countered, though she too worried what this might lead to. There could be a chancea slim chancebut one nonetheless that she may join our family.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I dont want her to. The boy growled and for the first time, Cassandra didnt think she had ever heard her brother so angry before.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]I know, meisje, she soothed him. But it could it happen. Papa seems so happy; do you really want him not to be? Remember how he was after Mama Even after all these years, she still couldnt bring herself to mention it. The point, Alexander, is to let Papa decide. You dont have to like it, but do not ruin this for him if it indeed makes him happy.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Of course, later that night when she went to see Ryan, she couldnt stop wondering about her father and his relationship. Hey you, said the young man as he opened the door. He gave her a kiss on the cheek as she passed, then closed the door. She gave him a small smile as she passed and began to head for his couch, when she felt herself being pulled back and led into a tight hug. Whats wrong?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Nothing, she murmured. Still, she let her arms wrap around his waist, her head resting on his shoulder.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She felt him kiss her head, saying Liar, as he snuggled against her. She pulled back enough to look at him; the concern etched in his eyes and face, as well as the affection he felt for her.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Im worried.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]My father marrying Dina Caliente, she sighed. And Im not the only one. Alex is worried too.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Its not unheard of, he stated. For children to feelresentment towards a parent getting remarried. He glanced at her. Though you dont feel thats the case. You know, you never did tell me what had happened to your mother. I had thought she hadwell, you know. Passed on.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She might as well have, Cassandra whispered. At Ryans confused look, she led him to the couch and sat down, waiting as he sat next to her.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She had never talked about her mothers disappearance to anyone, not even her best friend, Mary Sue. It was something that was personal and quite frankly, perhaps a little odd. She had tried to tell Don once, but when she had brought up her mother, he would quickly switch subjects. There had been that rumor; the one that said Bella Goth had been last seen on Dons balcony. She swallowed deeply and looked at Ryan. If there was one thing that could ruin things for them, it was this, but she had been taught to be truthful and honest.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Do you believe in the existence of aliens?[/FONT]


    Ryan believed in many things, or rather, he thought his mind was opened to learning new things and experiencing them. Even as a child, he was always questioning things, wanting to learn more about this or that. He especially liked those things that people didn't like talking about - the unknown. For that very reason, he sat and listened as his girlfriend told him how her mtoher, Bella Goth, had been abducted by aliens years earlier and how the Goths hadn't heard from her since.

    Now it began to make sense to him; Cassandra and Alexander weren't just worried for their father, they were upset with the fact he seemed not to think their mother still alive. And while alien abductions had been written off as cracks or nut jobs, Ryan thought some of those people held some truth. Not many, but a small number he thought. It didn't remove from him the thoughts that there were things beyond the world they knew.

    When she had finished, Cassandra just continued to stare at the carpeted floor. She had never told anyone that story and the fact that Ryan had let her talk without interruption made her worry. He probably thinks I'm crazy, she thought, dispondedly. Well, it was good while it lasted.


    "You don't have to say anything," she interrupted, wiping some of the tears that had fallen. "I know it's a crazy story, but it's what happened and it's the truth." She stood up, turning away him, unable to see the puzzled look on his face. "I do love you, Ryan and I'm sorry that...well, just know that I've enjoyed our time together and I hope that you'll find someone who will love you as much as I do."

    "What're you talking about?" Ryan asked, immediately standing and going over to her. "Where're you going?"

    "I'm leaving."


    Cassandra turned to look at him, her face scrunched up in confusion. "Don't you want me to leave?"

    Ryan shook his head, a grin appearing on his face as he gathered her in his arms. "Why would I want you to leave?" he asked, holding her close to him. "Especially when I hardly see you as is."

    The young Goth woman was shocked. "Don't...don't you think it's odd?" she stammered. "My story, I mean. You're don't think..."

    "Come here," he said, pulling her even closer. "Repeat after me - I, Cassandra Goth..."

    "I, Cassandra Goth..."

    "Will have the utmost confidence that one Ryan Pachekco,"

    "Will have the utmost confidence that one Ryan Pachekco..."

    "Will take anything she tells him as fact, no matter how odd or unbelievable she may think it is."

