Finally getting it!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by dark_raider101, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. dark_raider101

    dark_raider101 New Member

    Finally getting it!

    I have recently bought Sims 2 University and Sims 2 Open For Buissness. They are going to be mailed out to me. Sims 2 University should be here by tomorrow. I was just wondering what are some new objects. Could anyone post pics? What new options do u have?
  2. simgurl84

    simgurl84 New Member

    I dont have Open For Business, but I can tell you about University. Your sims can go to college (obvious) and if they graduate than that opens up new career possibilities for them I only graduated a sim from college once because in my opinion it takes far to long for them to graduate. They have four years of college and each year has two semesters. Each semester has three days. I got very bored while my sims were in college. All they did was go to college, do homework, and write term papers. If you are patient, it may prove to be great fun. I got the game last summer and have not visited a university since about October.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I think that many were puzzled (or put off) by the 24 sim-day length of the university time-scale. The period is at odds with the other age ranges and the problem seems to be that too much effort was made to mirror real life (US style) with four academic years each of two semsters.

    I would've preferred a 3 "year" degree course; each year being 4 days (perhaps with a flunk warning grade assessment halfway thru). After getting the baccalaureate graduates should have been able to sign up for masters degrees and doctorates (each with extra career options).

    Meanwhile ... over at MATY there are a number of reliable hacks and mods that can safely speed up the college process from Pescado's college timer (allows you bring forward final exam time and a host of other items of goodness) to macrotastic hacks that make studying less of a chore (for the player ... the sims study till they drop :p ).
  4. nectere

    nectere New Member

    I can generally graduate a sim in about 6 sim days using college rampage and the final exam clock. Thats if I am just intent on getting in and out, or one of my sims have hooked up with a generic uni sim and I have to get them from freshman to senior because my sim(s) is a senior already....

    Be sure to have flamingos and an expresso machine on premise for the macrotastics college rampage portion. (and a computer for term papers) It also helps when you do this with other students around as one of the actions for college rampage is to do group research, the more you have in your research group the faster you gain on your semester progress bar. Once the progress bar is full (or at the very least in the white and above the half way marker) you are safe to use the college clock (looks like the grandfather clock but found in misc/misc) to take the final exam which will make it due within one hour or on the if you choose to take final now at 4:58, at 5:00 you will need to go to exam. I also use the phone hack to simply chat up the professors, which I can get full bar from doing that and nothing else. (except going to class once to meet them)

    And yes College Rampage and the College Clock have saved my sanity. Plus its nice if you actually want to play around at college to get all the progress done and out of the way first, then you have the rest of the semester to goof off if you want, or earn money. (earning money is uber important in my game since I use no20khandout, so my sims only have what they earned and nothing more)
  5. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I should get that. My daughter plays the game too, but she uses money cheats like crazy anyway, so it wouldn't affect her.

    I assume you can still use kaching and motherlode with the no20k hack.

    Might make the game more challenging!
  6. nectere

    nectere New Member

    Oh absolutely, you can still motherlode, send funds via various mods (MO, computer etc), add family funds cheat with OFB. All the no20khandout does it not give you a magic 20k, ever. In fact if you move in with someone and then move out, you only take what you moved in and earned back out with you. Very interesting at college when are sharing housing etc with other mates, each time one leaves they take a portion of the funds - "their share" if you will. So by the time its your sims turn to leave he gets the remainder (if the last one out) or his/her portion that he/she actually earned. Likewise if you move in a rich townie and then move them out, they take their money with them.

    I really like it myself, it took a while to get used to though. He also has private school bills (200 a day per child I think it is) and more expensive NPCs mods to make all the economics a little more realistic. However I do not use those, I used the private school one but when I totally forgot about it and when my kids got dropped from private school because *gasp* I was broke...I got mad and took it out. Someday I will put it back in, but I had really just gotten good and used to no20k so it was quite a shocker when I got the notice they had been dropped.

    *actually there is one instance where a sim gets the free 20K and that is a freshly created CAS sim (not uni).

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