Getting Sims 2 and Uni at the same time and a question..

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Simon-Grey, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    Getting Sims 2 and Uni at the same time and a question..

    Im getting TS2 and Uni at the same time, and i know that there are patches out for both of them. Should I install TS2, then patch it, then install Uni, and patch that? Or should I just install both and patch only uni? install both and patch both? I dont know what I should as far as patching goes..

    PS: Does anyone know how to get out of READ ONLY mode in TS2 official forums? I cant post or post replies and i have logged in and everything, it says "User is in Read Only Mode" and i have no idea how to get out of it, i just want to post a topic there because they are a bit more busy and such.
  2. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Well I'm not entirely sure about the forums, but I can answer your patch question. If I'm not mistaken, what you are supposed to do is install both, then patch TSU.

    Hope that helps,
  3. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    Thanks...i kinda figured that, but with how buggy many EA games are especially The Sims, i wasnt entirely sure
  4. Cabinet

    Cabinet Trust Me

    What's your name on the site?

    I'll see if I can find you.
  5. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    CarbonatedPickle :p
  6. Cabinet

    Cabinet Trust Me

    LOL What a name and Sim avatar.....

    Okay, I found you, but when I looked at your Sim Page, there were no games listed. Maybe after you install the game, you'll be able to post.

    It's possible only members with registered games can use the forum. :)
  7. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    Hahaha thanks, and i guess thats EA for ya or something, because one would think that before you have the game, you might want to POST something on the forums and question other poeple about things....i guess not
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I hate to muddy the water by disagreeing with John ... but I would patch TS2 with the latest patch before installing University. When an expansion pack installs it will seek to update the game for you. Each expansion pack disc ships with the latest patch that was available when the disc was made ... it's likely that it will be well out of date :rolleyes: If you apply a downloaded patch before installing Uni you will force the installer to abandon the update exercise which is otherwise slow and clunky. You'll need to then apply the patch for University ... though that can wait until you've played a bit. There are very few University bugs that are likely to give you big problems from the get go.
  9. Simon-Grey

    Simon-Grey New Member

    Alright, but what exactly do you mean by the discs being out of date? I am getting TS2 then im buying Uni with it, its not like a packaged deal or something, unless i misunderstood what your are saying that is.

    EDIT: Nevermind, i just read it wrong, yeah sounds like ill just patch TS2, then install Uni, and i mine as well just patch that too while im at it, get everything done at one time
  10. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    My recommendation would be to Install The Sims 2, Install University, and then install the Sims 2 University Patch. This will ensure minimal conflict of files during the install/updating process
  11. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Well... either way will work. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. :)

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