Which Sims are easiest to Please?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by simgurl84, Jun 17, 2006.


Which Type of Sims is easiest to please?

  1. Wealth

    2 vote(s)
  2. Knowledge

    8 vote(s)
  3. Family

    6 vote(s)
  4. Romance

    3 vote(s)
  5. Populartiy

    0 vote(s)
  1. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    Which Sims are easiest to Please?

    Which types of sims do you think are easiest to please?
  2. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    I always made my sims Family sims as they were (and still are) sim-baby makers hehehe, but with OFB I decided to try the Fortune aspiration and it's soooo easy to please them lol. They are making money anyway by going to work, or running a business, so it's easy to fulfil the 'go to work' or 'make xxxxx simoleans' Wants everyday. :)
  3. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Romance sims. Put two together in a house and have them fall in love, and as long as they don't catch each other cheating it's very easy to rack up the happy points. Spike and London, my married romance vampires, are so happy together they're both constantly maxxing out their aspiration points. I have to buy them stuff they don't need so their meters will turn over.

    However, all sims are easy to please if you have NL and they have someone to date. If they are in the green or lower just send them on a date with their sweetie and keep at it until they're in the platinum.

    I always send them on a date just before a birthday, if I can manage it.
  4. dark_raider101

    dark_raider101 New Member

    Yes. My sim is romance. They r easy to please. I once got caught cheating but she became friends with the guy again
  5. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I have always felt like romance sims were the hardest to please. Dont they always want to have three loves at once and fear being engaged? I make most of my sims family sims because give them a spouse and a few kids and they are good to go!
  6. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    Knowledge for me. Getting promotions and skilling up seems to make them happy enough. I guess that'd be the same for Fortune as well. :rolleyes:
  7. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Family sims are the easiest for me to keep happy. Just get them married and keep them pregnant and you'll have no problem. :D

  8. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I have to say that Romance are the easiest...even if they get married. They always have a want to flirt, make-out, or whoo-hoo with their spouse. Very easy to keep them happy after that first initial shock of getting married. You don't have to make a romance sim cheat all the time, or even at all. Heck, I'm a romantic person, and I love flirting and kissing with my man, but I'd never think of cheating! Of course I'm really more of a family sim anyway.
  9. Kimblee

    Kimblee Hyperactive Goddess

    I think family sims are easy.... then again, I often don't give a crap how happy my sims are, as long as they take good care of their kids, and make lots of them...

    I love simmie kiddos.
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    My experience has been the opposite. My family sims are hard to please because all of their wants revolve around other people, and are piddly amount things like "encourage kid to be a certain way" or "beat someone at chess." These are time consuming, low point items and the person they want to interact with is usually at school, asleep, whatever.

    No way am I going to give them a kid every time they get a whim for one.

    Woohoo is the biggest pointmaker. Most of my sims want it some of the time, but with romance sims it's a daily thing. Once they get over the married thing (and you don't have to marry them off, I just like to ... ) they're happy as clams. Yes, they want to "make out with five sims" or "have woohoo with three sims" or whatever, but they also quite commonly get desires to just have woohoo, sometimes even specifically with their spouse. :rolleyes:

    And hey, if they have simultaneous wants for public woohoo/woohoo in bed/woohoo in car and just plain ol' woohoo, there's 7000 points right there.
    Instant platinum.

    Like I said, it's a rare day--or rather, night--that Spike and London are even in the gold, let alone anything lower, and it's all due to love. Awwww ...

    The hardest to keep happy, IMHO, are pleasure sims, because most of their wants are tiny little point items and you have to spend a lot of time having them jump on couch, watch TV, then jump up and blow bubbles, and so on.

    I just send 'em on a date. :p

    I've had exactly three pleasure sims. One's dead, one's romance now, and one's an elder. That's it for this girl. I didn't mind it so much with Lola Phoenix, it suited her, but Jordan's driving me nuts. I consider changing her to Popularity every time I play her.

    In fact, next time I just may do that.

    And to go off on a further tangent, I've finally decided that Popularity sims are the most "realistic." They don't always have easy wants to fulfill, but sometimes just meeting someone new makes them happy. They want to get married and have kids but don't want them in insane numbers. They like woohoo but don't necessarily want to cheat. They skill willingly but aren't slaves to it, like nice expensive things but not all the time ... and they even get wants to occasionally bounce on a couch. In short, they're a nice balance of all the other aspirations.

    I've got a lot of Popularity sims right now, in case you haven't guessed. :p
  11. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I think that no one has said popularity because it is darn hard to keep all of those friends!
  12. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    I don't have any romance sims, because my neighbourhoods are boring. I have to remind myself that romance sims aren't evil... Just interesting. I think of what each sim's personality should be like, and give them an aspiration of the same accord. So, what would a romance sim's personality be like? Hmmm...

    Of course, Spike and London aren't evil... ;)
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I think you just need to get into a different mindset. For example, my sim Hunter is a romance sim and she's not evil. She's not particularly nice, but (in my mind, anyway) she doesn't have several lovers out of spite, she has them because she can. :p

    My favorite was Xena. Remember the ice cream analogy? Of course, she did end up with Porter Kane eventually, but hey, if I had Porter Kane I don't think I'd cheat either.

    And Spike and London resent what you're implying. :D They are too evil. Stamp foot.

    (Actually, I agree with you. What they are are hopeless romantics, which is another way to go with the romance sim thing.)
  14. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    Very true, they don't have to cheat on everyone if you don't want them to, they can have fun with one person. I forgot about that. Now I want some cute romantic sims!

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