running Vista?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by neelix, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. neelix

    neelix New Member

    running Vista?

    I was wondering do any of you play the sims 2 using windows vista and how does it run?

    Here SimPE always crashes and the Sims runs more slowly, but other than that it runs fine...
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Vista is not yet in general release. I'm sure that the game manufacturers have been working with pre-release copies of it so that the games will be compatible when it does come out. As to any of us using it, if they do they probably can't yet talk about it. (Generally pre-release use of a program like that is limited by "non-disclosure" agreements.)
  3. neelix

    neelix New Member

    True, it is still beta and as such not optimized for speed yet. Combined with the fact the drivers are beta as well it is no wonder it isn't fast yet. Though i didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement. It is a public beta after all.
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    SimsPE is probably not running at all because it's programming is third party and they don't test for cross compatibility.

    As for Sims 2 itself it is most likely several factors, mainly Sims 2 isn't optimized for Vista yet (probably a patch is being worked on atm), and majority of drivers needed to use on Sims 2 hasn't been written to interface with DirectX 10
  6. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Early next month I should have Vista running (on a second hard drive, I'm not stupid :p) and will see if there's any noticeable performance issues.
  7. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    I've needed a second hard drive for quite some time now, and may just get another one now so I can run Vista on it.
  8. nectere

    nectere New Member

    Isnt Vista 64 bit?

    Anyway I know there is SIMPE QA version that will be coming out shortly (or its already in testing - I forget) that will utilize net framework 2.0 which I think if I recall correctly is what Vista runs on doesnt it?

    So unless you are running the simpe qa I am not suprised that that simpe would be running poorly at this time, but I know they are gearing up for it. I am sure there will likely be a new EP or patch to upgrade Sims to utilize and be compatible with net framework 2.0 or something when the appropriate time comes.
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Vista will be available in 32bit and 64bit editions.

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