
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by nattiboy13, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. nattiboy13

    nattiboy13 New Member


    wat is wrong with my sim? i just created a house for him and he will not enter it.... he peed all over the front porch! nothing is blockin the front door, and i even switched the door in different directions so theres no reason for him to not enter! a thought bubble pops up with footsteps and then he complains aboot sumthing!
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Please refrain from using profanity.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    You might well have a roof problem ... have you got a porch roof?
  4. nattiboy13

    nattiboy13 New Member

    im sorry for the "profanity" but i fixed my problem... i just deleted the house and started over... it ended up costing me 2000 simoleons, but i am much better off now.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    LOL That's OK. Try to remember that some of us are a bit sniffy about stuff like that. World Sims caters for the whole world of Sims players. We've got mums and dads and grannies and little kids who come here for the fun as well as for help and advice.

    I give you permission to cheat yourself the lost 2000 simoleons. :D
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    also if you delete items one at a time you get some simoleans back... I'm pretty sure.
  7. nattiboy13

    nattiboy13 New Member

    its quite alright aboot the simoleons... i started a business from home and ended up selling it for about 75000, had a baby and built a nice new house and currently have 2 community business. so the 2000 is not an affect now :)
  8. nattiboy13

    nattiboy13 New Member

    also, (im sorry for postin twice, but i figured i would stay on topic) whenever i have a ticket machine, it seems like i only have about 3 or 4 customers at a time... is there anything i can do to get more customers? should i add another or would that be a waste?
  9. djrules5454

    djrules5454 Wiivolutionary

    You have to make the community lot worth the while of the customers that visit, otherwise they will not enter the lot.

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