    "Ryan," she whispered, blushing.

    "Go on."

    "Will take anything I tell him as fact, no matter how odd, unbelievable, or crazy it may seem to anyone else in the world."

    "He will believe me..."

    "He will believe me..."

    "Because he is completely and utterly in love with me."

    "Because he is completely and utterly in love with me," she repeated. "And I with him."

    "You're still repeating," he grinned. "I'm not done yet."


    "I refuse to let Don what's his name bring me down,"

    She giggled, but dolefully repeated, though she did add in Don's real last name.

    "Because he was a complete - " Ryan couldn't think of a better word than what he used. "- For leaving me. However, I'm much better for it." Again, Cassandra repeated after him, though using a more tactful word to describe her ex. "Because Ryan Pachekco is a great man."

    "Ryan Pachekco is a wonderful man."

    "And he's dead sexy," he said with a wink.

    "And he's very sexy."

    "And I can't wait to have my wicked way with him."

    "Ryan!" she exclaimed, though it came out a squel due to her giggling. "That goes without saying," she added, another blush creeping to her face.

    "Oh?" he asked, wagging his eyebrows at her. "And what delicious thoughts go on in the mind of the brilliant Cassandra Goth?"

    Though she was still blushing, the young woman had taken her boyfriend's words to heart. She had told a rather painful story, despite its oddness and he had believed her and didn't even think she was crazy for believing it. She had never truly felt this way for anyone; not even Don, she realized. Don had never made her feel so...sure of herself, so supported. She had only felt that way with her family, never Don. But Ryan...Ryan made her feel all sorts of wonderful things. He asked about her job and her work; listened if she made some compliant and never judged.

    She now knew the feeling that would come over at the most oddest moments, though all connected with Ryan. She was head over heels and whenever she was with him, she felt loved in return. The feeling wouldn't come over gradually, but hard and fast, sometimes scarying her; but looking in his eyes and listening to his words, she finally put a name with the feeling.


    She desired Ryan in a way she never had with Don. Anything physical was started by Don and she was always reluctant to go along; but with Ryan...with Ryan she didn't feel those barriers. Ryan never pushed, though she could see the looks of lust that entered his eyes when they were together. If she was going to shed the life she had nearly given to Don, she needed to be bold where it came to Ryan.

    "Care for a preview?" she asked, her voice husky. She could see it had it's desired effect on Ryan - his face only showing a bit of surprise before she saw his eyes darken at her suggestion. She heard him growl her name before his lips were on hers. She had never made out, per se, with Don - she was always putting the brakes with them - but she in Ryan's arms, beautiful, desired. Her dreams were never as good as the real thing.

    And she wanted the real thing.

    She was wanting, and she was so close to begging him to take her to bed, when her ears began ringing. No...not her ears....his phone. She heard him groan in frustration, giving her ear a kiss before letting go and answering the persistant ringing. She again took her seat on the couch, her face flushed and her whole body tingling. She looked over at Ryan, who looked even more handsome and sexy with his skin flushed as well. She turned her head towards the TV, realizing she had to be looking at him like he was a piece of meat.

    Grabbing the remote, she turned on the television, selecting the Sim News. Moments later, Ryan sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to him.

    "Your dad says hi."

    That's it for today! I might get something else out tomorrow!
  12. Agent_662001

    Agent_662001 Agent 66 of Control

    so very sorry!!

    Promise you won't kill me!

    I really am sorry that I let this little interlude just kinda....die...but I wasn't sure if anyone was truly reading it or not.

    However, there have been developments in this little story, so I again ask if anyone is interested. In that, I want to ask if you all prefer the story method or the summary method. The story method is as it is seen here; however, it has been a while since these events have taken place, though I wrote down some for these posts.

    The summary method just gives you a summary - obviously - of what has happened. Again, there have been new developments, along with new family members, so I'm not sure if you - or myself for that matter - want to sit through the story mode. Again, this is why I'm asking.

    So let me know!

    Agent 66
  13. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    I'm interested!

    Your writing style is intriguing and I always love to hear what creative stories other people can come up with. Keep writing!

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