Which Sim don't you like?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by simgurl84, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    Which Sim don't you like?

    Just curious, you know how some sims are built into the game? Like the Goths the Dreamers, the Brokes, the Calientes...you get the picture. Which sim do you like the least? I mean are there any townies that you try to avoid making friends with? I cannot stand Sandy Bruty! She is almost impossible to stay friends with. She seems to always have an attitude. Anyone else experience townies with poor temperments?
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I avoid all the Maxis made sims like the plague. I am utterly fair. All NPC's and premade sims are useless, lazy bums to be dealt with only in extremis. For example whenever I hire a nanny (because I want my working sims to get their promotions) I always make sure to block access to the fridge and then wait for her to pick up the baby before blocking her into the nursery. The baby won't starve and she generally gets the message after a few hours and changes the diaper ... usually right around the time one of the parents gets home from work in time to fire the sorry excuse for a child carer. :(
  3. sailorchiiavalon

    sailorchiiavalon Addicted to Sims 2!

    Brandi LeTourneau annoys me because one of my sims fell in love with her love and she got mad for no reason!

    It also seems she loves everyone.
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I hate Marisa whats-her-name. The blonde. She's really vengeful, and often stalks my sims after only a date or two. She also won't get out of the driveway, which irritates me no end.

    I don't date her anymore, LOL.

    In general I don't like lazy NPCs. I don't like them standing around like bored gorillas.
  5. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    I don't like Kennedy, aka Blonde with Big Pointy Nose and Bad Taste. He's always in the way, starting fights in my peacuful neighbourhood. It would be ok if he was in a different neighbourhood, the town bully or something, but yeah... Oh well.

    I have a question for Frumpy/Person123 or anyone else who knows. In your Chapter 4 Legacy, you mentioned an Uglacy? Everyone else is probably whispering "Oh my gosh, she doesn't know what an Uglacy is!?"
  6. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Never NEVER make friends with Marcia Bruenig...She will call you ALL THE TIME! She simply can NOT take a hint!!! If you see her on a community lot, RUN AWAY! And Heaven help you if your sim-child brings her home after school!!!
  7. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Oooh, I forgot about annoying Marsha. I'm happy to say no one in Porta de Luca is a Marsha victim, due to my careful vigilance.

    When Jack Sawyer was still single and living alone he often got asked out on outings. She was part of his standard "group." I mean, hello, doesn't the kid have a bedtime?

    I made a point of ignoring her. He refused to talk to her and I cancelled all interactions she was about to start.

    In my neighborhoods Kennedy Cox is dark-haired, but you're right, he's a big pain, and a meanie to boot. Benjamin Long is a social leper who doesn't even ask before coming in and using your stuff. I hate 'em both.

    Actually, I can't say there's a single original game townie that I like all that much.
  8. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    I generally avoid the townies too. I particularly don't like Kennedy Cox as he just can't seem to hold a positive conversation. I dislike Komei too, as he always seems to be in a bad mood, and kicks over the trashcan. Marsh Bruenig phones all the time if I ever let my sim kids make friends with her, so she too is on the list to be avoided.

    I never play the Maxis-made families, and never marry the townies. Everything in my game is custom made - the neighbourhood, the sims and the furniture/clothing etc.

  9. suziesim

    suziesim First Year

    which sim don't you like

    poor brandi broke is just looking for love - she's had a rough life!
    I avoid Kennedy like the plague that he is & marcia too. But my #1 pain in the behind is Mallory Mace. She was a teen in my Veronaville & she's mean, she's ugly & she won't go away.
    I have since sent her to Univ, turned her into a blackmailer & have a very untimely demise in store for her!
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    One word: Cowplant :)
  11. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I dont like that Brandon sim that wears that kilt or skirt or whatever it is called.
  12. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    1. Marisa Bendett ended up marrying Don Lothario in my game. They seem to be somewhat made for each other, but Don's nicer. ;)

    2. Chloe and Lola are in love with Komei Tellerman. Ouch. :eek:

    3. Yuffie married Joe Carr, they seem to do alright.

    4. Kid townies in general bug me because they have the Peter Pan complex. :rolleyes:

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